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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Disagree on that, too. Ward is #4 in the league this year I believe. He now turns his head when he sees the receiver turn his. That is new and was my only concern until this year. He sticks like glue. He is now a complete CB. It would be a huge loss to lose Ward.
  2. Not even close to Fenton. So far, Baker has not panned out. Fenton has panned in. He might be a solid backup to Fenton at some point, but the jury is out.
  3. i have never paid much attention to him, until last night. But it's Denver. Still, I was really impressed with his ability to escape what was really great pressure by the Chiefs interior last night, and still get the ball to his outlet receivers. Of course, we had to keep our LB's in position to limit Javonte Williams (didn't help a whole lot). I guess that made it easier on Bridgewater. Still he looked impressive to me. I couldn't believe how well he escaped pressure from Ingram, Jones, Clark, and Reed.I had no idea he was 30. Shit, he is almost my age! 🎂
  4. I don't know. I was impressed with his basic skills. Just not completely developed. He sure is elusive against heavy pressure.
  5. The comments on this thread are legitimate concerns, but it's worth re-stating what everyone already knows. Games against divisional opponents are unpredictable and more difficult, because teams all know their opponents with twice the experience with them, and more at stake in the playoffs. This all adds up to scores and W-L that are more unpredictable. Considering this was Denver with their almost frantic desperation to end their huge losing streak against us and the quality of their players, we were fortunate to have beaten them. Their coaches knew how to thwart us twice as well and who to avoid twice as well. But they were set to beat a team with a very iffy defense, and we beat them because we aren't iffy anymore on D. I think the offense will emerge from its shell as the final stretch and playoffs come. By the way, Bridgwater's ability to move around, avoid sacks, and hit guys when under enormous pressure was almost Mahomes-like. Future games with them will get tougher and tougher.
  6. True. No matter what, he can still do things no one else can do in big, do-or-die situations. It's what we lacked through all those frustrating years. Who knows? Maybe the "kicker who shall remain unnamed" could be actually named.
  7. What do you expect from a scrambling QB who runs sideways and throws 60% of the time? Low number of pressures?
  8. I'm getting old, Jet. Not ancient like you, but old.
  9. Can't argue with that. But both of those types of pass plays have a greater chance of failing than running the ball and kicking from that distance if the play fails. The least likely outcome is CEH fumbling. But alas!
  10. I don't think any play is risky if it succeeds. I just think Andy was dead-on right in calling it the way he did.
  11. He just wants to prepare us for his teasing in the unlikely event that we lose. He is in a win-win position, and he knows it. He feels like he's got nothing to lose. Actually, he doesn't.
  12. Yeah. Just keep working the clock with safe runs until no significant time is left on the clock. Then break their hearts by winning a two point victory with a field goal chip shot. I think it would have been two points, wasn't it? Or would it have been one point?
  13. That's exactly right. You somehow misinterpreted my post. I said we needed to get 5-10 more yards for it to be a safe kick for Butker. Why take the risk passing when our running game should be able to get that easily AND use up more time doing it? In fact, Helaire already HAD those yards, if you re-call, when he fumbled. Had he not fumbled, a Butker kick from that spot would have been nearly automatic.
  14. In that situation, only about 10 more yards, probably less, would have been no problem for Butker. Plus, it would have taken more time off and left no chance for a comeback after a Butker field goal. Passing in that situation was completely unnecessary in relation to risk. CEH has one of the lowest fumble rates historically in college and since he has been in the pros. The team did exactly what they should have done. There are no guarantees that the unexpected won't happen at any time, but you have to play the odds. Butker gave us better odds to do it the way we did. Had CEH not had one of his rare fumbles, this conversation would never be occuring. Only armchair head coaches with oversized egos would argue otherwise.
  15. As long as we win! Then, all decisions are golden.
  16. That's right. Reminds me of the old expression, "If the dog hadn't stopped to piss, he'd have caught the rabbit."
  17. I've been worried about him. Too much pressure on him.
  18. I know that last post was too long, but having stats and metrics thrown around to try to neutralize the reality of the necessity of complementary football is an absurdity.
  19. I like having a mostly passing team. We have had amazing success until the first several games of this year and won our first league championship in a half century by just winning shootouts. But remember, we had to come from way behind for three games in a row to do that. These stats regarding drops are the price that we pay for not having a bunch of Hills and Kelces all over the field when we are throwing the ball all over the field and for having a QB slump in accuracy for several games. We can't expect to be free of injury to our playmakers throughout a season or of having accuracy slumps or several weeks with the dropsies, so we have to be able to win by running and defense when needed. We need to use all of our assets in a complementary way. Football games are not won by stats. and defenses cannot just sit on the likelihood of defending the pass. There has to be more balance. We have the personnel now to improve our balance and throw more doubt into the minds of opposing defenses. That doubt will allow receivers to have more space to catch a ball. We can't throw the ball through tiny windows all the time without increasing interceptions and drops. We don't have to change to 50-50. Even 55-45 would change everything, especially on early downs. No spectacular stats will change my mind. Spectacular won/loss records would.
  20. Yes. 4.8. 2nd and 5 is a very difficult spot for a defense, because they have no idea what we are going to do on that down. Mahome's numbers are based on all downs and on scattered long gains a few times per game. How many 3 and outs have we been getting this year with Mahome's grand 7.1 yard average? I've lost count. Miss on first down, and then its 2nd and 10, and the defense can play against the pass 80% of the time. So, they rush the hell out of him, and he throws the next pass too early and often too high. Then, it's 3rd down, and then they blitz. Your argument just doesn't hold water.
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