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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Fueled by a bad game, a long delay, torrential rains, a horrible performance, an expensive ticket, and extra time to drink excessive amounts of alcohol, there is no "kingdom," only a drunken debauch ruled by pissed off yahoos and boogans. Give me a big chair, a full refrigerator, and a large screen TV at home. To hell with that. I'll bet the Buffalonians enjoyed it.
  2. Wow. Imagine what we could do if we got Sutton back! This thread shouldn't be called "Defensive Identity." It should be called "Defensive Identity Crisis."
  3. Could Sorenson have some dirt on Spags or maybe is having an illicit affair with him? Something is rotten in Denmark.
  4. It's enough to give me an anxiety neurosis. Maybe the guy is bi-polar. Hope he settles soon. We need him.
  5. Have you compared strength of schedule during the first four games? (not by the difficulty in those years, but the teams as they are now). That might be worth your while.
  6. We score too fast and spend most of the time on D? Too many new guys and young guys who don't know what the other guys are doing? A number of things, which will change as the season goes on. I think we will use the running game more and keep possession longer. I think we will teach our young guys how to respond appropriately to the no-huddle, hurry up offense which is leaving us confused right now. Every team has been throwing that at us. There is an antidote. We will be at least average by the second half of the season. That's all we need to be. It's a terrible thing to watch right now, though.
  7. I understand completely. Happy 6th birthday. I'll have 9 in mid December.
  8. That's true of addictive disease in general. It never goes away. It can only be kept in remission, and that requires daily work, possibly more work than can be done by an active NFL player. Plus players are under great competitive stress and often chronic pain. I also share your worry about him as a person. Jokes are great, because they are jokes, but addictive disease is no joke for the afflicted, whether it is the addicted person or those around them. Whenever he does relapse, and he will, we should be sympathetic, not judgemental.
  9. Teams simply want to play "keep away" from Mahomes and hope to win with extended run-based drives and an occasional pass on an RPO after our D gets worn out. It's not a bad strategy for any team that doesn't believe they are good enough to beat the Chiefs any other way. It does give them a chance. The problem is that it usually doesn't work for them unless we make more than one turnover. So, they practice all week at punching the ball out of our hands.
  10. It would be better to say "act together." With an addict, the word "shit" has a different meaning.
  11. The golden age of american animation. Each frame drawn by hand, and truly funny stuff. Mel Blanc's voices were beyond belief, and the sound effects and sped-up music were funny, too. The stuff now is all just done by computer graphics and seems devoid of real humor. There is a streaming service now that has them all. I was binge watching them the other night. The service is "Boomerang" https://jldelbert.blogspot.com/2020/06/warner-bros-cartoons-your-guide-to.html
  12. I think I confused you with someone you were quoting. My bad.
  13. I was referring to Chiefmanzada's comment about him being a WR2.
  14. Seems a little early to me to assume that Gordon is the #2 after not playing for a year and only playing 67 games throughout his 7 year career and none since 2019...and 5 suspensions. #2 wide receivers usually have gotten to play more than 7 games each season.
  15. I like your new avatar, OT. Yosemite Sam has always been my second favorite character, just behing the Wascally Wabbitt himself.
  16. I guess Gordon gives the website, "Arrowhead Addict" even more meaning now.
  17. Some of that may be due to the fact that many teams are trying to keep the ball away from all the great young QBs and receivers by building a powerful running game. They are playing "keep away" It sure shows up in the early games with hot weather, because defenses are out there so long in the warm temperatures compared to the offenses. I think the Chiefs were like those teams before we got Mahomes...actually before we got a ball control QB like Alex Smith. I would be interested to know what our September records were like during those years. The cooler it gets, especially as the playoffs come, the bigger the advantage goes to the teams with the best passing games. This is especially true this year for the Chiefs, since our most difficult part of the schedule is in the first third of the season. When you turn the ball back over to your defense four times in one game with turnovers, that becomes a particularly bad problem for the defense.
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