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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. At least he didn't look like some other person. From a distance, the #15 on his jersey helps.
  2. I know exactly what you mean. My quads are huge from getting up to pee.
  3. Interesting theory. I think a crucial point is that he states he has never seen this happen on a football field. A direct carotid sinus pressure maintained for several seconds slowing heart rate sufficient to do that and happening accidentally seems pretty far-fetched. Though I wouldn't rule it out, I think that theory is a huge reach. Usually, the simplest answer proves to be true. In this case that would be that he had a mild concussion. We will never know...unless he has a memory lapse in the next couple of days after practicing. If that happens, it was a concussion, and he won't be playing Sunday. Let's all hope that this remains a mystery.
  4. I see what you are saying. Rather than airway cutoff, you are talking about compression of both carotid arteries. Yea, that would do it in a hurry. It is a bit hard for me to see how that would be possible with a person wearing a helmet, neck collar, and face mask. That would be a hell of a task. And Mex, you are not a 25 year old athlete getting up from the turf in 40 degree weather during a game with all kinds of adrenalin support. Its not the same as an "old" guy standing up suddenly in the heat after being stooped over for God knows how long working on tile and forgetting to drink enough water.
  5. You don't lose balance and orientation from 5 seconds of not breathing. I can hold my breath for more than 30 seconds without even getting light headed. He was concussed. Otherwise, he wouldn't be in protocol. He was wobbling and unable to stand. If there had been some kind of neck and chest injury, he would have been grimacing, I wouild think. I trust the docs.
  6. It makes no difference if the ball was under his chest. As he was hit with the ball under his chest, his head was bumped forward and hit the turf on the front of his head and bounced just slightly. That's what I saw, but I haven't seen the replay since the end of the game. I could be wrong. BTW, I'm not sure what you mean by "choked out." I'm not familiar with the term. Also, I was reading about the concussion protocol required by the NFL. His first check (test for memory and balance) was yesterday and was normal. But sometimes, abnormalities can appear days later. So, the protocol requires that he be negative on the same test for four consecutive days. He feels fine and is practicing in a limited way, but he would need to have had another normal test today, Wednesday, and Thursday. If those are still normal, then he is clear for a full practice and to play on Sunday. If he is seen to have any abnormality on any of those days, he is out. Fingers crossed.
  7. I agree totally with Wilson. In slow motion, he was tumbling toward the turf, and the natural reflex reaction is to raise your shoulders and bend the neck forward to protect your own head. If there was a dirty hit using the helmet in that game, it was on Dirty Dan for that hit in the end zone that swung the game our way by 10 points. It wasn't called, was it?
  8. Sorry, Xen. That's has to be bullshit. You don't get up woozy with a loss of balance from a pinched nerve in your neck. You get up grimacing. Plus, if it hurts froma pinched nerve, it is due to a crack in a vertebral foramen that the nerve passes through, in which case he would need surgery. He was up and practicing. NOT a "pinched nerve." That's just a colloquial expression anyway, for a neck "stinger." When you get up woozy, you have seen stars. It is a concussion. Probably mild. I hope he continues to show no cognitive changes or loss of balance for the next three days in a row. If he passes that, he will play on Sunday. Plus...I saw the front of his head bounce off the turf on the replay.
  9. Nope. Most interviews with potential employers or with press as a head coach are fraught with the potential for misunderstanding and controversy. So, they think of ways to avoid almost anything substantial. What about "each and every day?" That redundant phrase drives me nuts. It is meaningless. All the players use that, too. I hate it LOL.
  10. Doesn't make sense. Maybe he honestly says in his interviews that he doesn't want to start from scratch but take over as HC for an already sound and successful franchise. He would want to be successful as a HC for a good team instead of wasting a few years and his reputation trying to fix a bad or disorganized team.
  11. The whole offense deserves an academy award for the way they made it look like they were not really going to snap the ball on that final game-winning first down play. It looked like they were all going to lie down and take a nap.
  12. The Covid virus is a sneaky beast. Even when mild, it can affect the body and mind slightly on a permanent basis. It can knock out a few neurons here and there. Most people would never even notice it. But slow down Mahomes mental processing by even 0.1% or his arm strength, and he would become merely a normal top 10 QB. I am still not sure that it was worth it for the NFL to even have this season, even though we all desperately needed it. Just sayin'
  13. Saunders is a crazy-athletic man for 300 lb. I want to see him as a Chief for a long time. Remember this clip of him doing a backflip? Gawdalmighty.
  14. Brains and sense really can't be worked on, because it takes brains to work on something.
  15. Doesn't seem like that is true this year or the last half of last year. That is what has amazed me. He's missed a few catchable passes, but those were not optimal. On his side or behind him a bit.
  16. Yep. This won't hurt him for next year. He deserves a big look in camp.
  17. I don't understand why so many here have hated on Robinson the last couple of years. He has really impressed me the last two years. He flashes. He is a big possesion receiver and good on ST. I just am thinking that Pringle is even better in those roles.
  18. I consider him a bust. He is very fast but he is obviously unintelligent. He can't learn his routes. He is only assigned the most vanilla routes. He gives up without completing them, his hands are mediocre at best. But most of all, he makes one bad decision after another, especially on returns. He tries to run it back, even when it is obviously too much of a risk, then he runs backwards or sideways. He just plain has poor concentration while receiving and poor decision making on ST. It is purely mental, but not the type of mental that can be fixed by study and practice. Either that, or he does not study or practice at it hard enough. Either way, it make no difference. I am out of patience with him learning to play at the pro level. Sad to say, but he should be gone.
  19. If you are a fan, then you merely applaud or yell when you see them. Or are you actually a participant? Reminds me of an old limerick: "There was a young gal from Devizes, Who had breasts of different sizes One was quite small, really nothing at all But the other was huge and won prizes"
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