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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. I never saw it but just looked it up in Wikipedia. Sounds really funny. I'll check the streaming services and check it out. Good cast and directed by Ben Stiller. Has to be fun and funny.
  2. You got it. He tells me that every morning, and every morning I know what he means. It means, "I want breakfast."
  3. Now it loaded! I was thinking exactly of Dinklage when I posted that, except in a Chiefs uniform. I'm a huge GOT fan. I just got a new rescue dog, and named him Davos.
  4. It really does sound like something that Hank Stram would have tried to do.
  5. I was thinking of Dinklage when I wrote that post. I got the image to load, and it is exactly what I had in mind. Except in a Chiefs uniform. Yes, I'm a huge GOT fan. I just got a new rescue dog and named him Davos.
  6. I can't load the image, but I know it must be funny.
  7. I want to see a true dwarf that no one will be able to tackle or even see unless they look down but who has great speed and hands. (Mahomes would wear special glasses.) Every reception would be a lowlight reel.
  8. Interesting. Actually, I was pretty surprised by the ones he dropped. But it's true MVS really only had that one really bad year for drops. I just hope he doesn't alternate years in that way LOL.
  9. I'm hoping that we can make the running game enough of a real threat to draw a safety in. Then we can do some real damage with the receivers we have. We ought to be able to do that with the O-line we have. Then Mahomes and the coaches can do the rest, especially if we can have longer possession times.
  10. He's got the speed. But does he have the hands, vision, elusiveness, mastery of routes? I'm hopeful, but I don't see a guy who can replace all of those things that Hill had. In fact, I am skeptical, because his drop rate is pretty high compare to Hill. But I will keep my mind open.
  11. The QB is still making the decision, not the coach. That was the point. It is really not Reid's call. And to think that QB's decisions are made solely by the defense is wrong. The defense tries to cover both options if possible and give a deceptive look, and the QB's own abilities flavors his decisions. He is not captive to the defense without choice in the matter. If what you are saying is right, then why would Mahomes be choosing pass an excess amount of the time, even though defenses know that his abilities lie in the pass primarily? You know much more football than I do, but what you are saying doesn't seem to acknowledge that QB preferences play a part in the rapid decisions.
  12. You couldn't see who it was, because it was too shady.
  13. On RPO's, isn't the choice of run or pass the QB's? I have been thinking the under-use of running was because Mahomes is a classic gunslinger and chooses that too much, not because of Reid. Otherwise, yes. With our new O-line, we should be running a lot more and create a lot more third and shorts. Humphrey and those guys can open up some big lanes. That is Orlando Brown's biggest talent right now also. It would also neutralize the great pass rushers that the AFC west has. It would give them pause so to speak.
  14. I'm not a Veach mind-reader or method analyzer. I merely think Hardman will do well this year, be used a lot, and increase his value on the market. At that point, the front office will have to decide if picks are more valuable than keeping him. It depends totally on how many of our hoped for young players pan out, especially in the receiving corp. I don't think Veach has any formed plan or basis for forming a plan until we see how guys do. I only know that first-contract guys will always be preferred, in order to pay Mahomes, the playmakers, and the developing stars on O and D both. As long as we have a championship window, we might as well get used to the reality that popular and major players will always be either let go into FA or traded for draft picks. We will have three great years separated by one relatively weaker year, just like the Patriots did.
  15. It is lunacy, especially considering the guy is a walking paraplegic if he gets hit the wrong way. BTW, I like the mention of "Colon Powell." Is that some kind of new laxative?
  16. It a shame we need him right now. He is the only one with experience as a WR under Mahomes-Reid. Once the others learn well enough, though, I wouldn't be expecting him to get another contract. I think he will have a good year statistically, and that will increase his trade value. They will throw to him a lot to build up his value, but I still don't believe he is a high caliber receiver. I could end up very wrong, but I don't think so. I have never heard much about him as being a good blocker. We need receivers who can do that well. He has value as a kick returner. Always need that.
  17. Hill is an amazing receiver, no doubt. But we are talking about football. The greatest players in the hall of fame over the many decades have been guys who played most of their career for one franchise. That was something that helped those players became great. It was the consistency of the scheme and their roles and individual talents within that scheme, and their performances were honed to a fine edge by knowing the scheme and their teammates for a long time, where everyone was and would be on the field and in the blocking schemes, to the level where it was almost a sixth sense. I don't believe the great players of today reach that level when they move around every three or four years. They are itenerant mercenaries, selling their skills to the highest bidders. I know I am an old fuddy duddy (that term proves it), but a purely mercenary set of values cheapens life experience. In the case of football it cheapens the game and cheapens the role of fans and of team. When fans lose interest and teams lose intrinsic value, the game itself inevitably fades away into the dustbin of history. Tyreek Hill can really run and catch the football in an electrifying manner, but apparently he is also a whore.
  18. For 18 instead of 22 million dollars? Gimme a break. I don't know if those were Hill's numbers, but that is close to what many of these players do who abandon the team that drafted them and coached them up to greatness to get as much as someone else in the league. I just can't empathize with that. It isn't about making hay, it is about putting self above allegiance to friends, fans, coaches, and front office, and about the quest for more and more riches over a team's original investment. It is an addiction to money and glory, money that is not necessary to set them up for the rest of their lives. That part is already done.
  19. I'm sure Tua is accurate. All NFL QB's are accurate or they wouldn't be QB's in the NFL. The thing that makes the difference is their minds, reading their progressions, outthinking the defenses, changing the cadences, re-positioning guys, changing their arc, staying calm under pressure, deciding when to run and slide, how they improvise, building chemistry and friendships with teammates, being a leader in the locker room, not making excuses or casting blame in post game interviews, taking responsibility for his own errors, inspiring players and encouraging them, being about the team rather than themself. Does Tua have those things? I have no idea, but I seriously doubt he could have all of it at the level Mahomes has it. Hill right now is in defensive mode. He is trying to justify his quest for more millions than he will ever need, playing in front of fans who don't know if they will be able to put their kid through college.
  20. Is that what it was? I didn't know. Thanks, Xen.
  21. Yeah. We needed that third guy. Seemed to me that Pringle was becoming that for several games.
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