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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Your goading is understandable. It happens when a fan of an excellent and powerful team with a great young quarterback is faced with the prospect that it may all be for naught because another deep team has a quarterback who is simply out of this world and is guided by the best offensive coach and the most speed and targets for that otherworldly QB to throw to. Your comments are based on frustration and fear of becomng, going forward, what the Chiefs once were...a team that could get to the dance but not win the big one. The teams that win the big one are almost always the ones who have the best QB. It is like Manning or Elway or Brady or Farvre or Marino, or Montana. Lamar Jackson will be a fine QB who will lead the birds to many playoffs. But in the absence of odd fumbles or interceptions or injury to Mahomes, they will never get past him or the Chiefs. We all know that. Ravens fans will learn it and hope for an occasional championship whenever Mahomes is hurt. I've been watching football for about 65 years, and I have never seen a QB like Mahomes. Never. He truly floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee, is mentally brilliant, has perfect vision, a cannon for an arm that can throw at any angle with great accuracy, and is a perfect team leader. And he works harder and spends more time in the film room than any player around. He plays under the guidance and close friendship with one of the greatest offensive coaches of all time. He is rabidly competitive and is a friend of every teammate. They would all walk over hot coals for him. He misdirects and alters defenses with a glance or shift of his eyes and processes information like a quantum computer. Every game he does one or two things that are simply astonishing, that leaves my mouth agape.
  2. Regardless of whether Williams should have gone down to avoid slightly decreasing our odds, I think it was more important for him to do it. It plunged the dagger in all the old disasters and conservative play in Chiefs history, was crucial for the Chiefs psychology going forward into the decade, removed the feeling of being cursed in the fans, and fulfilled the promise he made to Schwartz ( I think) in the huddle to take it to the house. Overall, it reinforced the new attitude the team will carry forward. So, I don't go for the odds analysis thing. It was totally inspiring. Winning by 11 points after being down 10 with less than 7 minutes to go will continue to feed the anxiety our opponents will feel, and that will hurt 'em.
  3. Remember, we have a little bit of help with the raise in CAP this year, also.
  4. I'd pay anything to see that. He would become an overnight celebrity. Think of all the advertising endorsements. Show the clip while saying " You'll flip over these....whatever: burgers, toothpaste, etc. You could use it to sell prescription meds.
  5. I like him a lot. He has all around skills as others mentioned, but the combination of them is what puts him on a high level and why Reid is so fond of him. But another reason I like him, and probably Reid, is because he really doesn't fumble. He has sure hands and strong arms and can barrel around in a scrum without losing the football. I hate fumbles, and I have grown used to not worrying about him. Keep him as #1. I'm certain that being #1 RB on a world championship NFL team brings him a lot of pride, and it should. Since he can run or receive passes, he can play three downs and not clue any opposing defense into guessing what a play will be.
  6. He can definitely cause some havoc by doing a backflip. Guys will hesitate for a split second just to stay out of his way for fear of getting landed on
  7. Mispost. I read first round not top ten. I think you are right. But somewhere in the lower first round is quite possible. On the other hand. Some fans get over-excited about picks 1-10. Some of them fail completely. A guy who is a proven beast, a disrupter, still early in his career could fetch a guy high in the first round, because he is a sure thing. A GM for a crappy team who thinks he is a know-it-all, might not think that, but he should be fired.
  8. True. But a lot of the best guys are from the 2-4th rounds. The 1st round guys are often too full of themselves to feel the need to learn and give maximum effort learning.
  9. I wasn't talking about interior O-linemen. I was taking about the development time of an offensive tackle, not a guard or center.
  10. Well stated. I I think they will re-sign Fuller as hybrid CB-S and can get another CB or develop one. Just not sure about LB. Ragland was might good down the stretch. The reason I think they will go O-line with their first pick is because of what I said, the big drop-off we saw when Fisher was hurt, and the timing of Fisher's career. It takes a high pick OT and a development time of 4-5 years to get really good. I just think offense will continue to be the priority with Mahomes and Reid in the driver's seat. But we will see. It will depend on the quality in the draft and what it is looking like on the board obviously.
  11. As long as Mahomes is our best and most important player (a long time), we will remain an offensive dominant team. So, our investment must continue to be protected with a great O-line and lots of targets. Whatever accomplishes that will be our main priority. Addressing the D comes second. That is a big change in drafting and FA approach than we have experienced in the last 30 or 35 years, and all of us will need to get used to it. There will still be a whining and screaming about why we didn't address LB and D line and CB's in the offseason when certain people are available, or keeping some super expensive defensive players, but it is a culture change that proves itself over and over in teams with super good QB's and long term success. Those teams usually preveail in the offseason. It proved itself this year. If we can accomplish the targets part with Watkins at an offordable price, but we will have to pay him his high cap hit intead of Hardman who is on his rookie contract. I trust in the front office. When the D falters and Spags gets his head coaching job somewhere, we will be a merely decent team for a year or two. But thems the breaks.
  12. As long as Mahomes is our best and most important player (a long time), we will remain an offensive dominant team. So, our investment must continue to be protected with a great O-line and lots of targets. Whatever accomplishes that will be our main priority. Addrssing the D comes second. That is a big change in drafting and FA approach than we have experienced in the last 30 or 35 years, and all of us will need to get used to it. There will still be a whining and screaming about why we didn't address LB and D line and CB's in the offseason when certain people are available, but it is a culture change that proves itself in teams with super good QB's and long term success. It proved itself this year. If we can accomplish the targets part with Watkins, then fine, but we will have to pay him his high cap hit intead of Hardman who is on his rookie contract. I trust in the front office.
  13. I agree with you. Mecole Hardman is ready to take over for Watkins. We would miss out on some return yardage, but you can't have everything. We need to draft a sure-handed return man and let Mecole spend more time on offense. We can't keep everyone, and Watkins is too expensive. We are gong to have to cut some guys. It's just that simple. So, I agree with you. Let him bring his talent somewhere else. He apparently is having some family issues and wants to be a family man. The NFL grind is literally making him crazy. I think we have seen the last of him. There are other ways to help Mahomes keep getting better and better. Our best player has to be protected if he is going to cost 40-50 million dollars per year. The draft should include an offensive takle in the high rounds IMO. I am thinking about three or four years from now.
  14. Exactly. But unfortunately, if we accept that, then no one would have anything to post about this offseason
  15. Agree. We keep those great coaches and teachers so that young cheaper players play better sooner. Then get some players to extend at a favorable rate in order to have a chance to win the big one, which increases their market value. Those coaches are a lot less expensive than the players but achieve the same things.
  16. This is maybe the dumbest post I have ever seen, and that is saying a lot.
  17. A lot of teams over the years will pick up some excellent players from the Chiefs that we can't afford. I will be very discouraging to us, but with an all-galaxy QB, a roster of young, cheap first contract guys who are super well coached and about 4-5 star leaders will be all that is needed to keep making the playoffs and beyond. I agree with the comments about the D-line. Also true about the O-line. Fast WR's don't have to be incredible. If they are fast and have good hands, Mahomes will build chemistry. We are in an era where we protect a great O and have a merely decent D with a couple of leaders. That's fine. We saw where the opposite got us all those decades.
  18. The vast majority, though, are congratulatory and classy, though today. But there are always those assholes on any forum. Most of the SB gameday posters are half or completely drunk at the time anyway.
  19. This morning, our victory still has a dreamlike quality for me. The reality won't set in for days. When we pursue something for a long, long time, our feelings kind of get stuck in pursuit mode, and so it is an ending as well as a beginning, even though it is awesome, and there is an emotional confusion between the loss of our pursuit and the gain of the goal. Others here have said they "don't know how to feel." I think that is what it is. Its the end of our curse or hex, that's for sure. I don't think we will hear any more Lin Elliot or Dee Ford stories or all the rest of it anymore...or at least the anger about it will be gone. We truly are free of all that baggage. But we have gotten dependent on it, too in a way. Weirdness and joy are an odd mixture. How many times do we feel that particular form of oddness in our lives? Once or twice?
  20. It's truly amazing. He is at his best when the pressure is greatest. The truly great stars in sports are like that.
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