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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. If they really manhandled our O-line, it seems that Henry would have gotten more yards than he did. What was it, about 85 yards or something like that? Shows we need to worry about the pass, too. I think we will win, though, especially at home. I'd really like to make a statement and clean their clock.
  2. Yeah, I just read that. By emotional problems, I was referring to past absences and illnesses. I was happy to hear he is ready.
  3. My understanding is that he has mental/emotional issues. What they mean by "limited" is anyone's guess. Whatever it is, it does not bode well.
  4. If a player complains of a lot of pain when they do certain movements or exercizes, how the hell are the medical staff and trainers going to tell if he is exaggerating or not for some personal reasons? When someone tells you they have a terrible headache, do you have some ability to feel if they really do or not? Of course not. If Eric Berry complained for a year, they had no choice in the matter. They weren't strung along or fooled. They were obligated to act in the way they did. If Berry was stringing them along, shame on him and not on anyone else.
  5. Ya know, I think there is too much fear and too many premature conclusions about people who have had surgically repaired joint injuries. Not only has the technology continually improved, but these are like bionic knees. They are often stronger than the original, even this repaired patellar tendon. It just takes awhile for a player to gain confidence, because the residual soreness tells their brain that they have to be careful. But the tensile stength of these repairs is easily measured. They wouldn't activate him if it weren't safe. Same thing with ACL's. Not sure about Achilles injuries. Depends on a player's age.
  6. I am not a Chenal fan at this point. Not yet. We will do better with Harris.
  7. If Tannehill still is moving gingerly on his sprained ankle, they are a one-dimensional team, but we saw last week what they can do with that one dimension! I think their collective memory of beating us so much in recent years may be our best ally, as dhitter said. Henry is going to get his yards, and the Titans are going to get two or three touchdowns against us and a field goal or two, but we can score at least 4 times against them. The biggest thing is not making stupid turnovers and penalties. If we turn the ball over twice, we will probably lose. When we are stopped, merely use Townsend to flip the field. Our time of possession will not be what it has been, but we should not try to get too fancy to score more quickly. We just need patience and work down the field methodically. I agree with the comment about getting a two score lead to make them pass more than they would like.
  8. That would be just the right guy to help with Henry. I wish he had gotten some playing time this season.
  9. This guy ran for 219 yards this week. Are we equipped to deal with him? Glad we have Bolton. What can we limit Henry to? One thing is certain: He is going to chew up a lot of clock. We sure will not have the possession time to score a shitload of points like we did against SF. Tennessee is 5-2 just like us. The bye isn't always a big advantage other than healing from injuries. Thoughts?
  10. Mahomes has only about 10 more years, if he's healthy. If we want more championships with him, we need a top FA blind side protector, not a draftee who will take 3-5 years to develop at the NFL level. Remember how long it took Eric Fisher? 4 years? We have to protect Mahomes with a guy who has already spent the time to be great. A top FA left tackle is a must. He has to be good right away. JMO.
  11. Veach is way ahead of you. This punk will be a bust, and Veach will trade him for 3 seventh round choices, all of which will become all-pro's. You're the one who is not giving Veach enough credit.
  12. High upside, low risk, low price. Failure is not a big loss if that happens. If he stays a punk, we could trade him to a retail fireworks company.
  13. The teams we have played have had at least as many key injuries as us, so that factor is a wash. A very big factor in what happens in the second half, as always, is who has the most key injuries. In many ways, this game is a matter of "it's better to be lucky than good." Actually, "it is just as important to be lucky as good." Depth is the key to everything.
  14. I figured they would be 4-3 or 3-4 at this point due to the brutal difficulty of the schedule and the number of rookies. I am very happy they are 5-2. Asking for 7-0 is just too greedy for the reality of the situation. The schedule eases up now and becomes more normal, and this current team is now battle tested.
  15. At our age, we always say the same thing. It makes no matter what the subject is.
  16. It's taken time for the Chiefs to finally figure out what Hardman can and can't do. He's fast but not a real route runner. He gives up on plays when he concludes that he is not the target, which infuriates Mahomes. He is a decent kick returner. He helps keep defenses honest with his speed and has been mostly a decoy to create a little extra room for the other receivers. Mahomes has occasionally exploited that and actually sent some good plays his way at certain points during the game, when the secondary starts cheating up. His main value is as a field stretcher and as a fine runner in screens and end-arounds. If he is willing to be paid for only his roles that he is good at, then great. Otherwise, he is not worth his anticipated next contract. BTW, his hands are not good when a laser is sent his way in a tight window in the short to intermediate range. That puts him in a unfavorable position with Mahomes. I know he had a good game on Sunday. As long as he is used that way, he is an asset. His assets were a good matchup against the 49ers. Credit Reid for that solution.
  17. My God, how do you remember that? I try to let things like that go.
  18. I don't think Wylie was ever looked at as the answer, just a good depth guy for guard and sometimes tackle. He is someone we need to keep on the team. We just need him to get him some regular chipping help from RB's when he is up against really good rushers. Yes, I'd like to see what we have in the Prince when he develops to that point.
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