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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Now, he won't be able to "take a knee" very easily. So, he is not even much good for pre-game ceremonies.
  2. Guilty! One of my personal defects. I try not to do that, but it leaks through. My wife reminds me of that at times. And not so nicely either. πŸ˜€
  3. LDT will be coaxed a little harder now to stay. Suddenly, a mediocre guard becomes more important...even if he would rather just practice medicine. By the way, you should read some of your posts before clicking the button. They presume things that were never true about what others post. They sound defensive, a little frantic, possibly even a little paranoid. Very ego-protective. Lighten up, Francis. ☺︎ We ARE talking about a professional sport, not your worth on this planet. Don't worry. Be happy.
  4. One last comment from me: "Running with the 1's" during OTA's means only one thing. The staff wants to see what kind of shape a player is in, whether they need to acquire someone else before the season, and whether a player can stay healthy when trying to block starter level players. It is an evaluation, a test, a search for information. Well, the experiment yielded very unequivocal and helpful results. He is NOT able to stay healthy when playing against starting caliber players. Q.E.D.
  5. After a year off and multiple injuries? I absolutely did not think he would be a starter right out of the gate. He hasn't been a force for three years for god sakes. What are you smoking? I want some.
  6. Well, you at least, are on target. I guess that most of us are delusional
  7. Thornhill reminds me a lot of Ron Parker. That is probably why we drafted Thornhill. Parker was used as a hybrid safety and CB very effectively and was super helpful to the team for several years. Thornhill could turn out a step above Parker, if his smarts match with his athleticism. Spags surely has a plan.
  8. Yep. We need to keep LDT now for sure. Of course, anyone who thought that Kyle Long was an automatic starter on the O-line has been delusional since we acqired him and has been living in 2016-2018. He came out of retirement, and he retired because of injuries. He has been a long shot from the start. Maybe by midseason he can fill in on occasion...unless he retires again.
  9. You're not wrong. He gets paid either way. If another position group needs more depth while people develop, like the secondary, there might not be enough room on the roster as a whole. Don't get me wrong. I think they would like to keep him this year as a depth piece with experience, but his days as a Chief are numbered. His medical profession is no doubt #1 to him, which is obvious from his decision last year. He may not even be able to admit it to himself, yet. I loved playing music professionally, but it became #2 to medicine in 1969, and that was that. I kept playing some jazz as an avocation, to have fun, and not at a high level. It's probably analogous, but who knows what is in his mind? Maybe not even him...yet. Life moves on.
  10. I.m not so sure LDT won't be released. If Long is back to form, especially. LDT seems to be pretty committed to his medical career and didn't play that well in 2019. I'm just not sure his heart is in it. Football is more of an avocation to him possibly. I've been thinking this for some time.
  11. And so ends another overextended topic in Chiefs Talk Only
  12. Good info. I was unaware of that. That's too many negatives to even consider him IMO.
  13. I see what you are saying. I was thinking he was a free agent. A trade of a couple of good players we have no room for would be worth it for a one-year weapon. We would sure not pay him beyond that. I am guessing the Chiefs would rather give reps to some of their young receivers to see if there is a long-term #2 among them. That's because the Chiefs have enough talent that they don't have to try to try for a single-shot at a championship before undertaking a re-build. The Chiefs will be a contender for championships for a long time. They are a "find the gems already hiding on your roster" type of team at present.
  14. Ward really sticks to his receiver, like Breeland did, making it hard for them to breathe. The problem with both was that that type of play made them both handsy and susceptible to PI calls, especially when the appearance was manipulated by an experienced veteran receiver. But I'll take that. I would have liked to see both of them on the team, but if having to pick between the two, the personal questions and price made Ward a no brainer compared to Breeland. I'd like to see Ward with more ball awareness, though...and turn his head. He doesn't and doesn't have interceptions I can recall. Stick like glue a little less but be prepared to grab the ball like Marcus Peters was.
  15. He stuck like glue to receivers. The only problem is that he stuck like glue to receivers. He would have been a nice piece to have back, though.
  16. And that is why CEH will probably break out this year.
  17. I can't believe it, either. I wish he had taken 3 million, but the biggest priority for the Chiefs right now is having to extend Mathieu. As you say, Baker could end up better than Breeland eventually. Have to play him to see.
  18. Using the same logic, why wouldn't any other team that wants to get better have signed him by now? Maybe those other teams have the same calculations we do. 32 years old. Wants a lot of money.
  19. No doubt, if their supply is getting drained, the outcome will be the same. Sounds like some NFL teams. πŸ˜€
  20. πŸ˜‚ A little off the subject, but it could be that in less than a decade, the Raiders will move again to another city. The aquifer supplying Las Vegas is almost dry, and some say the city will cease to exist within the decade. I suppose the Raiders could change their helmets and wear those things Paul Atreides wore in "Dune." Maybe the team will change their name to "Worm signs."
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