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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. I don't know how much he can plea down aggravated assault, although aggravated assault sounds like a stretch to me, just to scare the shit out of him. I don't know that a prosecutor could actually get a conviction on aggravated assault in this case. That part might get thrown out. Maybe the D.A. thinks that leaving it in could raise the penalty the judge hands out for the other charges. Those others would likely result in probation and/or fines (hopefully just fines). I am amazed the charges don't include leaving the scene of an accident. It depends on Texas law. There is likely enough time for the NFL to find out if the aggravated assault charge is going to actually stick. The NFL is likely to wait until knowing that before handing out a suspension. I'm guessing 8 games, maybe more. Omenihu's 8 game suspension was for something that seems far less than Rice's episode. He really is lucky he didn't kill someone. What the Chiefs organization does is anyone's guess. They might just figure it is too disruptive to even wait and will simply tell him bye bye.
  2. Damn. I was hoping for two Noah's. You need to learn to keep your Noah's out of Theo's Johnson.
  3. How many Noah's can we have at tight end.? The TE rooom would be named "Noah's Arc."
  4. It's caused me some concern mentally. Hasn't seemed to bother Mahomes. He was never concerned about me, anyway.
  5. Smith gets enormous push against stout defenses. Loss of him would really hurt or limit the running game. That, in turn, would hurt the passing game. I don't think we can afford NOT to have him if we want to improve the offense. The threat of running protects Mahomes as much as anything. Also, it takes a year or two to get a rookie interior O-lineman fully integrated into the O-line. I think if we lost Smith, it would significantly hold back offensive improvement. The game is won and lost in the trenches, and experience is everything.
  6. Remember when a guy like Bolton would be considered a core player and a "must re-sign" player for us? That's how far this team has come. That's how dynasties are made. When a team gets good enough and deep enough, they can let guys like Bolton walk when they get too expensive or trade them for the same value at a cheaper price. Amazing that we see these comments on Bolton compared to our comments would have been a decade ago. Dynasties crumble, and when they are gone, it is incredibly hard to re-build.
  7. The Chiefs knew that Mahomes was potentially the best, so they moved up 17 spots to get him. It shows that,when it comes to QB's, paying a dear price is worth every penny. Reid was absoultely right to have started Alex Smith and let Mahomes learn the NFL game for a year. In part, I think that has contributed to Mahomes' success rather than just throwing him out there. Plus, Smith is a great teacher. The Reid-Smith duo is responsible for this much dominance, but most here were screaming bloody murder about it, Patrick got to learn in two offseasons and every practice session. Even then, they had trouble with him as a gunslinger. It was nearly impossible to get him out of shotgun for three or four years. He is so much better now.
  8. Everything that Veach is doing is made possible by the fact that Mahomes is our QB.
  9. If his urine is positive, they could possibly prove DUI Otherwise, 2 games. 4 if Goddell wakes up in a bad mood.
  10. Whew!f It's just like getting another good player in the trade for Sneed, since the salary saved from Sneed made it possible. It's just how you look at it.
  11. Leaving the scene to not be found for awhile could have something to do with hoping his test comes back negative. I mentioned this worry in a post several pages ago. Leaving the scene and reckless driving would, and probaby will, result in a suspension. Add in a scheduled substance in the vehicle would not look good for him or for his availability. I seem to recall that THC persists at some level for quite awhile, even 3 months in hair sample. Our fate depends to some extent on how they test for it. Since the Hunt family is from Texas, they may hold some sway, but I doubt it. It depends on the law in Texas for whether weed is included in "impared" driving. Grabbing for a bag of Doritos while driving 100 mph would not be wise.
  12. Yeah, exactly. Maybe 2-0. Remember how good Foles was for us?
  13. I liked Ogbah when he played with us. Good depth and some real splash plays thrown in there. He played with a mean streak.
  14. True. Maybe he will get off with a just a warning an a two game suspension as others have said. I've had cars racing exactly like that, going over a hundred and weaving in and out on I-70 between KC and Topeka. Scared the crap out of me. I have seen it a couple of other times, also. I have been told this is some kind of deal that young guys do now. I have even seen it in town, although they may have been going only 80. I was almost killed a month ago coming off an exit ramp from I-470 in Topeka. At the top of the ramp there was a blinking red arrow light. Just after it turned green, the car ahead of me turned, and I was turning left right behind him. A kid whizzed through th intersection with a cop chasing behind him. He went no more than 3 feet from my bumper after I reflexively slammed on the brakes. He was probably going 60 and definitely would have killed me if I had been 10 feet further into the intersection. It's better to be lucky than good. Rice and I were lucky...but not good.
  15. What if someone did get hurt? Does the lack of injury make Rice's behavior less bad? Really? If someone had been killed, there would be a manslaughter charge. What would the Chiefs do with that? Seriously.
  16. Are you sure? I could have sworn is was KH. Anyway, "never kick a woman when she's already down". That's my motto. I always wait until she stands up.
  17. Spfd, facts only matter when you are not making a joke. I still think that vacuum cleaner must have been an expensive Italian one, like that Lamborghini.
  18. They ARE about second chances. But it wasn't the lying that pissed off the Chiefs. The Chiefs happen to like vacuum cleaners and they couldn't risk such a thing happening again. Hunt actually damaged a very expensive Italian vaccum cleaner. And then he fled the scene. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=vacuum+cleaner+made+in+italy&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Ffedemark.ee%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F09%2FPC35-Tools-Evolution-landscape.jpg
  19. That and apologizing to the police ought to do it. It's a done deal. Problems solved LOL. I wonder if he brought the police a box of donuts. Maybe Roger Goodell likes donuts, too?
  20. I agree with that. I think he WAS misused, because he is worthless getting the ball way behind the LOS and then trying to run past big D linemen He is lousy in short yardage situations against giant packed fronts. But with a head of steam and a decent gap and on short passes as a receiver he is more than adequate as a second option. Any team needs a RB like that. The question to me is whether he can really pass block. I have never been a fan of his and think we can do fine without him, but we need an experienced backup RB and shouldn't waste a draft pick on one or on a FA of his same caliber but who doesn't know the system.
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