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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. As others have embarrassingly pointed out to me, it was just an ignorant post I made. But at least I didn't lose a lot of sleep over it. I DID have to play one additional game of solitaire on my cell phone before nodding off one night, though.
  2. I guess that was too subtle for you. It was another of my bad puns, like the Lyre Bird post.
  3. I really like Okafor. When healthy, he is a major force. I'm happier about that than if we had gotten Ingram....as long as he can stay healthy.
  4. hahahahahahahaha. Perfect. Is that the origin of the term "gay caballero?"
  5. I thought that had expanded greatly. Are you sure about that? Well........NEVERMIND!
  6. I have been slowly coming to the conlusion that the noise makes far less difference than it used to, because all of the players have helmets with transmitter/receivers, so the offenses can hear the signals from each other, the play calls, the adjustments, the snap, etc. I know that's bad news for Chiefs Noise Kingdom, but our advantage now lies in Mahomes, himself. There is still an advantage at home, because of the travel week or non-travel week.
  7. Losses are pretty nice to forget. There were periods, as we all know, though, where we lost the vast majority of games no matter where we played. Home or away, fair weather or foul, we generally lost.
  8. Who won? Those SD players aren't exactly used to playing in ice.
  9. Damn! Gonna miss you, I guess. Who do you know who will also be done with the Chiefs? Hell, the Chiefs are a corporation, and half their shit or more on TV and radio are ads paid for by corporations. But what do I know? Most of the universities that exist are viable because of ad revenue from their football teams. It even pays for their science programs where they learn about crazy shit like vaccines and stuff. But don't listen to me. I must be "woke."
  10. The way for this team to win Super Bowls is to keep giving the ball back to Mahomes. I love seeing opposing defensive starters sitting there sucking on oxygen masks in the 4th quarter, while their offensive buddies desperately try to go for it on 4th and 2.
  11. We already have low sack numbers. So, there will be nothing to complain about.
  12. Call me old school. I think the weather is a great unpredictable element and makes players and fans tough. It also gives an advantage against these snowflake teams from fair weather cities who have to come in and play on actual planet earth. Give me Buck Buchanan and Willie Lanier playing in old Municipal Stadium. "Go, World Chamption '69 Chiefs." Yeah, I'm old.
  13. What is this "woke" term all about? I don't get it. Maybe I am still asleep. Anyway, the word is "awakened," isnt it? "Woke" is stupid.
  14. True. If it was dismissed, it can't be used in any future prosecution. That doesn't mean the NFL can't use it in some way, though. They are all about image and selling a product. Whether it can be used in a civil case regarding an employment contract depends on the clauses in the contract, is my guess. But I am no attorney.
  15. Actually, I meant to say "the team that beats the Chiefs in a playoff game." Or possibly "whichever team wins the AFC, who is also not the Chiefs." These both are important for everyone to deeply think about.
  16. Biggest threat: Whichever team has both a top QB and gets the fewest injuries.
  17. The Chiefs front office is very clever. They must have planted those guns (It was probably the equipment manager).
  18. Your screen name is perfect for that.
  19. DeCastro is pretty much saying the same thing. If three surgeries can't fix it, he moves on with his life.
  20. Every team can say the same thing. Injuries to a few stars can destroy the team's chances for a game or an entire season. Even the greatest teams in history can be derailed for a season. What if the entire team is killed in a plane crash? Does Veach have a backup team ready to go? If not, he is derelict. After decades of frustration, we are finally living in our golden era. We are enjoying the hell out of it because we know it won't last forever. Things will wax and wane during this era. We should regard our own lives the same way. Any team can plan their best, but they still have to HOPE for the best.
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