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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. When you are king of the hill, everyone wants to knock you off. The price of being king is steep, just like the hill that was climbed.
  2. What was it? 5 draft picks? That really spreads talent over a roster.
  3. He's a kid to me. But of course not to you, because you are just a whippersnapper . C'mon, man. You and I are 3/4 of a century old. He's a kid.
  4. C'mon. He is a 28 year old kid who is very fast, has great hands, and a a big ego. He has given us a lot of thrills. He is not a normal kid. But he IS just a kid. All of these kids who make it to the NFL are spoiled and have been treated like heroes since high school at least. You know that. What should we expect? An adult with adult perspective? Most of them ought to be slapped 😀
  5. Half of his quick twitch fibers are in his mouth.
  6. LOL. That is sad where you put your trust. Even a team doctor can be wrong, but I would hope a doctor has to answer to the patient, whereas a head coach has to answer to the public and to the hopes of the team and to himself. If they mesh, great. If they don't, I would put more trust in the private opinion over the public one.
  7. Let's hope it was Dr. Burkholder and not Dr. Andy Reid who made that call.
  8. Its amazing that there has been no noise about Dunlap other than "(achilles)" in that report, as if it's an afterthought. Was he carted off the field? Did he just get some soreness in it? Rupture? Partial tear?" It could either be a season/career ender or only a loss of a few weeks. Maybe he just "tweaked it" as Reid would say (or HAS one). An achilles problem is always bad. Even an achilles tendonitis is bad. Fortunately, Karlaftis has looked good so far. Still don't know about Kaindoh or Herring. We really need that experienced guy like Dunlap to make it to the playoffs with the AFC West the way it is.
  9. Risk losing him. Let's face it, if Mahomes goes down for any extended period, we won't contend. Period. Especially with the excruciating schedule this year. A good older veteran can be picked up the following year in plenty of time to learn the system. Stay with Henne and roster 2. Now watch them do the opposite, which is fine. They know a lot more than I ever will.
  10. Buechele uses his feet well enough and can run better. He knows the playbook. He can't pass very well or improvise much or throw across his chest, but if he had to play and had the one's to protect him and throw to, I think he could backup a game or two if necessary without costing us significantly. He is a reasonable #3.
  11. It looked to me like he just has a concentration problem. He can't look the ball all the way into his hands on a pass in traffic, and after he catches a pass, he isn't able to make a fast enough decision on the best place to run with it. By the time he does, it is too late. He is athletic, agile, big enough, strong enough, and fast enough physically. He learns his routes and learns the schemes well. He is probably a good person and may be very smart in all other ways. He just doesn't have the intense concentration needed during that tiny instant before and after a catch and never could learn it. It seems to be something that a player either has or doesn't. That move backwards might also be a kind of flinch from fear of being hit. Maybe something from early in life. It's too bad. No way to know that about a player during evaluation before a draft.
  12. A couple of years ago here in the forum I argued in favor of Robinson as a possession receiver who was generally in the right place at the right time and knew all the routes. I was an idiot. His detractors were right. He does drop the ball. He makes bad fearful decisions when defenders are barreling down on him. He does run backwards, not ever learning that lesson. He does hold the ball out like a loaf of bread. He is a long-term disappointment and turnover hazard with an occasional great play thrown in. His brain is just not set right. I was happy when he was released and would be shocked if he were brought back, because the crew we have now are all better, or will be. Anyway, it would be a very bad look for the Chiefs to pick up the guy after making the right decision earlier. The guy should find a desperate team or another line of work.
  13. Just took an opportunity and a genius like Stram.
  14. Is that a bottle of Fresca between his feet? That's not cool. But toking on a blunt after the game? Yeah, Lennie the Cool.
  15. Probably needed room on the roster for Danny Shelton. And we know Shelton needs a lot of room.
  16. Actually, OT, I don't look at it as sad. He's had a fantastic journey, and getting old is a badge of both honor and sheer luck. It's better to be lucky than good, they say. But he is both. Plus, he is cool.
  17. I saw a pic of Shelton walking down to the practice field this AM with two other players. I don't know anything about him other than he has an absolutely huge fat ass, where it looks like half of his body weight is located. Sure not inspiring to look at. One positive I can think of is that he has a very low center of gravity...and a lot of gravity it is.
  18. That is what the team has been saying ever since mini-camp. I hope it turns out that way.
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