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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. "Slap nuts." Hahahahaha. I haven't heard that before. Does that refer to slapping their genitalia or that they are mentally ill and need to be slapped? I am hoping that it means both. I'm not going to be able to sleep until it is explained to me.
  2. Either Reid changed his mind or the guy on 610 got that confused with last week.
  3. I would be absolutely shocked if it didn't happen. I used to like the guy and had high hopes for him. Most on the forum did not. They were right.
  4. Putin is now going to know everything he does. Hacking works both ways
  5. Oh, I know that. I was just getting off my chest my concern with what he did the other night. That was nuts. He's not LJ.
  6. I don't like to think of that either. But you know I'm right. PM is capable of learning to protect himself and still be a hero, can't he? If he wants to be a hero, he can do it with his arm or with a run and slide, not a keeper up the middle and a head on crunch into somebody looking to decapitate him or destroy his knee.
  7. How about factoring in the fact that Mahomes will get the ball more times in each game, because the improved defense will get more three and outs and prevent many of those long time-consuming drives. That was the main strategy opponents used against us. The added possessions alone will be enough for him to have his cake and eat it on the ground, too. That assumes that he won't sustain a season ending injury trying to run it without sliding to protect himself. He freaked me out the other night. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
  8. Not a chance. Watts is one of the irreplaceable gunners on ST's. Toub would never stand for it. Watts is also a decent backup in case of injuries to the safety crew. Plus, he is not a dim bulb. 100 Watts at least.
  9. He could be re-signed at some point. Any of them could if not snapped up.
  10. I like Hughes' height on contested catches, but everyone here seems to have less respect for Ward than I do. It always seems to me like he is sticking like glue to his receiver. Almost too close, and receivers can trick him into PI penalties at times. I think Ward is very good, though, and prevents QB's from throwing his way. It is hard to see and measure what doesn't happen. His biggest strength is discouraging QB's from throwing his way. My biggest beef with CW is that it seems like he never turns his head to track the ball. He seems to rely entirely on what the receiver in front of him is doing. But I'll take him. He is an asset overall. I agree with you that the CB crew is a strength on this team, not a weakness as many have claimed for several years. Spags has these guys trained up really well, also.
  11. It's easy to speculate, so I should just shut up, but have trouble with not speculating. Mahomes was not as accurate at the end of last season, either. And that not pre-season. In the last few games last year, he looked like he was overthrowing guys. Maybe it was to avoid interceptions. He sure would rather avoid an interception with a throw no one can get. Even with that, Henne seemed to make better throws many times last year when he was needed. No one likes to say it, but Mahomes has yet to perfect the amount of speed and loft on balls depending on the receiver, route, and coverage. He needs to do that a little better. I wonder if all the endorsements and sneakers and foot races and purchasing part of the Royals and become his own franchise might not be interfering in his actual quarterbacking a bit. It seems that a guy like him would have learned to use the pocket a little better by now. He won't forever have a Kelce to outmuscle a defender or a HIll to outrun his overthrows. He also can't be taking risks with injury. Twice last night he took scary hits while running and never slid. He could destroy our season by trying that shit.
  12. #3 McKinnon is obviously #2. Thompson looked good against #3's for Arizona, but he is a scatback. He will be helpful in situations when the O-line is making little creases and the fast LBs and safeties are starting to lose a bit of speed late in a game like we saw last night. In Reid's schemes, I still think Williams will be #3 when he gets healthy.
  13. These games really grab my attention. It is like a puzzle to figure out what the coaches and GM's stategies are for the kind of team they want to work with for the season, to see what these kids are going to do, who they keep and why, etc. I love that. The thing that drives me nuts are the yacking and stupid interviews with starters who are done and are on the bench and the mindless chatter of the TV people supposedly "covering" the game. There are constantly plays going on, and I have no idea who did what, who screwed up, who did something right, who is showing athletic ability and mindset. Instead, I hear constant chattering and focus on their own cuteness and personality. These people have no idea who the players are and don't want to put the work into knowing the names from their uniform numbers. I am left scratching my head on who did what, especially the twos and threes. Sometimes the cameramen don't even see the play. But we sure get to hear about why Kelce grew a mustache or what some starter thinks about cheese or onions.
  14. Waaay good...at least against their threes. At the very least he has sure hands and makes quick decisions. Speaking of quick decisions, DRob is the opposite. He's afraid to run at anyone. "Paralysis juking" is what I call it. He's toast. That should be a quick decision by the staff. I've seen enough of him.
  15. I see it will be live streamed on ESPN, and I get that from my HULU account. I'm certain that most streaming services will include ESPN. I don't think I paid for ESPN separately. It just came with my HULU package.
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