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Everything posted by AFCWEST
  1. Another point: This invites the Government to get involved. NFL has a monopoly. A governor, mayor, city council, Senator , Congress etc and their city/state loses something that huge who knows what they will do. Lots of big issues here.
  2. YEs. The point is they are changing the rule! In the middle of the season.
  3. I dont care about how it helps or hurts KC. Its about the fans of all teams, local business etc. If I own the local PIZZA HANGOUT in any of these cities Im pissed. If IM a server Im pissed. This hurts so many that should not have a game moved to a neutral site. How do you choose that site? Here comes more conspiracies. Does KC prefer grass? Does Cinn play better outdoors? On and ON. Is the south really neutral?
  4. That may apply to laws. I doubt player reps, still players, knew about this rule. I doubt they held a formal meeting and took a real vote.
  5. I seriously doubt they were aware that if the game is cancelled this could happen. They play the game not the BUSSINESS of Football.
  6. Clark may well go against this. If he votes yes and Im a sponsor etc i would sue him, the team, personally. This is a legal windfall for Attorneys. Every small business owner in KC should sue. This list is infinite. The rule is on the books.
  7. Maybe if the players knew the rule on the books they would have PLAYED? The players union should also sue the owners if they do not follow the rules and for not telling the players what happens if they decided not to play. WHAT A SHIT SHOW ITs Jan 6th. Time for an insurrection. STOP THE PLAYOFF STEAL.
  8. NFL Network's Ian Rapoport reports Bills S Damar Hamlin talked to his teammates Friday morning. His breathing tube removed, Hamlin -- who collapsed on the field Monday night in Cincinnati -- was able to speak with Bills players for the first time since he was sedated at a nearby hospital. Doctors have been highly encouraged by Hamlin's progress over the past 72 hours; the removal of his breathing tube means he can breathe on his own. The University of Cincinnati Medical Center announced Thursday that Hamlin's "neurological condition and function is intact." It's the best possible news for the 24 year old as he makes his recovery. If remains to be seen when, or if, he will rejoin the Bills.
  9. This part is Stupid. Who knows if Buff or Cinn will make it to the AFCCG? Crazy. KC choses home field and can lose in the wild card game. Nuts. It seems intended for KC to waive home field. that the Chiefs, if they beat the Raiders on Saturday, would have had to choose between taking a week off or having home-field advantage in an AFC Championship against the Bills or Bengals.
  10. Exactly Correct. Makes AFCWEST Points: This would create hundreds if not thousands of lawsuits. Again, they can do whatever at least 24 of them want to do. But they need to realize the broader impact of what they’d be doing. Once this starts, where does it end? Would the owners change the rules regarding roughing the passer during a season? Would they make pass inference a 15-yard penalty and not a spot foul during a season? Would they alter the overtime rules during a season? This isn’t about fairness or unfairness to the Chiefs, Bills, Ravens, or Bengals. It’s about whether the rules on the books will remain on the books until a given season ends. If the rules are going to change during a given season, that potentially changes everything.
  11. Deep pockets equal huge awards. If I pay to sponsor a stadium and base what Im willing to pay on the chances that team has to get playoff exposure I am suing big time. I would think teams like KC get bigger revenues than say the Texans based on winning. Fans buy tickets hoping for that playoff game. Is there anything in their contract thats says we may decide you dont get that game? Cities give huge tax breaks to teams hoping to get those big games. It goes on and on.
  12. I wonder if fans, a city, sponsors and season ticket holders can sue the NFL for not following a rule already in place when they purchased their tickets? Get a good attorney and do a class action.
  13. So the NFL does have a rule for cancelled games. They should stick to it!
  14. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/owners-will-be-able-to-amend-the-proposal-for-afc-playoff-seeding/ar-AA1636Gu?cvid=94beeab3bea249518c39fa2de06f024e That said, the owners can choose to split the proposals into two votes, if they want. Other changes can be made. The suggestions can be amended or debated. Ultimately, the league can do whatever it wants to do — as long as at least 24 owners agree. It takes only a block of nine to compel the league to retain the current rule on the books that contemplates playoff seeding based on winning percentage, with no allowances for neutral sites or coin flips or anything else. That’s the biggest point that, before last night, had been glossed over. Through multiple conference calls and, undoubtedly, plenty of other off-the-record and/or background conversations with reporters, there was never an explanation that the NFL already has a rule for dealing with canceled games, and that the league was choosing to flat-out ignore that rule and come up with something else on the fly. When the owners meet, that should be the first question asked. Why are we changing the rule that was already created for this specific situation? That’s an explanation, if there is one, that hasn’t been provided to the media. Presumably, it will be provided to the men and women who own the 32 NFL teams.
  15. Agree 100%. Letting some players, I doubt they actually voted, decide not to play was a huge mistake. KC should not be penalized. The game should have resumed. There is no fair solution.
  16. Agree; NFL need to establish a clear policy going forward. Best may be let guys that object to playing not play but play the game. At this point the NFL has ruined the ending to this season for teams and fans. There is no solution that is close to reasonable or remotely fair. Everything now becomes unhappy, unfair, conspiracy based BS.
  17. Good point. Agree yet they know the coach, cheerleader, ref, etc. Note: Its was not a fatal event it was an event that could become fatal but was yet to be determined. Similar situations include a serious neck injury , spinal injury or some of the recent extremely concussed players.
  18. Good info. The next Question is why did they have a choice? What % did not want to play? We will never know.
  19. Real Question? If a cheerleader, coach, photographer, ref or any other person had a heart attack on the field during the game would the game have been cancelled? How about a fan in the first row that falls onto the field of play? How about a family member of a player or coach in the stands? Are any of these humans any less important?
  20. NFLNBAMLBGOLF ALL PLAYER NEWS JOE BURROWQB, CINCINNATI BENGALS The Bengals' Week 18 game against the Ravens is scheduled for 1:00 PM ET on Sunday. This was always the expectation, though, with the Bengals' Week 17 game versus Buffalo being postponed, there was some question as to how the league would handle this situation. Both the Ravens and Bengals are still alive in the AFC North title race, so this game will have considerable playoff implications. Also, if the Bengals win, the Chargers, who don't kick off until the afternoon window, will be locked into the No. 5 seed.
  21. He may get 5 years guaranteed. He is making 9 at Mich.
  22. Contender not Champions. With that defense, tweak the oline and use Wilson as he should be used they will be competitive. Harbaugh will get them on track year one and build it from there.
  23. 20 million and he already stated he wants back in the NFL.
  24. Harbaugh would make Denver instant contenders. Yes he can work with Wilson. They will need to dump their awful GM.
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