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  1. They been saying it all night the Raided kicker hasn’t missed a FG in the stadium he is going to miss the FG and this game ends in tie. 🤔
  2. Good to see you too my friend. You and I have certainly have had our differences of opinion but I consider you a football friend and if we ever meet at a Ravens/Chiefs game I'll buy you a beer brother. Stay safe continue your antics you can even take some jabs at me it makes for good healthy conversation.
  3. Wow I haven't posted in a while in here but I see Hands is still rubbing people the wrong way. For the record I am not defending Hands but he has been here a very long time doing what he always does finding someone he can annoy until they say something and get suspended not Hands. Love him or hate him he is a football fan even if its the Ravens and that makes him okay in my book. We all can agree we love football...
  4. 42 - 20 Chiefs - They don’t lose a game this entire season period. Most of you in here know I view every game through Chiefs colored glasses. Go Chiefs!!
  5. I'm on the 19-0 Train. Dolphins don't get to pop the top this year!!
  6. Chris - 48 from the great state of Kentucky! I have one daughter from my 1st marriage and now I am newly divorced. Love the Chiefs, I been a fan since 93’ when the 49ers traded Montana to the Chiefs couldn’t be a 49er fan anymore after that. I’ll be a Chiefs fan for the rest of my life no matter what! I’m not always well taken on the board because I hate misplaced negativity towards the the team. GO CHIEFS!! SuperBowl Champions!!
  7. Popeyes Spicy chicken wings! My stomach will be so torn up during the game no reason to have a big spread I’ll be a basket case!
  8. I’m a 93’ Alum also. When the 49ers traded Montana I was so pissed I defected from being a 49er fan to being a Chief fan it’s the best decision I ever made besides divorcing my 2nd wife!!😂
  9. I asked for the exact same thing a couple months ago and got torched for saying it!
  10. Jackson sucks as a passer! If the Titans would have scored another one it would all but be over! Go DAT! Lol
  11. Good thing here is they will pound Henry now and wear him out. I hope he carries 35 to 40 times.
  12. Oh shit here we go with the “Trap Game” bullsheet! SMH every time I hear it!
  13. Yeah maybe but this will end differently! The movie you are referring to was a nightmare.
  14. Dude shut the fuck up! Damn you are worse than Fanatic!
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