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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. That's true, and he absolutely has a right to choose for himself, and none of us has the details, which are confidential anyway. I'm certain he has signed a waiver for liabliity. The team does that for everyone for any kind of risk.. I am just uncertain how much he actually knows in order to make that decision for himself. Young men are pretty cavalier about risk. I know I was. It takes a lot of plain luck to get old. I just feel like he should take some actual anti-coagulant. But if he does....no football. Best scenario: he plays, is valuable to the team, and lives a long time.
  2. I know. I read that, also. There aren't many people who are both "expert in clotting disorders" and also chiefs of cardiovascular medicine. I have no doubt he is an expert in cardiovascular medicine, but I would hope that Smith also was evaluated by a hematologist and had a large number of tests done quantifying different pro-coagulant factor levels. That is extremely complex and expensive. What they did and tested may have been great and very impressive, but who did the interpretation of the tests, and how quantitative were the the tests? A 70% level of ATIII is abnormal. I also question his credentials as an expert in BOTH cardiology and in clotting disorders. HIghly unusual. If I knew his name, i could look those up. Either way, the dx is clinical. Fact: He is a a very young man who spontaneousy got clots in his lungs for no apparent reason. And it happened twice. He was cleared to play based on his heart being evaluated and normal. Two years without a recurrence means nothing at his age. These things start slowly and increase with age. He has a thrombotic disorder until proven otherwise. There is probably something missing I don't know, because I wasn't there. But I did specialize in blood and clotting disorders as a clinical pathologist, and taught coagulation disorders for some time. What we are being told does not sound right and is suspicious, because he and his family want him to play, and a lot of dollars are thrown around in the NFL. I'll shut up about it now, but I would bet on him not playing. What I wouldn't bet on is him not dying a premature death from a blood clot as a young adult, even if it is in his thirties or forties unless he takes lifelong anti-coagulant medication. If they did not find WHY he got those clots, then there is a problem.
  3. You really think so with money involved? If so, I have some land in Fiji I'd like to sell you. Sports physicians don't know shit about coagulation disorders. It is not in their wheelhouse and not needed in their jobs. This kid has been to two major institutions, but the measurement of 70% reduced levels of things like Anti-thrombin III is extremely difficult and expensive. And there are many other things besides that particular blood factor that can do the same thing. Another episode, and he is a "one and done." Not a good investment, even if he puts in a good year or two.
  4. True. I am more thinking about risks to Smith though, not to Veach. He is just a kid. With ATIII deficiencies, the clots start in the teens or 20's and then become more frequent. It can be treated to protect him, but that would make him even more vulnerable to the opposite, bleeding. Not a good outlook for playing football. Blood clots in the lungs out of the blue in a 20 year old male are simply not a freak, one-off experience. This kid has an abnormal clotting tendency, whether he has had recurrences or not. Remember, he had this twice. I just hope he is not being put in jeopardy for dying young. I love football, but it ain't everything.
  5. I am. I know a few things about it. Enough to worry with reason...for him.
  6. This worries me greatly. A young healthy guy suddenly gets pulmonary emboli? This makes me think he has a thrombotic disorder. These are usually inherited. I don't know what the experts found, but he could have one of a hundred different deficiencies, such as Anti-thrombin III deficiency. If he has it a third time, he is done with football. The only treatment would be to give him anti-coagulants. That would put him a huge risk in a game like football. All the excitement about him should be reserved. I find it a huge risk until proven otherwise.
  7. Personal arguments on a Chiefs forum are boring as hell.
  8. Could happen. B Bolton is really good against the run, and that will help on the likely running downs.
  9. I can't either. I desperately want to see what Mahomes can do behind a decent O-line. I know why they didn't use an early pick on a WR. Mahomes is going to have more time to throw to the guys we already have.
  10. It's amazing if you think about it. Basically, our draft this year would basically already effectively include Orlando Brown and Niang without having to use any 2021 draft choice on them. Then add a couple of strong 2nd rounders...wow.
  11. Absolutely. We might find out the answer, finally, to how serious Schwartz's back injury and surgery was by what happens in the draft's second night tonight. If we draft a RT prospect, then Schwartz probably has a serious back problem that make his future questionable. But if we take a WR to replace Watkins or a pass rusher opposite Clark, then it might mean that Schwartz is likely to return and be fine. Something that could throw a wrench into that reasoning would be if the front office plans to sign ingram and also draft WR or that good Center that may fall to us, which of course would mean the Schwartz is not likely to be ready. I like the recent statement of Schwartz that he plans to play and play well. OR.....maybe none of the above. Maybe they think NIang is the guy at RT, with help from Remmers the first year.
  12. This thread is all give and take. I don't know whether to give a shit or take a shit.
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