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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Answer: NO. It is his own life and his passion. If you think otherwise, then you don't know people.
  2. The best idea is to bite them off in advance, and then bake them into the cookies.
  3. Plus, I have had the first of my two vaccines about 10 days ago. I don't think there is a vaccine against Brady fans. The technology hasn't been developed. Be sure to wear a space suit.
  4. I don't know if he had enough onboard to be in a blackout. Depends on whether he remembers anything. I guess he thought the Adderal would help. Alcohol is interesting. A blackout on alcohol, as many know, is not a state of unconsciousness. It is merely a blood alcohol level of about 0.2% or above, a level that causes paralysis of the memory imprint center. A person can function, go places, do things, but simply not imprint the memory, because that imprinting center in the hippocampus in the brain simply doesn't function at alcohol levels over 0.2%, maybe a little higher in some people. Adderal won't change that one bit.
  5. I hope to see a great Brady to Sneed completion. Thornhill would be an excellent target also.
  6. Sounds dangerous inside, too. Might have to open the windows a bit.
  7. We all have them. Just depends on what kind. It's inevitable. Strange, being a human being.
  8. She might. She's not a big football fan, but she has loved watching Mahomes. She says it is like watching a famous ballet dancer, and his arm amazes her. She even asks when the game is starting. She doesn't want to miss it. But mostly, she thinks he is cute and wants to pinch his cheeks. 💓 I'm no match for Patrick.
  9. That would be great (if my wife trusts me LOL ,and the pandemic is under control. Both are a real risk.)
  10. Yeah. That makes it even more confusing. In fact, the whole thing about having goats is confusing.
  11. Oh, damn. I think you are right. Fmbl2187 has much less hair, and its mostly gray.
  12. I think that is the top of my head in the last row, directly under that red circle on the tent!
  13. I miss Murph. I loved those old Festivuses...or should I say Festivi? When was the first? 2003? Or was it 2004? Which was the one with all the Jack Stack BBQ?
  14. There is a vaccine, I think, but no one can get it. I suppose he could paint it with gentian violet, and it would be called a Smurf Toe.
  15. It was a Buffalo weather joke. Generally, Buffalo weather is worse than KC's in the winter. They've built that team since the 60's to win their home games there. You are putting too much into my jibe. Lighten up, Francis.
  16. I'm pretty sure there are both ignorant and informed Bill's fans.
  17. I'm going out on a limb here: "Chiefs play a tough and close game in the rain and snow in January against a very good team from Buffalo, NY."
  18. Do you seriously think that cold, wet weather in January will give us an advantage over a team from BUFFALO? Hahahahahahahaha. I read funny stuff all the time here, but that one takes the cake for today. 😄
  19. Allowed, yes. Frankly, I never took them up on the offer.
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