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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. I kept thinking that maybe we should have blitzed after all. Then I thought about it more and said.....naaaah. I think he was right.
  2. More like "without Orlando Browned." He's gotten a hell of a lot better at pass blocking. And Thuney would have helped more at guard. Just my take.
  3. It was a different era with different type of media attention and types of players, and holding the chemistry all together is much more important now. So, I wouldn't compare Stram to Reid. It's like comparing unicycles and pogo sticks. But Stram was so special in his own way, wearing those dapper and fancy suits on the field to each game like he was going to a dinner party. He had a great and unique football mind, but boy, did he have great playes to work with! Overall, from the owner to the practice squad players and total team development development, Reid has no equal in my opinion.
  4. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Holy shit. I can't stop re-running that clip. Makes me laugh. Smith could become a legend. He is a nasty guy who will strike fear into opponents. It is obvious that he likes hurting people. A definite candidate for the MOG award. He is already great as a rookie. Peace on Earth, but No Good Will towards defensive linemen.
  5. The thing that bothered me about Jones is that in one article, he was said to be "getting better." If that is correct, then he was symptomatic, not just had a positive screening test. If he was symptomatic, Covid can really linger and weaken you...sometimes for quite awhile, weeks, even months in some cases. It might be subtle, but could still affect performance.Hopefully, he was fully vaccinated and any symptoms were very minimal and very brief...or that the article was wrong. They sure don't say much about that kind of thing. I guess he is day-to-day.
  6. When the game is on the line, you have four downs to get a first down. That helps a gunslinger, too.
  7. Reid is really droll. He knows that 90% of humor is in the timing. Absolutely perfect. He was directing that at all his players knowing it would crack them up.
  8. Mahomes is that "game on the line" QB we never had before. When it's do or die, he just does. No brilliant strategy, decisions on whether or how to use the pocket, executing plays drawn up by the coaching staff or in meetings all week. He just goes on automatic pilot and makes things happen and finds his main guys. Pretty amazing to watch that. Of course both defenses were sucking wind at that point, especially with the short week. But it was great to watch the old 2018 version with the game on the line.
  9. At least you are SOME kind of expert. To add even less certainty, I agree with you. 😱
  10. I'll bet the Chargers fans are ready to lynch their coach for giving away 3 easy field goals out of sheer hubris and machismo. What an idiot! I can't imagine what kind of crap he is going to get and deserves, to get.
  11. I see what you are saying. We traded up in the first round to #10 instead of #20 by giving up a first rounder the next year, along with a third rounder. So really, we traded up in the first round. We gave up two first rounders and got one back higher up. But we still gave up two first rounders It all depends on whether you prefer word logic or actual logic. You are one of those egghead "actual logic types"
  12. Absolutely right. They gave up two first round picks to grab Mahomes. Good thing he didn't turn out to be Todd Blackledge II.
  13. Do you think that maybe that is because they gave up two first rounders to get Mahomes and a first rounder to get Brown? The Chiefs are constantly trading away high choices for established great young players and to move up in various rounds and down in others. I can't fault Veach. The Chiefs have done a hell of a job in the draft. They are especially adept in the later rounds as well as getting great players in the late rounds. like Sneed, Trey Smith, Ward, and others and undrafted players like Fenton. They give up people to get young stars who are already proven like Orlando Brown. The draft is a total crapshoot. I have no complaints with their draft and aquisition strategies. The results are 5 straight AFC West titles and two straight superbowls.
  14. Yes. But it is designed for Mahomes' passing prowess. Which comes first the chicken or the egg? Mahomes has a lot of leeway out there, BTW. I just think that under-center plays should be added to the repertoire. Mahomes doesn't like to pass while dropping back. If he used it, it would pretty much give away the fact that it is a running play. So, maybe not worth it. Nice for when Henne comes in, like we saw on Sunday. My point is that Gore shouldn't be crowned king. All of our runners would look better with QB under center (especilly a center like Humphrey). I like CEH, because he is so low and has strong legs that he can almost ALWAYS get that yard or two on a 3rd and 1, no matter what kind of box-stacking is done.
  15. Gore looked great on that TD for one reason: Henne played from directly under center. Mahomes is always at least two full steps back. Henne handed off to Gore instantly, before their D could close that little gap. I have wished all season that Mahomes would learn to take the ball from directly under center on certain types of plays. I believe CEH would have done just as well on that play. I also believe that the league and our own fans would be raving about CEH on running plays if he were playing in that type of alignment more often. Others here have mentioned the same thing. Our runners have to hit the line too late to get through tiny gaps. CEH would have huge stats behind Henne or somebody like Alex Smith who was a wiz at fast, tricky, disquised handoffs. I could never see what he was doing on the TV screen.
  16. Herbert is much more mobile than Carr and throws with great accuracy from any position, like Mahomes. He is much bigger and less likely to get nervous and inaccurate than Carr. We have a huge handful to deal with.
  17. We'll need all of it to limit Justin Herbert, especially on a very short prep week on the road...and with everything at stake. A victory would be gigantic. A close game to call. I'm very concerned about this one.
  18. Don't forget Clark. Oh, how the fans on this forum hated on Clark! Nevermind that he has had intestinal illness and injuries on and off for the last couple of years. The important thing was that he suddenly became a terrible player, and Veach was at fault. Now, he is suddenly a dynamite player. Hey, I'm just as fickle as anyone else. I like to win.
  19. It's never ceases to amaze me how the quality of a defensive coordinator waxes and wanes with how well the players are playing.
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