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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Yeah, he was a beast for every team he played for, for the 50% of the time he was available. Not his fault. Some guys are just more susceptible to injury and slower to heal. It's too bad. He got us a championship. Can't knock that.
  2. It always ruined my day when I was told they had a "cold one" for me. I hated autopsies. I loved reading biopsies, staging cancers, and consulting on bleeding and clotting disorders or anything involving blood disorders and leukemias and lymphomas. Autopsies were just an unfortunate side effect of being a hospital pathologist. I never wanted to do coroner's work, either, but our group was drafted for that from 1988-1992. After four years of taking my turns at that, I had gotten pretty good at it and at testifiying in court and had a lot of memories and stories from it. Vivid memories, Many quite funny in a sick way.
  3. Great news! You never know who is going to pop out and take over the radar screen.
  4. I hate that, too. He is so primed for a big breakout. This will slow him a bit. Andy's camps are apparently really tough, full go, and the competition is intense. It helps us win the early games but also can put guys out for extended periods. I don't know what is better or worse, but this time of year makes me really nervous.
  5. I really love this team. Might as well be high school.
  6. Sounds like Tyreek Hill got his patellar tendon overworked from jumping or running too fast. Jumper's Knee is not a laughing matter, though. He'll need to stop stressing it, do physical therapy, take ibuprofen, some cold packs, and let it rest. It is really self-limited and usually goes away, as long as he is honest about discomfort. The pain should be used to determine whether to back off or to resume full activity. If the trainers and Hill are smart, he should be fully recovered in a month. If they are not smart, he could be lost for a much longer time. I hope they are smart with it. He shouldn't squat, and he sure as hell better not be doing backflips after touchdowns without hurting his overall personality too bad.
  7. He should watch out for poorly thrown penalty flags. What a freak injury! I hope it does not run in families.
  8. Yeah, I think the chances are pretty decent that the AFC championship game could be the Chiefs vs. Browns. It would be a great game with all kinds of side stories and intrigue. Both are great teams. I'd give the Chiefs the edge, because the O and D have to practice against each other week in and week out, and big games almost always comes down to the leadership and communication skills of the QB's in addition to their abilities. Mahomes excels in all three of those. Health of the lines and playmakers may have the final say, though. Just like the last Super Bowl. With a better O-line and no turf toe, the Chiefs would have the edge when compared to the Browns.
  9. Good news. Of course, hiccups can cost a game. But it's early.
  10. I agree. The new O-line guys are going to lose big time to the D veterans on many, many play reps in camp. Not just against veterans, but guys like Kaindoh who only have to learn a few things to contribute and who played college ball last year. Many of them don't reach their full potential quite awhile. They have to learn the Chiefs system so well in their heads and repeat it enough for it to be automatic without having to think. When they are thinking hard, they can't play as fast or react quickly. It isn't automatic for them. So, they get beat, often embarrassingly. It's just way too early to be concerned with a guy like Niang who hasn't played for two years and has never had a single NFL training camp or even OTA's in 2020.. The thing that seems absurd to me here is that so many people posting seem to be assuming that he is going to step right in and start at RT. I don't think so.
  11. Niang is just starting to get his feet wet now. He's basically a rookie who hasn't played for two years.. I have faith in him.
  12. They have noticed it is a half inch shorter than his left leg.
  13. Hey, there is the new name for the team right there. "The Kansas City Thiefs." Only need to change one letter.
  14. After that great series, I could never watch a James Bond movie again without laughing. It ruined it for me.
  15. I think they have a Niemann Marcus in Dallas, don't they? We could trade him there.
  16. I agree with AFCWest. The cap will always be the same for everyone. As far as players go, we merely need a few playmakers on both sides of the ball, very good D and O lines, decent depth at all of those positions, and Mahomes. To consistently be in playoff contention with the remaining cast of affordable players, backups, and rookies, we need top coaches to make the youngest players very good quickly, a top GM, and reasonable luck with injuries in a given year. Any year that Mahomes loses more than three games to injury or gets hampered by them for much of a season, we are an also-ran. Any year that Mahomes is completely healthy, we will be able to win through the playoffs to the Super Bowl...and win a few of those. Without Mahomes we are just one of many good teams. With him, we will win at least two more super bowls in the next decade. But the salary cap is the same for all teams.
  17. I'm going to have to find that series on streaming and marathon watch it.
  18. I'm excited about Trey Smith, but yes. Any kind of unexpected blood clotting episode in a young man is cause for worry. I'm not the only one. He fell to the sixth round for a reason. Let's hope it was nothing, but my knowledge about clotting tendencies keeps me thinking they'd better have another solid starter ready. In young people, the first episode usually happens around age 20. Then another a couple years later, then more closer together. I want to see him play and dazzle more than anyone, but not at the expense of his life just for our hopes and thrills. His doctors cleared him. But they had a lot of pressure to do so. To me, he will always be day-to-day. One more episode, whether next month or two years or three, he will be on anti-coagulants for the rest of his life and out of football.
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