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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. I've always wondered why there has been so much emphasis on the round. It seems so arbitrary. Once the first 224 have been taken , the draft is over, right? There still only a one player difference between #32 and #33. But we say the latter is a "second rounder," as if that has some outsized meaning. It never made sense to me
  2. There is nothing worse than hyperactive breasts. B.A.D.D .(Breast Attention Deficit Disorder). I would prescribe Titalin.
  3. My bad. I was looking at it from the opposite side. All teams lose good players to free agency, simply because their original cheaper contracts expire. I understand that. But a championship team like the Chiefs with Mahomes pretty much have maxxed out their cap. They can mess with it a bit, but they still have to survive by the draft, having great scouts, and having great position coaches to get draftees up to speed. They must get good play out of guys on their first contract. We are not used to that. We were the other guys for about 50 years, and where did it get us? To a few close playoff games, though some of those were just unlucky. But Mahomes, a few stars and locker room leaders, and then a squad of first contract guys coached up to their full potential is the new formula for maintaining a dynasty. FA's to me are stop gap guys with the current era Chiefs The draft is the whole ball of wax for us now. Economics demands that.
  4. Yeah. A really good center has been a a huge need for some time. I'm down with that. Maybe with the tackles, it would be worth a risk to stay away from the FA's and bet on Schwartz coming back and draft a versatile lineman with big upside and some college experience at tackle and guard to fill in for Fisher and then move to guard when Fisher comes back. FA's become available for a reason and should be only a quick fix. Get one really, really versatile lineman in the draft who has played both, and coach him up. Save the second round for a DE who can set the edge and rush the passer, someone really quick and really mean.
  5. At a position of great need, we should either go for a one year rental on an experienced guy and draft somebody who needs a year to develop, or simply move up in the draft to grab a four year college started who can plug right in. I favor the latter, because it is sounding like Schwartz merely has a little protruding disc material in his lumbar spine that is pressing on a sensory nerve. If that is what it is, then the surgery would be to merely trim that disc material away. Then he would be back as good as new.
  6. Why do you have fear? Have you seen anyone about this? I know some professionals.
  7. I agree, and my knowledge is limited, but I would assume the draftees that played immediately were all four year starters in college. A four year could step in right away and make the usual mistakes and keep getting better for several years. Fisher is a perfect example. Chiefs fans were ready to abandon him after three years, and he was a first pick in the draft. It takes patience, and we have to protect Mahomes. Any FA vet would be better than what we have now, but this will be a long process to fix that crucial position.
  8. Yes. Absolutely. We need experienced stopgaps at tackle. That position is time consuming to train, so a veteran is needed in FA, at least for a year. Fisher won't be ready to help until the following year. I fear that Schwartz is done. Those chronic back problems don't go away once they start, not with having to use so much leverage while stooped and turning at the same time. My back is kept from flaring up only by daily exercizes that train me not to lift and turn at the same time. That can't be done playing tackle. We need even a mediocre one in FA. But a center in the draft with four years starting in college could step right in there.
  9. That would be great, as long as Mahomes has the protection to get the ball to his receivers. This may sound radical, but the Chiefs need to get the most out of their investment in CEH and get him running and catching more of the short passes. To do both, we need a decent center more than anything (after picking up a veteran tackle in FA). Our center(s) absolutely suck. We haven't had a good one since Mitch Morse. They are the glue of the O-line. With a good center holding up the pocket and making little gaps for the run game, Mahomes might be better off with that than almost anything else.
  10. Yes. HIs leg is incredibly strong, which means that he can punt MUCH further out of bounds than other punters. It's really impressive. He can kick it clear out of the stadium....sideways
  11. You are WAY too logical. I was having fun thinking about that, but you ruined it. πŸ™
  12. Yeah. That's too high. I thought it was less than that. You know, that hit he made in the Cleveland game in the end zone, forcing the ball loose got us to the Buffalo game. We would not have gotten to the AFC championship without that, and of course, the Super Bowl. Just sayin'
  13. Yeah. Few couid cover Gronk in his prime. Now, the best can, but mediocre guys still can't reliably. Still, his production in the game was not really great. Nowhere on Kelce's level. Sorenson is useful on special teams and is occasionally a killer on defense when he gets up a head of steam and destroys somebody. But he doesn't have the smarts to coordinate with a well-coached and coordinated defense. Kind of a gadget guy except for special teams. I still think it is good for any team to have one guy that puts fear into opponents. I guarantee that receivers and TE's are always keeping a close eye out for him just out of sheer self-preservation. Definitely true on ST's. If there is roster space, he is a cheap guy to keep on the roster, just for the fear factor.
  14. Remember that we are going to have extra third round picks. Maybe as many as 3 over the next two year. With good player scouting and evaluation, these problems can be fixed.
  15. At least we won a Super Bowl for the first time in a half century LOL.
  16. Too me, Hardman's weakness is all in his slow brain. He just doesn't have the smarts or concentration. He makes one stupid mistake after another. Doesn't keep his eye on the ball, spending too much of his limited concentration on the guys bearing down on him instead of looking the ball into his hands and securing it. He wants to juke the first tackler and be a hero instead of avoiding a catastrophe. He thinks he can just outrun people on kickoff or punt returns, so he doesn't call for a fair catch when he should have. Gives up on plays too quickly.on deeper routes. He has been mentally very slow to learn routes as well. The scouts were looking too much at his speed and athleticism and should have been giving him an IQ test instead...or maybe an MPI.
  17. Speaks and KPass were picked for their edge speed and pass rushing potential. Those were seemingly the biggest needs at that time. If anything has been wrong with our drafts, it has been the tendency to draft too many projects, counting on a brilliant coaching staff to mould them quickly. We need to start drafting mainly 4 year college starters at positions of need,so that they can step right in. If you spend the first two years of a "project" moving them around to different positions, how can they ever develop?
  18. I don't like Breeland. Too handsy. Too many penalties. He has some great plays, but no more than the penalties that hurt us. That being said, the league needs to let CB's play. Increasing NFL revenue by favoring the passing game is inevitable, but at some point enough is enough. These receivers have learned how to make things look like PI all the time but should be called more often for pushing off IMO.
  19. He has been considered an ST genius because of his multiple years of top tier ST's. I would wait to see if ST's improve in a normal injury year. When your best guys have to play D or O, you just don't have the personnel. You don't get rid of a guy with his record after one bad year
  20. They will draft a tackle, but don't get panicky or exaggerate things. Fisher will be back. Osemele will heal up. Niang will finally be on the roster to learn, which is the same as a draft pick this year. LDT will return. Remember, too, that Mahomes makes O-linemen better with his mental processing speed and fast receivers, and he will be able to move better when his foot injury heals up. To me, the biggest priority right now is CENTER. Anyway, Reid is not a dummy. He and Veach both decide, and some of that is determined by the strengthj of the draft at various positions. We have an extra 3rd or maybe two. 3rd rounders often turn out remarkable, while first rounders are busts. Look at what third rounder Kelce has become. Look at Sneed. The middle and late rounders often determine what teams end up dominant or not. But the O-line will mostly heal itself by simply being there next season. We will probably pick up a solid, though not great, Tackle in free agency considering Schwartz. All we need is a decent one.
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