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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Thank God there is something real to actually post about.
  2. I think you're right. At least until he throws another blood clot to his lungs.
  3. That's true. Science has proved that. Of course, we die slowly everywhere, but that is beside the point. It mostly has to do with our optimism.
  4. Maybe I could do something like that, so that people will not think I live in Kansas. 🌻
  5. Sure looks like it, and not a shovel pass either, like that famous play against the Broncos in 2018. Could he be working on a new mind boggler play? This has to be some kind of a joke he is pulling.
  6. Playing football in a heat index of about 100 degrees will cause a lot of cramping, including back muscles. I agree this is a meaningless item for anyone to worry about at this point. Chiefs practices are brutal even without the heat.
  7. Or nothing. Who knows? He's actually a rookie. I think he will end up a great player, but the truth is that he is an unknown.
  8. Whatever happens with him, some team is likely to get a top 10 player at some point, wherever he ends up. I hope he gets his opportunity with the Chiefs, but he needs two years to develop.
  9. Definitely one or the other. Been thinking the same thing. Smith is hungry, talented, knowledgeable, and apparently mean. The perfect combination. LIke the rest of the league though, I worry about his blood clotting tendency for the long term. Forgetting about it is kind of a purposeful amnesia. I hope that comes to nothing, but the history shouldn't be ignored.
  10. Everything is politicized today. Virtually everything. As always, professional sports reflects the state of society and the mindset of the American people. We are a people at war with each other. If we can fix that by cultivating mutual respect and not demonize each other at every turn, this will change. I don't plan to hold my breath. We have been at war with each other throughout our history except for brief periods when we are under attack from outside. Even then, it was only toned down a bit. Sports has been our respite, but this was inevitable.
  11. If we don't have anything to get riled about, what's the point of even living?
  12. Another good name based on steaks: "The Kansas City Meat." Our motto will be "You can't beat the Meat." National sportswriters will have a terrible time describing how some team beat us whenever we lose.
  13. The Kansas City Strips. They will have to play naked. Chris Jones will throw out the first ball.
  14. Exactly. This is the most intolerable time of the year.
  15. It's OK. I even enjoy messing with myself. But that is a different kind of story.
  16. (The Brainium version of Solitaire is seriously addictive.)
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