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Everything posted by Fmbl2187
  1. My feeling is that nobody studies film and produces game plans and preparation any better than Andy Reid, and he has faced them multiple times. I also feel that for 14 years, New England has faced teams of every possible approach and style and has continued to win Super Bowls. Somehow, they have done it with a great QB, and we should, too, without any further nervous nelly-ship or nail biting. If we are better and play better, we win. If we don't or can't, then we are not ready yet or not good enough. Just as simple as that.
  2. To any fan, it feels like it. The only problem is that believing in curses or paranormal influences with a particular opponent is not just illogical. It is counterproductive and, if believed by the organization, possibly counterproductive. I think that sometimes, if you flip a coin six times, it will come up tails six times. The exact odds can be calculated in advance but always feels spooky if you are the one flipping the coin. My feeling is to forget about that stuff and just enjoy the game when or if it takes place.
  3. I would like to see The Sausage used more and more as a RB/FB and outlet receiver down the stretch. I have never once been disappointed by him. He is a wild card that Andy could use in a tough defensive game in the snow. An old fashioned low-scoring smash mouth game. Like an old style AFC championship game. The Sausage is money in the bank.
  4. C'mon, Jet. Let's get serious. You are never wrong. Not that I want to put any pressure on you.
  5. I understand. Don't agree, but I understand. I have just grown weary of a half century of excuses.
  6. Yep. That shouldn't change when it comes to centers. I like big mean fatties at guard.
  7. I like mobile. Mobile but strong. A center has to pull to have a good running game. They have to get out in space when called upon. At least that is my understanding of the game.
  8. if they give us fits, then we are not fit to be the world champions unless we beat them, right? Instead of worrying about how we can sneak around or avoid "better" teams than us, we should be enthusiastic about having the opportunity to beat them. If we can't, then we should not be champions, no? Bring 'em on. Otherwise a championship comes with an asterisk.
  9. I thought that was the most impressive thing of all. Part of it was that, with a healthy Mahomes and Fisher, the O-line didn't need to hold in order to save his skin. Still, the absence of PI's and other penalties was phenomenal.
  10. Mahomes has not been able to step up in the pocket all season. A lot of that was his injuries while needing to stay in the lineup. But yes, we need a blue chip center. His throws stepping up last year and before his early ankle injury this year were otherworldly. Fortunately, his ability while escaping the pocket has brought him back to near 100%. He just needs a fully clean pocket and a little less wind.
  11. I'm not so much worried about seeds anymore. With a great QB, getting to the playoffs gives us as good a chance as anyone. Now, we are pretty healthy, and the D is really reached a decent level, especially in coverage. With Okafor getting healthy, and with Clark getting healthy, and with Jones, obviously, we can bring the pressure. Just getting to the playoffs after a long first 2/3 of the season filled with injuries, and with the D learning Spag's system, I just don't give damn about seeds. We have as good a chance as anyone wherever and whoever we play. Mahomes is mobile again, and I would like to see Thompson become a force at RB and get to see Mahomes throw in something other than a Category 2 hurricane.
  12. Watkins has been disappointing but not Robinson. He would absolutely have had that touchdown pass, if he had not been interfered with. Makes no difference. The PI led to a touchdown. His nice route is what forced the DB to interfere.
  13. I've been waiting for him. Don't know why it took this long. He has quick moves, great vision, and surprising strength. Here is to a long and healthy career. Unrelated topic: I sat there and absolutely called the pass to the Sausage. I couldn't believe it. Somehow, I just knew that was exactly what Reid was going to call. It must have just been a weird coincidence. I'm not generally good at calling unexpected plays. But I honestly called that one.
  14. This whole thread is absurd. We have one of the youngest rosters, and they are going to make mistakes. The unrealistic thing was imagining a super bowl this year instead of 2020. We have also had WAAAY more than our fair share of injuries. Reid deserves his Lombardi, and he's going to get it.
  15. I have to disagree also. This one was a complete clown show. it was like three hours of guys popping their palms on their foreheads. Hard to explain. Reid is hard to rile, and he looked riled. Stupid football. Stupid plays. Stupid decisions. Stupid hands. Stupid snaps. Each one, by itself, was just part of football. But they were all lined up in a row in a continuous game of slapstick comedy. This season has also been an injury show like none I have ever seen.
  16. Awesome. Counting on you for a win. Perfect weather.
  17. I think I am most astonished at KPass. I had essentially given up on him, but it was merely asking him to play out of position and in the wrong system. He looks like he could end up one of the best. I keep wanting to see more of him with every game. He just stands out.
  18. So, then, you are saying he would turn a new Leaf? OK. Wasn't funny. I'll try to do better next time.
  19. All this frantic talk about the Patriots and HFA and how we have to win out is absolute bullshit. This is not the Chiefs of the past. We have a great QB. All we have to do is get in the playoffs, and we will get there easily. It makes no difference if we get a first round bye. It makes no difference if we play at home or away. If we play with Mahomes we have as good a chance as the best teams in the playoffs. All we need to worry about is our own business. I really don't give a rat's ass about New England until we play them in the playoffs...assuming they make it.
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