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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Yes. No coach wants to embarrass another team. It always comes back to haunt and makes a coach look like a dick and big target.
  2. Well, of course. When you bring in everyone to stop Henry, you're exposed through the air. The strategy worked....on Henry. I wrote just before the seaons started that this was the best Chiefs team I had ever seen assembled. Boy, was I wrong! I don't know shit.
  3. Unlike with Niemann, at least we don't have to pray away the Gay.
  4. They are absolutely going run it down our throats. We'd better accept it. We simply need to pass it down their throats. Simple. That and NO turnovers.
  5. In most places on earth, you can get 100 mbps in the middle of nowhere. We need that infrastructure program so we can join the rest of the world.
  6. Not sure why the problems, but I am a HULU user, and I have it set to stream there. It also shows it to be over-the-air on our local CBS affiliate in Topeka, channel 13, just like most of the games.
  7. There is no shortage of rich dipshits. That should be obvious. Just look at the Congress. Look at the people buying their way into sub-orbital space just for kicks.
  8. Just got one, and it is great, a 55" UHD Samsung. I did watch Jaws on it again. But the problem is that my eyes have gotten smaller. Makes sense. I just turned 74 on Saturday. LOL I may not make more sense, but people say I am still a wise guy.
  9. I don't recall him playing, but I take your word for it. I don't remember the announcers saying that he was in, and I rely on that. I really can't notice the numbers from the TV view unless they do a close up from the field camera. He is big, but so is Pringle and Robinson. I know that in the days leading up to the game, the articles all indicated that he was going to play a lot, that this would be his "coming out" game.
  10. Where do you suspect? Regardless of what the team may officially say, I suspect he didn't play because he didn't pass his urine test.
  11. Every QB makes mistakes when under extreme pressure, including the unbelievable Patrick Mahomes II. The question is not getting him to stop trying things like that. It is what also makes him great. The question is when the O-line will gel enough to get thim to protection needed to play his improvisational game and still succeed. Learning to use the pocket has been great for him, but he still needs to be himself, and both of those things require an O-line where everyone knows exactly what the other linemen are doing. I don't think we are far off from that. As an aside, we ought to designate Pringle the WR2 and just go from there. Hardman is better this year, but he still has ball security issues, and Mahomes doesn't completely trust him as a possession receiver. I don't either.
  12. If it hadn't been for him, Washington would have never made it across the Delaware.
  13. Was it?. I was Thinking about that other episode on video with the drunk guy all wet in his raincoat being escorted out by security guards during halftime who was stealing cups from the seats. There was, as the British say, "untoward behavior" all over the place🥺
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