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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Yeah, Wylie and Brown could be replaced by guys who are better. We are not as far apart as you think. The reasons and the degree of dissatisfaction and unhappiness is where we disagree. We are 6-2, Andy is still the best coach, Mahomes is still the best QB, and we will no doubt be in the playoffs. I think it will likely end there because our young guys do not yet have the experience and knowledge. There are Super Bowls in the future. Cheer up.
  2. Every team that wants to beat the Chiefs has to apply tremendous pressure to Mahomes and make him run for his life. It is the only strategy an opposing defense can hope will work. That is why the line has had to learn protection to such a degree, at the expense of run blocking development. Mahomes is the franchise, and he MUST be protected. Getting to him enough to sack him only 4 times on 68 drop backs shows how committed to protecting him they were. The protection also was made difficult by exceptional coverage by the defensive backs, much more than the Titans are known for. They deserve some credit for that. There were times Mahomes had a ton of time and had to throw it away, because everyone was blanketed. I saw him hold it more than 3 seconds very often, and at least once more than 4-5 seconds. Running backs and tight ends were spending half their snaps trying to stop blitzers. The Titans are a very, very strong defense, especially up front. To not be impressed by the protection and focus only on the inevitable mistakes or breakdowns in protection is plain wrong IMO.
  3. My sense of humor was on "tilt" last night. Must have been that headache. Didn't sound like you. But others on the same thread were off on kind of that tangent. I've been wanting us to run more for the last year, ever since we got that new o-line, and that it would help the passing game. But some of the comments were really excessive, especially since the Titans are probably the top defense against the run in the NFL, even before Sunday night.
  4. I can't believe what I am reading. My jaw is dragging on the floor. It is hard to imagine the thinking that goes into comments like I am reading here. What on earth are you smoking?
  5. Getting sacked 4 times when they knew he was going to pass every play for a total of 68 times, or whatever it was, is pretty damned good actually. To protect him enough to do that 68 times with only 4 sacks was a hell of a performance. Only an O-line completely keyed in on protection could have done that, and that is exactly why they couldn't run block. You seem to be asking too much.
  6. 100%. No one else could have done that. Period. End of story.
  7. I think it is more the fact that they are there to protect our greatest asset, Mahomes, and allow him to pass without getting killed. They just spend little practice time on pass blocking.
  8. They will remember that and everything else. This is truly the golden age for the Kingdom.
  9. I saw CEH cross the goal line and thought it was him getting the 2 point conversion, so I missed that completely. It must have been a fake handoff, and it sure fooled me. I thought that it was CEH who scored.
  10. He must be a spider. He has eight eyes, and two of them are on the back of his head.
  11. I'll go with that. He did it with his arm, heart, brain, and legs (he was the only one on the whole team who had legs). We really had no business winning that game, but Mahomes at the end didn't give a shit about that. Have to give the Titans (and refs) credit, though. And Simmons really IS a beast. Trying to get that two point conversion three times was insane. I have to give some credit to CEH for clawing his way through that line after failing all night long. We do have a very "gritty" team (and sometimes "grimey," too}. Also, where were the refs when our receivers were getting mauled?
  12. I agree with that, except Andy will still want to see with his own eyes how he does with a few reps before designing him into any specific role or type of play.
  13. If our record in the past against them does not give us enough motivation, our bye week with refreshed bodies does not give us enough strength and stamina along the lines, our coach does not provide adequate strategy and game planning, and our playmakers and QB do not give us enough firepower and experience on offense, then we deserve to lose. I think Simmons and his big mouth are just whistling in the dark. He is facing a bigger, more experienced (by one year), and much better rested group of O-linemen.
  14. I doubt youi are going to see him get enough opportunities to draw any conclusions. Too early for that. 2-3 opportunities at most, if past Andy Reid decisions are any guide.
  15. I agree. I'll take the home town advantage and Andy's history after a bye week as the clinchers on that argument. Also, I have to take our kickers, Butker and Townsend as huge pluses for KC. We can flip the field when necessary and cash in when we get even somewhat close on offense. The Titans don't have kickers like that. That allows Mahomes to take more chances on splash plays.
  16. I'll bet Tennessee fans are worried about this game. They should be. Also, Tannehill apparently didn't practice yesterday.
  17. I was talking about the game in general, not Henry. But you are right. This thread is about Henry. No, they did not manhandle our D-line. We stopped Henry pretty well.
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