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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. Both teams' ST are great. We didn't do so great on returns, either. But Toub had something to prove.
  2. Thank God they didn't take your advice. Had Jones not played in the middle, he wouldn't have batted those two key passes down that basically got the stops that made all the difference.
  3. Are you talking about Colombia in S. America? Or was that a typo?
  4. Got to find a way to keep Jones, too. We could start a GoFundMe.
  5. Someone has to mention this: Reid kept his foot on the gas until the very end.
  6. I don't even mind writing the name Lin Elliott, naming him clearly. He can't hurt us anymore.
  7. To me, the biggest events of the whole game were the 3rd and 15 complettion to Hill, and the three and out we accomplished on SF's next possession.
  8. When it was 20-10 and Mahomes was struggling, I took the radical step of removing my Chiefs Coalition T-shirt, just to change things up. The game turned around immediately. Everyone can thank me later.
  9. What a present!!! Happy Birthday. And on Groundhog day, 02=02-2020.
  10. I'm having a cup of coffee right now to make sure of it. Well, Wilks. The curse is broken for good. Broken forever.
  11. Nailed it. There is a lot of that in me. With a few modifications, of course.
  12. Actually, I don't care if any of those things happen again, as long as we have more points on the board than they do when the clock reaches zero.
  13. If the two teams are basically equal, I will bet on the team with the wizard freak future GOAT athletic QB over the team with the merely good or very good QB every time. So, I obviously pick the Chiefs.
  14. I'm fine with that, as long as the chooser holds themselves responsible. The only way someone else should stick their nose in it is if the chosen action is illegal. Otherwise, it is nobody else's business. That is kind of a response to CF63.
  15. LIfe would be pretty dull without the power to make choices and follow our dream, and it would be pretty dull without regrets, too. Who are we to judge someone else in their life choices, unless they choose to do something illegal, right? Just my two cents as an old guy.
  16. SF is not going switch from a four man rush. It is too hard to change everything up, and they have had success with it all season. Second is that they have to keep safeties back and drop a linebacker or two to have any chance of stopping Kelce and the speedsters. It could be that Reid is going to spring a combination of Hill and Hardman on the field at the same time. One or the other will fake the screen to one side drawing defenders there, and the other will actually get the screen going to the opposite side. We may finally see that two or three times. Each one will probably produce big yardage. OR both of them will fake just to spread out the defense for short curl and wheel routss to Watkins, Kelce, and D. Williams or D. Rob. Another Reid trick might be a pass or two to The Sausage, or just hand it off to him on some short yardage situations. But I definitely agree with some trick plays no one has faced all season. We probably have some real mind bogglers cooked up that will make their defense confused and hesitant. I would hate to have to be the ones trying to stop the Reid machine. I don't think SF has faced any opponents this year with the kind of offense and playbook Reid runs. SF is just going to run and run an run to control the clock. I don't think that will be enough to get the job done against us.
  17. When the line is pick'em, I always pick the team with the best QB. That usually decides it. I know for a fact that Mahomes is at least a step better than Garrapolo and has more targets and a more diverse offense that can adjust quickly during the game. So, I am picking the Chiefs as twice as likely to win as SF.
  18. You are right. I feel compelled to answer every damned response to one of my posts. It just takes so much attention, and my wife gets angry when I am posting, because I don't hear or listen to what she is saying. So, it really gets bad in family relationships. When I took that year sabbatical and came back with a different screen name (I didn't know I could get my old one back at the time), I started slowly and still ended up in the same place...ignoring important things and defending my own stupid prior posts and ego. The political stuff in the LR is so enticing and addictive, but it is really a complete waste of time. Everyone will defend to the death their own opinion. Nobody changes or really opens to opposite opinions. It doesn't change any minds. People just get more aggravated and more abusive in an endless cycle. It is like out in real life, I have many friends I enjoy but have learned to avoid politics, because it always just drives wedges between people instead of builds relationships. Addiction is addiction. It makes no difference whether it is alcohol, other drugs, gambling, sex, food, or political obsessions and internet forums. They all end up narrowing our world and relationships and inflating ourselves and our own opinions of ourselves.
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