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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. A guy like that is a continuous liability. When you build a team, the risk that a key guy could get suspended at any time makes it awfully difficult to plan.
  2. I can't get a link. My wife read it to me when she was reading news online. I was sitting across from her. I questioned it and said the incident was old but she swore it was something new. It could have been a bad source, because I couldn't find it. There was detail in the report that was pretty bad. The ex girlfriend begged him to go away, be ause it had taken hours to get him to go to sleep. Gay had literally broken in twice and the baby was on oxygen the and used a home ventilator. He pushed her, and the baby almost fell to the floor. I don't know OT. It could have been exaggerated by the girlfriend, but he broke in twice and threatened her. He damaged more than the vacuum that was thrown. I remember the episode with Hunt was played down until they recovered the surveillance camera in the elevator. Once that happened quite some time later, the Chiefs cut Hunt immediately. The description my wife read to me sounds like an accelerating pattern of domestic abuse, though there was no beating that took place. I hope this is wrong.
  3. I'm changing my opinion based on new information that I read about tonight. Gay is a bad kid who is not going to grow out of this.. He violently jeopardized the life of his prematurely born son who was on a ventilator. Pushed his girlfriend, the mother, almost knocking the infant on the ventilator to the floor out of his mothers' grasp, broke into her apartment twice before the cops could arrive, who she called because she was terrified, threw the infamous vacuum cleaner through the door, and threatened her in a very serious way, rather than having married her and become a decent father to the baby. If true, and I think that it may be, Gay is a bad guy. As bad as Kareem Hunt was to that woman in the elevator, and possibly more dangerous. I think that, knowing the Chiefs organization, they may soon bite the bullet and sever relationships with him, like they did with Hunt. From a 50 year Chiefs fan's perspective, I would applaud and support that, and I trust they will, if even a part of this is true. From a fan's standpoint for this season, I just hope they have a decent replacement ready to step in. At this point, I regret making light of it with a flurry of bad puns about vacuum cleaners.
  4. There's that word again "woke," again treated like an epithet. Being awake is a good thing. It means your brain is working. It means being aware. I sure hope as a pilot, you were "woke." Apparently you were, which is why you are still here. I'm glad about that.
  5. It will always be a part of the scene in the NFL. It is a game that selects for aggressive young males, is hazardous to play requiring some degree of craziness and carelessness, and pays very young guys way too much which gives them a sense of superiority and entitlement. As fans, we love to see it and experience it, but these guys are still kids and human beings. All humans are flawed.
  6. I hugely doubt it. But it is always a good thing to consider.
  7. Chiefs are going to have to pick it up now. That's for sure.
  8. The NFL is making these decisions in a vacuum. Maybe we can just sweep the next 4 games anyway.
  9. Gay's suspension really worries me. Came out of the blue. Too much for damaging a vacuum cleaner. Maybe it was a top-end Roomba. That would be a different matter. Seriously, we'd better have someone ready for the long term. Gay has a few mental issues, and something like this can happen at any time. Can't afford too much drop off in speed in the linebacker unit. Leaving us vulnerable on the edge kind of messes up the whole Spagnuolo plan for the secondary.
  10. I hate that, too. If he gets up there, Pacheco might be more effective, but the passing game would suffer.
  11. "I've never had a humble opinion in my life. If you're going to have an opinion, why be humble about it"? - Joan Baez
  12. You're right. Not all of the choices were this year, though. We get two picks next season. We might trade those choices to move up for somebody. Chenal may have started a game, but I don't think we can call him THE starter yet. Anyway, it was a great haul, and much of the value will be in the way we will be able to afford to KEEP some key guys because of the money saved. Guys like Jones and Brown that otherwise may have been lost. It sets us up for great success and depth.
  13. But what about Blackledge? I guess I deserve my current administrator-assigned category.
  14. I agree with the first part. The Chargers are a great team with a great D-line and LB's. Both were playing a short week. I trust that the coaching staff will study the hell out of it and be ready to struggle with them again in week 10 or whatever it is. They may even meet a third time in the playoffs. I'm not worried about our running game. The one thing we know is that we have to beat them again, either the 2nd time or the 3rd time. The teams are equally good. The score in the first game pretty much shows how good both teams are right now.
  15. The Tyreek Hill trade was actually totally necessary. Five picks by Veach. Knowing Veach, at least 3 of them will end up starters before their first contract is up. The cap space alone will let us re-sign some key players to a new contract. It's what good teams do. That and structuring contracts so that they can be re-structured when necessary.
  16. Their style worked for them decades ago, and involved picking players who were thugs, consiglieres, and Alcatraz inmates. That was before the league fined players for purposely trying to injure other players. Ah, those were the days.
  17. I don't think most folks got the joke. They are too young. The song by Ringo Starr 50 years ago, "Sixteen, She's Beautiful, and She's Mine." The big joke at the time was that he was singing about statutory rape, since he was in his twenties at least.
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