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Everything posted by AFCWEST
  1. saw that. Overall the oline is not opening lanes for any of the backs. I think Cali nailed it. They never have a chance to get into a flow and too many RPO.
  2. Sure. Will say most of the time , except that video, there is no hole. No room to run.
  3. I was not serious about him calling the plays. Just a sarcastic comment based on how plays are working out now and issues getting them in on time.
  4. Agree. There is a reason nobody has hired EB. Would love to see Mahomes calling his own plays and compare results. Need to stop the RPO crap. You actually have to be decent at running the ball for RPO to work. Teams know KC wont do it. Thats STUPID.
  5. Reid has failed to fix this for several seasons. Hard to understand.
  6. I just told you. Every coordinator that finished higher each season is just as good. Thats your measure. Again I dont care about the stats you use.
  7. So there are several genius coordinators? All the coordinators that finish ahead of KC if we use that measure. Thats not my measure. Stats are not a real indicator. My standard for genius is different than yours. KC cant score 1st and goal inside the 5 often. KC cant run the ball with a supposedly a top oline. KC cant adjust to 2 high safety. He is getting in the way more than innovating. But you can keep your opinion as you see it. You wont change mine. Great coach and leader. O-genius....not anymore.
  8. He has Mahomes. He had Hill. He has Kelce. 6th does not make you a genius. Are the other 5 coaches ahead of kc also genius? Great coach and leader yes. Genius not so much.
  9. I think that is in his past. Great coach yes but not offense genius anymore. Everybody gets old. That is a fact.
  10. That is the question. Reid can over ride any decision and may have told EB run the clock out. EB has interviewed for 20 jobs and got none. Thats says a lot.
  11. Thats your opinion. He is no better than many nfl coaches and its not just one loss. Great coach yes. Genius not so much. Mahomes gives him an edge. Without Mahomes he is that losing playoff coach once again. Cant score often inside the 5. He outsmarts himself.
  12. ANDY REID IS NO GENIUS . Time to get back to basics.
  13. Exactly. If you take away the CEH 50 yard run you have almost nothing.
  14. Mahomes has been one of the most pressured QB this season. Oline is disappointing. Why is the oline coach getting a pass?
  15. There are a few tough games but I dont think the schedule is all that difficult.
  16. Chiefs were a bit lucky to win last week. That 99 yard int was the big break. So really this is 2 weeks in a row of poor offense results. The league seems to have figured this offense and tendencies out. You can blame the coaches no doubt. But Andy can over ride any decision. I would think he was ok with the fake field goal and that he was ok running all the kicks out of the end zone, including the last one that wasted like 8 seconds. Andy is arrogant at times with this offense. Andy deserves the blame as much or more than others.
  17. So then not so historically great? Havent done that? History defines that. LOL
  18. Not to this degree. Its much more obvious now. Chiefs do not have a #1 receiver. I wondered why GB let MVS go. Now I understand.
  19. Mahomes and Rogers will share many things in the record books. One superbowl may also be shared. KC offense , and PM, just not the same without Hill. KC needed to make the trade and I support that. Result is obvious. Teams can scheme Kelce and fear no other receiver. Chiefs oline is over rated at this time. Pass pro is not good and I dont see any holes open for the backs.
  20. The Panty Patrol, Sky is Falling Geometry Club, Chicken Little Farmers and the KCCDS Alumni will be out in full force soon to answer all these questions and condemn those for asking.
  21. Yes ST sucked. Buy what about the OLINE? Cant run or pass protect? What about the OLINE coach? Free pass?
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