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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Let's face it. The kid is an up and coming receiver, already very good, with a high ceiling, and we all want to win more Super Bowls consecutively than any team in NFL history. I was excited about him. Kids make mistakes and can grow up, as others have pointed out. But can the Chiefs afford to build a working scheme that he is part of and then suddenly lose him in the middle of a season (or even an offseason) because of a severe lapse of judgement? Maturity does not happen after a bad outcome of one incident. It takes some time. Maybe a few years. Can the Chiefs afford that in the middle of a golden era? My feeling is no. My feelings are wrong just as often as anybody's. But they are what they are from the perspective of a 76 year old.
  2. And if one of those passengers in the other vehicles had died, then involuntary manslaughter is also a little more serious than a speeding ticket...or having some weed in the car, or leaving the scene of an accident and not turning oneself into the police for 48 hours. Those are different from a speeding ticket. Even going 120 mph in city traffic seems a little extreme for a plain old speeding ticket.
  3. Just takes time...even for those who are dumb. I've seen a lot of dumb old people. Often, that includes me. It seems to vary from one moment to the next.
  4. That would be the appropriate position, but we all know that he is a special teamer. He might get a few carries here and there as a RB. Who knows? He might be a really good RB eventually. I doubt he is used to being tackled by 325 lb behemoth linemen.
  5. I have two Gary Larsen books. That might be all of them. I wish I had paraphernalia, but I don't think he ever had any. That "Things in the Mirror" is one of my very favorites.
  6. Yeah, and that kind of street racing needs to be stopped. Without pursuing police at the ready (who would also cause accidents), the only effective control is major penalties in the news when caught for the offense. I am sick of it. I don't see it very often, but it happens both in the city and on I-70. Someone needs to be made a public example, unfortunately. Though bad for the Chiefs, there is no better example than this spoiled kid who rents a Lamborghini. I apologize for being so harsh, but street racing threatens us all and can result in death or permanent paralysis for any of us or our families.
  7. Yeah, no real offense taken. I enjoy getting strong reactions and being a bit on the outrageous side. Otherwise, things would get dull. I just wanted to clear this up, because I just sometimes feel this incredible urge to just kill people in sadistic ways. I don't know where it comes from, but it is very sudden and often accompanied by profuse sweating and bulging of eyeballs. I have noticed this problem particularly when reading your posts. I hope Rashee Rice turns out to worm out of this and grow up and be great for the Chiefs. But I have decided not to hold my breath. 💣
  8. I smartened up, and now I am old. See? Cause and effect. Look at Xen. Case closed.
  9. I've done stupid shit, too. Who hasn't? How old were you,when the lightbulb went on?
  10. Would you draft him right now? if not, why not? Anyone else want to chime in? Also, why do you feel the need to insult other people who post in here? Do you have a problem with those who you disagree with? Is it a control issue? Insecurity? Actually, I agree with much of what you wrote. People can change. What percent, I don't know. Again, it comes down to a bet. Would you draft him now? I wouldn't. He puts the team at risk. Can't have that.
  11. You can't fix stupid. The guy is in his early 20's. He will mature and he may learn some new things in his life, but this action indicates pure stupidity. He will always be a risk...in a marriage, to any kids he eventually has, to other people, and to the Chiefs. He would do something stupid right before the playoffs and kill the team's concentration and chances. Sorry, it is too much risk for a huge and successful franchise. I don't trust him and never will. You may think this is harsh...and I suppose it is. It is also a selfish view, because I am a big fan of the Chiefs and their chemistry. Having him will be a continual risk. We have replaced other good players before. Good receivers can be found. I had great hopes for him. We all did. But he is a powder keg who eliminates stability, consistency, trust, and the hopes and chances of other players who work their asses off.
  12. Maybe studied it at traffic lights or in line at McDonalds. Yes, it is hard to believe. People say all kinds of shit.
  13. Why would he have that in his car anyway (especially a rented one)? Chiefs should cut him for that, alone.
  14. Veach could construct a whole new contract out of that. It would cost nothing under the cap. Chiefs would just pay his legal judgements over the life of the contract.
  15. "Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it." - Steven Wright
  16. That's how I see it, too. I was trying to figure out intent and just can't see it. Just a bargaining chip in the plea deal.
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