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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. I can still wear it. Actually, I weighed more than I should have back then. I was around 5''8" and weighed162, and for my height, I should not have been over 145 then. Right now, that is what I weigh, but I have shrunk 2 full inches in height over the last 16 years. I am only 5''6" now. Even more of a shrimp than before. Gravity is the culprit. 1G literally squashes you over the decades. I only wear my coalition T-shirt for playoff games. Otherwise, it stays in my closet. So, it looks like new and fits just fine. Now, if I can wash that "Xen" thing in black marker off of it, it would be perfect Indelible marker pen, though. Xen is immortal in my closet. I wish he would just come out of the closet, but noooooo.
  2. I'll say it like I said last offseason. To let Sorensen go is pure lunacy. He is a special teams ace and when called on to play safety, he knows where people are on the field, what is happening on a play, gets there quickly, and lays giant licks on people at high speed. Toub will neve agree to let Sorensen go. The team wants to cultivate agressiveness on defense and have guys who can fly around and disrupt. Sorensen is the epitome of that. As for a backup QB, Reid will ALWAYS want an experienced guy. He will go with Henne if he can...or someone else who knows complicated offenses, can prepare and execute a game plan. Let X.Williams and Speaks go. Never, never let Jones get away. McCoy must go. Darwin Thompson is going to be a great back. Shifty and strong. Keep Darryl Williams. He is very strong. I agree that Robinson is expendable. He will be a strong guy for a lot of teams, but he can be replaced pretty easily.
  3. One of the best investments is having a fantastic coaching staff that can get young draftees and undrafted FA's up to playing at a strong level quickly and be guided by team leaders in how to prepare and in building the right attitude. As you say, keep em cheap and keep em coming. Not just WR's but all of the depth guys. Re-sign team leaders and sign a couple of top FA's each year as necessary to replace strong players who have to be let go because of becoming too expensive. This is how to stay great while still paying the best QB in football a monstrous contract to stay here for his full career.
  4. Don't forget Okafor. I like him even more than Ogbah. KPass should play interior and use his height and long arms to block passes, like Jones does.
  5. Sounds like a lot of us. Emotions are more easily and honestly expressed when we get old. No point in trying to put on an unemotional face. We have more years of pent up disappointments and unfulfilled dreams to let go of when something like this happens. After all, being a fan is, by definition, something that happens at the level of emotions, not reason. Plus, we have to consider the senility aspect as well. ⌛️
  6. Brings up one of my favorite sayings. "If the dog hadn't stopped to piss, he'd have caught the rabbit." But yeah, I think you are right. Green and the 2003 offense were good enough to get there. But we have seen over and over that well balanced teams are the ones that get there, with rare exceptions. Our only SB championship we had both a very good offense along with a world shattering defense.
  7. Does anyone remember "Criswell Predicts"? Only those of us who are old. That's where "There will be toads in Toledo" comes from.
  8. Yes, of course. We all have to build up our CV (Credibility Vitae).
  9. Our big guys on D are going to be even better next season. Imagine having Okafor and Ogbah back and keeping Pennel, starting KPass and Jones in the middle with Clark at the edge. I don't know if Suggs has another season left in him. He would be a great spot starter, but he is expensive, and I think he is basically just a stopgap for the playoffs, right? Next season, we will also have Thornhill back, a more polished Ward, and maybe a re-signed Fuller. We might be playing with the best safety duo in the NFL.
  10. I just noticed this post. I think Jones was following the game plan. The plan was obviously to anticipate and get off th line extra quick. Jones does that anyway, but even faster yesterday because of the game plan. Henry is effective because he starts further back and has a head of steam when he hits the LOS. We limited him by getting a yard into the backfield almost instantly, limiting Henry's ability to accelerate before reaching the LOS. Mass combined with speed is very hard to stop, even with two guys, and theTitans had developed the right way to use Henry this season, accounting for so much of his success. The strategy Spags used to stop Henry worked, even though it cost Jones a couple of offsides. It was merely a side effect of a successful strategy to stop Henry. I'm really impressed with Spags. Sutton would definitely have lost that game.
  11. She's been hoping to turn me into Prince Charming for the last 35 years. Clearly, she has given up on that project.
  12. Yeah. How can anyone give up on him, especially a lineman, even as a linebacker. He at least needs to fail for a couple of years, not show any progress,and not be injured before giving up on him. So many Chiefs fans expect young guys to step right in. It's crazy. For 4 years we read post after post about how Eric Fisher was worthless and should be released. It takes a long time to find out about these guys. And changing schemes and trying to make a guy a hybrid DE/LB. How hard is that to learn? I'd say pretty hard.
  13. Wilkie, don't feel so alone. I have to admit I got choked up and shed a tear. My wife ridiculed me about it, but I don't care. She doesn't know shit about the history and the emotion involved over the decades. But she watched the whole game, because she sees Mahomes' artistry and cannot believe what he is able to do. She also thinks he is cute and wants to pinch his cheek
  14. I agree totally. Sutton never figured out where to play him and gave up on playing him at all. Pitiful. I gave up on him myself, thinking that maybe KPass was dumb or something. In all of my comments last summer during camp, I suggested he be released. But immediately in pre-season he began making great plays and I wanted to see him get more and more snaps as the season went along. Thank God for Spags.
  15. I predict we win the AFC championship by beating the Titans 35-24 at Arrowhead. - Fmbl2187 (Aug.19, 2019)
  16. I really believe we will win. After 50 years, I have to say this looks like the strongest Chiefs team of all time., including the 69-70 team because of Mahomes being better than Len Dawson ever was. Mahomes can literally put the team on his shoulders and carry them when things get rough. Dawson could never do that.
  17. The reason we won is because I was wearing my Coalition T shirt I got at the first Festivus. In black marker, the last part of the word "coalition" had "Xen" written over it. He must have signed it for me. Hell, that was 16 years ago. Can you believe that?
  18. BIG props to D. Williams. He played great...except that one play when he should have gone down in bounds. Pretty minor mistake actually.
  19. This is why we never got to the Superbowl with a strong defense and a great runner. We never got there with Okoye, Priest Holmes, Jamaal Charles, a strong defense, and a merely decent QB. You can get to the playoffs, but that is it. To make it to the big game, you need a GREAT QB. The closest we came was with Montana, but he was already at the end of the road. Now, we have to pay Mahomes while keeping a merely good defense, and a few good running backs and receivers. If we do that, we will have mulitiple trips to the big game, and win our share of them.
  20. What you saw was how you stop Henry. Gap discipline, get a lead, keep a lead. That's it. Not magic.
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