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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. At this point, the guy is simply a weight on the franchise, at least in terms of uncertainty. That's killer for a team with SB aspirations. He's better off not on the team regardless of the cost. The team is high on a perch, and things like this are the reason perches don't last long. I know no one wants to read that, but deep down you all know that's true. No place to run, no place to hide.Got to just score enough points on the O-side to make up for it. We just strap it on and play hard.
  2. I can't find the link for yada. You know the rules.🛎️
  3. The balls thrown to Noah will have to have a nice ark.
  4. I had no idea what a punk he was. Especially after being arrested in March on another gun charge. What is he thinking? And driving a Lambourghini SUV? This is where he is spending the money from that contract? As soured as people were on his performance, this is a big loss. Maybe wherever his mind is, has something to do with why he was available to us to start with and why he has underperformed? He said the Uzi was for someone in his security detail. Why does he need so much security? What the hell is he up to? 28 year old dumb kid. I just looked it up. A 2021 Laborghini URUS costs $222,000.
  5. He did some absolutely amazing things with guys chasing him all over. TB fans can spout all they want, but those monsters on defense were manhandling a bunch of cripples and guys playing out of their natural positions, and against Reid in a state of distraction with his son. With a couple fewer injuries and a fully functional Reid, Mahomes would have cut them up like Dexter, and dumped them in in the Bay aboard the Slice of Life.
  6. He would be a help in the short run. The long run is better helped by young guys getting reps. Since we have a big window, I say no.
  7. Reid will be stuck, because the first five games are the hardest on our schedule. Mid season he will start getting more reps if he is really that good in practices. Of course, I don't really know that. Just my analysis from looking at the past.
  8. :Yeah. Everything people (including most in here in the Locker Room) think this young kid is starter ready in a system like the Chiefs. I'm highly skeptical, no matter how his ceiling is. Most O- linemen do not reach their peak before 5 years starting (including college), let alone play in a complicated system. He lost a lot of time in college due to his blood clotting episodes. I have been shocked before, but I would be shocked (again) if this kid starts. That is very un-Andy Reid-like. We are not that desperate, and the fans who read local articles have been led into a wishful thinking frame of mind and seem all ready set to put him in the Pro Bowl. He shouldn't have to be set up for fan disappointment and negative reactions and articles. Hell, even Patrick Mahomes was an understudy for a year. Smith will get his reps, and then he'll be overanalyzed until the cows come home. He could even throw another blood clot to his lungs and be advised to quit football altogether.
  9. Can't argue with that, for sure. The more I read, the more his stomach issues sound like IBD, particularly Crohn's disease. Has lost a lot of weight. He had his appendix removed, and Crohn's can sure involve the appendix. If true, I feel sorry for the guy.
  10. I wasn't aware of Clark having intestinal "problems." That can sure sap someone. I wonder if it is inflammatory bowel disease. A thing like that could put him out of football. The Chiefs have not exactly had a history of being forthcoming when it comes to player's with medical issues. Maybe Clark is just day-to-day. Maybe just year-to-year. If they are forced to release him, there is probably a lot of dead money. Hopefully, it is nothing like that, and he can become the real Frank Clark with Jones exerting more pressure from the other side.
  11. I don't think it was a lack of fire for Clark. He is a guy with a lot of pride, and he wants to earn what he is being paid. With Reed on the interior, the presence of CJ outside will produce so much pressure over there, that Clark will finally be able to do his thing on the other side. He has been doubled and maligned as a result, since he came to KC.
  12. Problem - No rest for the weary. Rx: Ambien. Disp: # 30 Sig: 1 tab p.o. q. hs prn "rest for the weary"
  13. Good interpretations, all of them. Question is whether the doctor is IN or merely on-call.
  14. Mediocre is right. I am not a fan of LDT and have never been impressed, but he does have experience and can do all right as a backup. My point is that we sometimes jump to conclusion about players missing optional practices or missing games due to "personal matters" and really toss off the focus that they are just like you and me. Also, as pointed out, it isn't like walking across the street to get in and out of Canada, especially since the rules changed with the pandemic. He has to go through even more screening, I believe, because of his contact with patients. So a little slack I think is in order.
  15. Too much speculation. We have no idea what is going on in his life any more than we do a neighbor down the street. Being a human being, he could have sick parents or siblings, a friend in desperate need with an illness that has unpredictable needs for transportation or care, or even something like a hot girlfriend begging him for one more before he leaves the door. He has football contractual obligations, international border rules, personal relationships, medical career opportunities to evaluate, legal documents to attend to. Being alive is sometimes harowing, uncertain, and frustrating. OTA's are optional. Maybe his pipes have burst and he is waiting for a plumber. We don't know shit. The team knows more than we do. These things are facts that football fans cannot consider in their "fan-think."
  16. Reid will have to play him some, in situations where his talents work against whatever the D is giving them. I have always had more faith in him than others who post here, but I am thinking I have just been dumb about this. A WR can be average using peripheral vision like that as the ball reaches him, but I can say as an old guy that peripheral vision acuity declines a little each year. Along with the rest of the body slowing slightly each year, and with DRob's mid-career age, I am not seeing much upside here. The one thing the benefits a receiver who keeps his vision wider is seeing people who are about to cream him. That can decrease injuries. At least we can have a disappointing player who is always available.
  17. Notice in slide 21 how Demarcus Robinson is NOT looking the ball into his hands. He's still looking downfield, and the ball is no more than 18" from his hands. Drops on the horizon? How do you un-teach something like that?
  18. I didn't know that patellar fracture was not true. If it is involving the Patella in that kind of debilitating way, the other possiblities are rupture or strain of the patellar ligament, patellar tendonitis, subpatellar bursitis, or maybe just bleeding or brusing of the synovial lining under the patella. My question is why on earth would they say fracture, if the X-rays did not show a fracture? All kinds of theories about that, including some that would involve contracts, etc. Whatever, the public is being misdirected either accidentally or on purpose.
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