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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Exactly. Can't know. Won't know, until he is out there playing....and well.
  2. Remember, every team has less cap and will have more next year. The Chiefs are a little overextended, but I think they can make a deal with him after the season, because he wants to stay really badly. The Chiefs D cannot afford to lose its field general, teacher, and in-game coach.
  3. Premature. It might be right, but we have been told it was a "bone bruise." Not sure what that means. I had been thinking it was just a bruise over the surface of the bone. It it was a small fracture missed on earlier X-ray, it could be mostly healed already, and he may be available early in the season. Even with that, it would take many more weeks to get in game shape. But a lot of the surrendering I am reading here seems a little over-reactive.
  4. That was really amusing to see whoever that was come over to help Jones up. I'll bet he got big laughs out of that.
  5. I didn't know that. It's supposed to be NFL in Chinese, but I must have fucked it up. Confucius would never do that...he says.
  6. Concentration isn't something that is learned from coaches. Concentration is something that is used to learn from coaches. If it isn't there, it will never be there at the NFL level. Just my take. My surprise now would be if he substantially improved. Sorry, Mr. Veach. A wide receiver is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.
  7. duplicate post. I'm not used to the new editing tool in the upper right and end up quoting myself instead.
  8. Over-reaction. Sometimes ones run with the threes for completely different reasons. The coaches know what Thornhill can do. He still needs to get his speed back up. He still is in a playing rehab mode. So much hand wringing around here without a shred of real inside information. I trust the coaches of a 14-2 team with two consecutive Super Bowl appearances and 5 consecutive AFC West titles to do the right things and evaluate where players are and what needs to be done with them. I saw a really good heads up play by Thornhill on Saturday. A near interception, if I remember right.
  9. Absolutely. The first run of the game was the same thing he did last year when the blocking was right. But the red zone run was new. I don't recall that sort of thing last year.
  10. I keep reading about the leap coming from Hardman and the progress he has made. I gave up on him last year and have considered him a bust because of poor hands, poor route running, poor completion of routes, and poor concentration. The articles all this spring and summer have been saying he is corrction those and will be the clear #2. I know he only was givien one opportunity and dropped it against SF, but it really does seem to re-inforce the bad impression. If this continues much more, he must be accepted as a bust. A mistake is a mistake. Veach made the best decision he could at the time, but there are the steals and the busts, and it is part of the job. Personally, I don't think a guy with basic deficiencies can suddently be repaired with one good offseason....or ever. It's tough for Hardman, because fans are going to expect a good play out of him every time, but focus will be on the failures. So, his situation has soured. Sad all around.
  11. It really was. That could be the thing that helps us more than any other single thing. Teams will not be able to eat up the clock., which has been their only real strategy to limit our offense. They decided to smply not let our O be on the field that much.
  12. Toub has more say in these matters than other ST coordinators in the league. I don't know whether it is right, but it is the way it is. I know that we rarely find out who the key guys were on ST plays, because the announcers rarely say much or care. But if Niemann is an irreplaceable ace on ST, a good case could be made for him, at least if he can be even mediocre on defense. I'm not sure he is even mediocre. I do know that ST's are very often the unappreciated heroes behind the scenes in a great number of victories each season. Look at last night. Butker was the difference, even though he missed an extra point. Look at the punt by Townsend that put SF at their own 1 yard line. We won the game by three points. Look at the muffed punt reception by SF. Even though the kick was poor and bounced, the returner still was freaked by the gunners closing in on him. Look at Armani Watts. There is a big reason why he is still a Chief.
  13. Great post. Reid and Mahomes are not going to change. 60-40 guys. A passing team led by a bomber is their identity, but they do have to execute what defenses are giving them, and a lot of experience and growth is needed in those areas. Pre-season is the place for that. I really liked the way the defense played last night. A major improvement. The secondary was really impressive. Its possible we could have one of the better D's in the league this year. With Mahomes leading the O, that is a formidable combination. The O-line will be better but needs to gel. There might be some things they are doing to make up for that during the early part of the season.
  14. I wondered that, too. He sure made a couple of good plays.
  15. Chiefs will be MUCH harder to run against this year. Reed looks great. Bolton looks solid and smart. In the secondary, Hughes impressed me in the first half. I sure liked Cobb. Danna solid Too bad about Key's mistake, but he might be good. On O, that short yardage first down would not have been made by Helaire last season. The line will give us more of those this year, which is huge. Darwin Thompson is a stupid punk, and from Reid's reaction, his days remaining with the Chiefs may can probably be counted on two hands.
  16. Me, too. If you think about it, Mahomes is a guy who would say that before every season. He knows that is the mindset needed to be a leader of his players. Reid, though, is in a different kind of leadership position. He needs the whole psychology of the team to remain balanced and determined throughout a long season, win or lose, health or injuries.
  17. Yeah, I agree with you and Troyofoc that we need that as one more functional part of the offense. It must be really hard to have the pieces in place to be able to do that. Having a great QB like Brady or Mahomes makes it possible. At this stage of Mahomes' career, he seems to be just too driven to the spectacular play to discipline himself that much. I hope I'm wrong. With Reid, we will remain a pass first offense. 60-40 will be the approximate numbers by the end of the season.
  18. C'mon. Pre-season is to see who is going to make your roster and who is going to start or back up, and to get a real game feeling. If there is a coach playing to win in the pre-season, he is the coach of a bottom dwelling football team.
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