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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. I think we are both right. Players want money and fame, We know that. But I am merely saying that those other elements I mentioned are also important, and players openly say that in interviews. We know that it is true. Kelce has said so, also Jones, that they want to play for the Chiefs for their whole career. Hill was traded unilaterally, purposefully for the draft capital and because they might not have gotten that much capital in another year. He was miffed, too. Players do want to win, and they do want to play for Andy Reid and with Patrick Mahomes II and have a chance at a ring. So, yes, that is worth something and gives the Chiefs during this era an advantage acquiring good players, many, not all, of whom will take a little less to play for a team like the Chiefs. How much less, if any, that they will take depends on the player and the circumstances, but it is a factor. Veach and the entire front office knows it. You know it. We all do.
  2. This is what we have been saying all the time. Receivers want to be thrown the ball by Pat. They want to be coached by Andy. They want to feel like they belong to a real team with players that care about each other...and who win regularly. As Paul Simon wrote, " and that is worth some money." Players are giving up some money to gain something else for a lifetime experience. It's why dynasties are dynasties. As long as Reid and Mahomes are with us, even an off year will still be very good. These players are still kids, and kids like to play, and they like to win.
  3. I watched the little video, and it sure worried me. Later today, I read it was his hip, hopefully just a "hip pointer." If he broke his hip, he wouldn't have been able to get up. A groin would be bad, but it didn't look like that, the way he was walking My one worry is that it was a torn labrum in his hip joint. At its best, it could take weeks and weeks with steroid injections. At its worst, it would take arthroscopic repair which would pretty much end his season. Most people who get those have a shallow hip joint, which makes them susceptible. If he has that, he could be out of football and looking for a different career. Those are just the things going through my head. Best case is just a pointer, and he will be back at practices soon. I didn't like the way his hip looked unstable when he was being led off the field.
  4. It IS getting worrisome with him. I think some people have PPP, and some don't.
  5. Naah. they're just referring to your voice, right?
  6. Sounds like you should consider Left Tackle.
  7. Could be. I hope so. I guess Mahomes won't be selling him any Whataburgers.
  8. Nope. If it is fucking up your life, and you can't be comfortable for very long without it, then you are an alcoholic. Whether that applies to Clark, I don't know. But he implies that it is fucking up his job. That's all I know.
  9. I wish him well at maintaining. It's a lifetime job.
  10. This is not really a reply to your post or to you Diehard but just a general comment. The sacks and pressures that players get is heavily dependent on pass coverage. We all know that, but it hasn't been mentioned enough. The only way to know how effective Dunlap will be is by knowing how good the secondary will be. How long will it take the secondary to gel? If everyone is covered, Dunlap will get a lot of sacks. If the secondary struggles, so will Dunlap's stats. We all also know that the bigger a lead we have, the more the opponent will try to pass. So, all of those defensive stats depend on the success of the offense...and vice versa. We like to concentrate in forums on individual stats, but this is a team game.
  11. Agree. I think Spags knows how to develop players faster by helping them learn from mistakes rather than benching them. I have to give Reid credit for that. Example: waiting for Ward and Fenton to develop into valuable players by tolerating and learning from their early mistakes. Mistakes are an investment in learning. They have to play and make mistakes to get those learning opportunities. If Bellichik doesn't believe in that from his coordinators, maybe that is why his team has been unsuccessful since Brady left. Brady could cover up a lot of weaknesses on the overall team. I think in the long run players develop better through teaching after mistakes rather than by fear of losing reps. Does a dog learn better from getting a treat for doing good or by fear of getting swatted for doing wrong? We know the answer to that. People are just like dogs in so many ways. (That's why we like them.)
  12. He may have alligator arms, but he can use that long scaly tail to whack defenders away from the QB while he is biting the guy in front of him.
  13. Yes. Thuney can play LT almost as well as he plays guard, and he has what? Four more years on his contract? I think he prefers guard but is very willing and able to cover LT.
  14. Eventually, he will be called "Can do" Kaindoh.
  15. Any thread that starts with "Screw" will always end up at least 16 pages.
  16. You need to change your screen name to Nostradamus. Actually, Nostril Damus would be funnier. Maybe CranjisMcNostradamus. Now practice saying that over and over.
  17. Seems like either that or just bad advice. If he isn't ready at the start of the season, Thuney can slip over there I guess without a big problem happening at guard.
  18. Not necessary. OB will have to play for 16.6 mil or for nobody, poor thing. He'll play.
  19. His film against college competition is very impressive. Not trying to harsh your mellow, but more often than not, it takes more than training camp to get their game sped up, especially in Spags system. Sometimes they are good off the bat, but a lot of the time, its because opponents don't really account for them until they have to. Then reality sets in.
  20. They will be fun to watch and full of potential, more than we had. Still, I think those kids will be ready to really do it starting in 2023. They will be a defense that flies around and hits people hard and strikes fear into people. But they have to learn where to fly around to first.
  21. . I thought that would be pretty funny. I couldn't resist. Anyway, I agree with you 100%.
  22. I've got a great idea that I'm certain will work for you Are you ready? Here it is: stop reading this thread. That's it. Waddya think?
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