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Everything posted by AFCWEST
  1. I have stated many times. That SB win was a bit lucky. No offense until the WASP play. Even that was a bit lucky. The ball was under thrown. If Gimmy G had hit a wide open Sanders , Reid would still be that guy that cant win the big one. Reid was out coached in the SB. Mahomes and Hill bailed him out.
  2. I think Im losing faith in Spags. Not sure. Seems to be a Blitz Happy Guy. Defense not improving and second half adjustments not there.
  3. Yes both are coming along and still average at this time. Karloftis is a #1 pick. Should not be a project?
  4. Yep. “We were trying to fix it — and keep the pedal down,” said head coach Andy Reid of the team’s third-quarter approach. “In these games, you’ve got to stay on top of It, so that’s what we were doing.” The key here is that the Chiefs were trying to fix their past mistakes — but in the third quarter, the momentum of the game had swung completely to the Broncos. Kansas City’s lead was down to six points after Denver scored on the opening drive of the second half. It felt like the Chiefs had jumped out to a big lead — and then got bored, thinking they could coast to an easy victory. But that’s not how the NFL works. If you’re not locked in 100% for all four quarters, even the league’s worst teams will pounce on you. The Chiefs tried to turn it back on in the second half — but by that point, it was already too late. They were stuck in a dogfight with an inferior team. Six of the Chiefs’ final eight drives resulted in either a punt or an interception. Ultimately, the responsibility rests with the coaching staff. The coaches called a subpar game, refusing to move away from their ingrained tendencies. I hope the Chiefs learn their lesson. You can’t just turn it on whenever you want — not even against the Broncos. https://www.arrowheadpride.com/2022/12/12/23504947/chiefs-broncos-5-things-we-learned-week-14
  5. Spags: " No Blitz It No Biscuit". AFCWEST https://www.arrowheadpride.com/2022/12/12/23504947/chiefs-broncos-5-things-we-learned-week-14 I think the frustrating thing about the stat line is that the Kansas City defensive line is leaps and bounds better than the Denver offensive line — so the Chiefs didn’t need to blitz to get to the quarterback. Watching the game, it felt like Kansas City was winning its one-on-one matchups. Unfortunately, the Chiefs’ defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo just can't help himself. His blitz-obsessed scheme works well against lowly teams like the Broncos. But if you try to live by the blitz against good teams in the playoffs, you’re going to leave your young cornerbacks on an island — where they will be burned down the sidelines. A couple of times during Sunday’s game, we saw Denver wide receiver Jerry Jeudy do exactly that. In Denver, the defense was good enough. But in the playoffs, good enough won’t be good enough
  6. Yes agree. That said its still a really really poor defense. It was against a historic pathetic offense. I think KC Brass figured this was a reset year and is surprised to still be 10-3. I know I am. Other than McDuffie & Pacheko the drafted players have been average so far. Next year may, MAY, see more improvement. Defense seems to get worse each week and has not had many injuries. Spags: " NO Blitz It No Biscuit ". Does not have any playmakers other than Jones.
  7. Very unfortunate. Draft impact less than I expected. Free agent Reid is not very good. Ranked 25th and faced two third string QBs.
  8. Yes and Kelce would probably be ok. He could rest on plays he is a blocker. A few plays off or a series or two could give him more juice in the playoffs and extend his career. Is it stats or SB?
  9. With Williams they can throw it all over the field. Against the KC D they can throw it all over the field. They shut down Miami. Chargers have about 7 starters almost ready to return. Now its the Chargers so next week they can lose to Tenn. or any game after that. If KC is playing them next week I dont see KC winning next week. Glad they are not. Chiefs D is a mess. Playoff time who knows.
  10. If playoffs started this week KC would be facing the Chargers with a healthy Mike Williams and many other injured guys coming back. Would not like that game next week. Fortunately: Chiefs have time to dump EB and get back on track. LOL Let Nagy call plays.
  11. Excellent thoughts and clarification. Its also a big reason the D struggles. KC does not play field position or effective clock management. Puts the D on the field more than it should be. KC should think ball control to keep its defense off the field. Chiefs D is simply average at best. There is a reason EB does not get a job. Maybe he is simply not intelligent. He clearly is not football smart.
  12. Maybe, hoping, Nagy has been told he is the next KC HC?
  13. True. We can plat that game over and over again. I guess my point is KC wins ugly more often than not. Mahomes saves this team from itself. KC is also very fortunate in the injury department so far.
  14. Here’s what is inexcusable when it comes to Andy Reid and the play-calling after the Chiefs took a 27-0 lead. When the Chiefs went up 27-0 with 4:32 left in the second quarter Isiah Pacheco had 8 carries for 46 yards. That’s 5.75 yards per carry up to that point. From that moment on he only had 5 carries for 24 yards. That’s @#$%* absurd. That is some criminal play-calling malpractice. I respect what a brilliant offensive mind Andy Reid is in the big picture, but sometimes he galaxy brains himself when following “Football For Dummies” would get the job done. You have a young, explosive, physical running back that is averaging 5.75 yards per carry and a 27-0 lead. RUN THE STINKING BALL MAN!!!! Why in the wide, wide, world of sports is Patrick Mahomes’ pass attempts outnumbering Pacheco’s runs 22 to 5 from that point on in the game? Seriously, I dare anyone to make an argument in favor of that. You can’t do it. I wish that was my only complaint related to using Pacheco, but I’m not quite done yet. The Chiefs didn’t even use him when they actually did run the ball in important situations in the second half. They trusted Michael Burton on a key third-and-short run over him and Burton failed miserably. They were even using McKinnon in key running situations on the final drive until they finally put Pacheco in for one carry and he preceded to rip off a 10-yard run for a first down that iced the game.
  15. Situational Football: https://arrowheadaddict.com/2022/12/12/kc-chiefs-need-isiah-pacheco-less-patrick-mahomes/ That having been said… Patrick Mahomes (and Andy Reid) are at fault for letting the Broncos back into this game because they refused to adjust their plan of attack to fit the situation. Mahomes threw three BAD interceptions. Those are on him. He has to be better and smarter than that and he knows it. After the game, he admitted as much in his post-game comments “I just can’t put our team in that situation. You don’t win a lot of games in this league when you have three interceptions”. He’s right, he threw those passes and he owned it. He should have been smarter with the ball when protecting a big lead. You don’t need to be reckless in that situation like you would if you were down 27-0. That having been said… This isn’t all on Patrick Mahomes. Andy Reid has to share a BIG part of this as well. He’s the offensive mastermind and he’s the one that kept dialing up pass plays with a big lead. Now, that might be understandable if the Broncos were stuffing the run, but they weren’t. That brings me to Isiah Pacheco.
  16. I wish home field was not on the line. Chiefs may be better off coasting a bit to the playoffs, working on some things like running the ball and resting guys like Kelce. They can rest the team by giving guys less snaps, more rotations and some entire games off. Give the back ups more playing time.
  17. OK I see your point. You trade top picks and get an average at best LT. Agree its not a disaster as long as KC does not give him an extension. Let him walk.
  18. Yes it is. Reid has been here how many years? He is not going to change. He was the guy that could not win the big games. He did win it in KC and did not run the ball then. He may return to the guy that cant win the big game again even with Mahomes. He is STUBBORN and I think he loves his GENIUS REPUTATION and media hype. That said. Im sure thrilled he is the Chiefs Head Coach. Winning every year is FANTASTIC.
  19. I had that dream too. Then when I woke up it was a fairytale. Its never going to happen with Reid.
  20. Its unfortunate KC made that trade. DISASTER. Brown stinks. VEACH is fortunate he did not take that contract offer.
  21. Its not just the Dbs. Its not just turning your head. Its just they get beat and are having to cover too long unless KC blitz. Blitz often equals man to man and a matchup issues. If you dont get there you usually get beat.
  22. I think the needing to blitz and poor safety play makes it difficult for Spags. Chiefs do not have enough play makers on D and the safety Reid is not good enough for his contract. Chiefs dont get enough turnovers.
  23. Any team in the play offs can beat KC. The good Qbs torch this defense. KC played two teams with their top QBs out. The defense ranking stats are misleading. NO real pass rush means Mahomes and the offense will need to play almost perfect. The good news we have seen that many times.
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