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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. It's true. When you are an offensive juggernaut, teams cannot afford to try to run on you very much. It takes too long to score enough points that way to keep up, and the running game can't be used to catch up in the second half of games. Still, the Chiefs have to continue improving. I think Gay will make a difference. Further development and familiarity with Spag's system of speed, flying around, disguising covereages, and gang tackling will further aid the run defense. Just speeding up the second level with faster linebackers will be huge. Finding another linebacker who is fast and close lanes will be needed to become a top five defense. But that is something we have proven we don't need to be as a team that can score almost at will. After all, we won the SB.
  2. If it's the play I'm thinking about, it was his persistence at completing the route, something Mahomes admonished him for not doing a couple of times in the past.
  3. But even with a basic route tree, a rookie can be a huge contributor if it is Mahomes getting the football to him. All they have to do is keep running a route and keep their eyes open for the ball. Never slow down, and never conclude the play is not going to him.
  4. I'm pumped. It will maybe better than when we had Kareem Hunt. He won't hurdle defenders, but he will juke them. One other thing he won't do: Kick people off the field and lie to the team about it. We'll get more seasons out of him.
  5. I was really shocked to see that film. Haven't seen a Chief RB with that kind of combination of burst and elusiveness since Jamaal Charles. Plus he has some power. Having a defense have to watch for him will protect Mahomes from pressure in a big way.
  6. O-line is a complicated position, anyway. But in Reid's offense, it is more so. No lineman is going to display his true worth for three years and won't reach a peak for five. Continuity is the most important thing in the short term. Don't expect anyone to make a big impact right away. Hudson did after he was drafted, but Hudson was unusual. Still is. Wish we still had him.
  7. Agree. He is a possession receiver with speed, the latter of which Conley never was. He has great hands and is a beast on special teams. He can gain good separation on quick moves, and his route running keeps getting better. I was resigned to losing him, but to retain him and only for a million dollars from the cap is a coup by Veach IMO. With a QB like Mahomes, he can be a #2 if someone gets hurt or as a starting #2 for multiple other teams.
  8. There is really no coherent or cohesive strategy, no real knowledge of how many people might get it or have gotten it, because there aren't enough test kits or public money to do public health testing without charging patients. Without that, we will really not ever get a handle on how prevalent it is. Without that denominator, there will be a great overestimate of the death rate and more public panic and merely guesses at how to best handle it. Maybe people will now see that not all public services, public money, and actual appointed experts are a waste of money.
  9. Yeah. I read it about that this morning. I think voluntary quarantining will never work, but I guess if it decreases exposures and works a little bit, it might help. Epidemiology is really a numbers game.
  10. It is mostly overblown. Now, if that woman had come in and had some actual shortness of breath and a low grade fever, she would be a concern, so they would be right to test for coronavirus. Anyone who feels bad enough to come in in to an ER with respiratory tract symptoms, though, MUST be tested with a quick swab for influenza virus. Influenza swabs are mandated, actually. It is the panic in the lay population that is the problem. This woman came in because of fear from watching the news, probably not from any severity of her symptoms. With a negative influenza swab, though, it is probably crucial for a short quarantine pending her coronavirus test result. It seems reasonable.
  11. I have no Idea really. I'm still thinking it is overblown. But epidemiologists and others much smarter than I am are worried. It's my belief that the 3.5 percent death rate is only because most cases are mild, untested, and therefore unrecognized. I think eventually it will prove to be less than one percent lethal, about the same as a bad influenza strain. The scary part is the interstitial pneumonia it causes in adults.
  12. It will become less epidemic and more endemic in the warm months, simply because people will not be cramped inside together quite so much. But I doubt by much. This virus spreading plenty in warm countries. I don't think it will slow down until a significant percent of Americans have had it and developed antibodies as a result. A vaccine is a year or two away. The anti-vaxxer folks might want to re-consider, at least the older ones or ones with other diseases like diabetes, emphysema, tobacco smokers, cancer, or blood vessel diseases. Those people would do well to avoid crowded places as much as possible. At least babies and older kids don't seem to get sick from it much.
  13. I think it's mostly fear, and I sure hope it doesn't last more than a few months. But this is the kind of thing that will become endemic rather than epidemic. There will always be people getting it. It's mainly a real worry for people taking steroids, people with autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, people who have been getting chemotherapy, heavy smokers, people with other colds or infections at the time, and of course, people over 65. I'm not sure that older people will ever feel comfortable going to big crowded events. Who knows?
  14. You probably had that bad H1-N1 influenza that killed many people this year. Now imagine that virus, which has an incubation period of a few days to a week, becomes infective to others a couple of days before you get sick, then stops being infective around when you are getting well, and then change the equation. Coronavirus has an incubation period of about 14 days before you get sick. You can infect others during most or all of the incubation period, and the infection basically involves your lungs, not your upper respiratory tract, and causes a viral pneumonia. Now imagine going to a stadium with 70,000 people, and maybe 20 are incubating the virus and can give it to people nearby if they sneeze or cough or shake hands with you, or if you touch the seat where they put their hands when you are trying to walk back down the row from going to the bathroom or eat popcorn with your fingers. Then the game is over, 150 people are incubating the virus and head to work the next morning. Just sayin'
  15. Le Bron James played in an empty arena today and said he wasn't go to play like that again. He said he is just going to stop playing. Just saying. If players stop playing, there won't be any TV revenues either, right? I think its overblown, but panic is panic.
  16. The NBA has been ordering teams in some places to play their games in empty arenas due to threat of coronavirus. All large venues, including sports, concerts and expositions, and even Vatican Easter services are either cancelled or will be only live-streamed. What will happen to the NFL this coming year.? Remember all these players travel all over the country crammed in jet planes. Is it possible that the season could be jeopardized? Would you go to a game right now? How far can we project this thing? Is it possible that the Chiefs will be the last team to win a Super Bowl? If the crowds are not there, the money dries up. Just wondering.
  17. We didn't mortgage the future. The front office gave us the capability of a championship without ruining the chances for a longer era of dominance. I believe the best thing they did was get all the best coaches for every position group, and Andy helped convince them to come. It was brilliant, because it makes all the players better, and coaches are a lot cheaper than players. Coaching staff dominance is a key ingredient if a true dynasty is possible.
  18. Man, that's true. It goes for drafting and FA, too.
  19. Well, it's true. He reminds me of Michael Vick with his running combined with his passing ability.
  20. It just popped into my head. I should have edited that into "open" or something. Agape sounds more intense. I think of it kinda like when your jaw drops. It actually does. Some of his plays are jaw dropping.
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