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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. You don't really know that. He might have been normal at times, and you just did not recognize it was him.
  2. He lost only a half step it looked like to me. He would still be a big asset out there, especially his knowledge and leadership, directing guys to the right spot, etc. just not quite the guy from two years ago. I'd take him in an instant if the price were right.
  3. No. It was before that. It was when Adam raided Eve.
  4. With that kind of speed, vision, and hands, a WR doesn't need to block. You are right. But a good blocking WR can sure open up the running game, screens, etc.
  5. I get chills when I read those names. It's like being 10 again. You're right. Mantle wasn't one of them. It just seems like it. There were just so many of them. Remember Joe Demastri?
  6. Time doesn't stand still. Sometimes that feels bad, and sometimes it feels good, but time doesn't care. I was five years old when my uncle took me to a Kansas City Blues game at old Municipal Stadium on Brooklyn. The Blues were a AAA farm club of the Yankees before the Athletics were a major league team at Municipal Stadium. Actually, they were a disguised farm team for the Yankees who got to develop against major league competition. The Yankees were the only team in baseball who had a farm club at the major league level, which is why they were so dominant. The A's would develop players like Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris against major league competition and then "call them up" to New York, in what was called "a trade." Then the old timers would go to KC, like stars from the 1950's. All the kids couldn't understand why players we loved were "traded" to the Yankees. We were really yanked around. All I can remember as a little kid at that Blues game was not being able to see anything, because all the fans (all men) wore hats...the same kind of 1950's style hat, and I couldn't see over them. And I swear every single one of them smoked a cigar, and all I could smell was cigars. There was not a woman to be found at the entire stadium. What goes around comes around. Brooklyn St. is , of course, only a little bit east of downtown. It would be actually nostalgic to have the Royals downtown in the crossroads district. I'll always hate the Yankees until my last breath.
  7. Yeah. I also believe that Mahomes can put a ball within inches of where he wants it, if he has any protection at all. It is just a matter of reps so that Mahomes has the knowledge of exactly where to put it for each of his receivers. If Mahomes has confidence that a receiver will be where they are supposed to be, the ball will be catchable for them. So route running and being on the same page and good hands is more important than raw speed in my opinion. Its nice to have all of those things, but size and good hands will make up for speed. One question as yet unanswered at this point is how good are the new receivers at blocking. It is almost as important as receiving.
  8. Well, of course. The season only takes up a minority of the year. And when the camp and pre-season and then the season is on, they are too busy and regimented to get in a lot of trouble. I think there are a number of reasons. One is that KC particularly likes to find guys they think they can "reform." They think that their organization and locker room chemistry can motivate guys to grow up and behave, and to some extent, they are right. They also look for value, and a lot of guys' value is low because of some behavior problems, even though they play football well. That makes their contracts cheaper.
  9. I thought he was decent, too, and good depth. He really built up his chops on ST. When he was called on to play on D, I thought he looked good. Moved around well, had a grasp of what was going on and was able to get to right spot. But his rookie contract was up. I don't envy Toub. He has to take these guys fresh and build them up, and it takes a few years. Unfortunately, we have to go cheap and deep. It is the price of having a several expensive star veterans.
  10. All true. Of course salary contracts only go UP each year, until the age of magic decline begins at the decrepit age of 32.
  11. Or the greatest surgical technique on patients who died anyway.
  12. I know Lonnie. He is great. He was the BBQ guy at Harley Davidson on 21st and Topeka, Blvd, then opened up his own place. He was one of the first food vendors at our jazz festival which took place at Harley-Davdson the first three year before moving to the Expocentre in 2007. I was the executive director of that festival. BTW, my stepmom in Kansas City LOVES Taco Bell. She is 89 y/o. LOL.
  13. On a per capita basis, Topeka has a higher concentration of authentic Mexican restaurants than KC, including all those great places on SW Blvd. It's just that they are located in the real Mexican areas of town, and most of the pasties don't go there. The best real tacos in Topeka are found at Tacos El Guitarron, a little food truck, at 1234 S.E. California Ave. Try it. I was being facetious about Taco Bell.
  14. Don't you realize how much expensive concrete is covered up and not even visible for over three hours? I didn't think so.
  15. You're not the only one. With this project, the average Kansas Citian will be able to afford to watch them at home or from a special screen in a bar parking lot in Blue Springs.
  16. They could even install a disadvantaged section where people who aren't trust fund babies can an afford to go to a game. That would be special.
  17. I understand that there are TWO Taco Bell's in Topeka. Can't top that! Eat your heart out, Kansas City. I live just south of Topeka in Wakarusa. I think they should move here. Think of the revenue! It would make up for not allowing even medical marijuana in Kansas. And it would be really far out, man, even by itself.
  18. A third would be good, especially since we have that extra one.
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