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Everything posted by wilkie
  1. Gents, today is why pro football is the greatest spectator sport of our era.
  2. Wind had a whole lot to do with the unsynched passing today
  3. For some odd reason we seem to come out at home flat. Seen enough Raider games to not pick any score.
  4. Good advice. Stay off social media six months. If you have already trashed her, cancel your account. Men have about a one in four chance of succeeding in divorce. Although unfair perhaps, that's how it is.
  5. I was divorce lawyer for 40 years before retirement. My advice to the newly divorced man who is going through a family holiday.....treat Thanksgiving just like another day. Go to a movie, preferably during the time you would normally eat. Stay away from the alcohol because it increases the "Poor Me" feelings. Call your family or friends tonight. Stay off the pity pot. Whatever else you decide to do, if divorce is still ongoing and not finalized......do NOT contact her by phone. Anything you say or do can be used against you and my experience is that if your soon to be ex can use more ammunition to bring you down....she will. Good luck and don't try to go through a divorce without a lawyer on your side.
  6. Truthfully my cardiologist told me Wilkie do not watch Chiefs Raiders game live. Life is so much better when you watch these games after you know the final score. Better for my underwear too. Wonder what Tiltraider is up to?
  7. I will say it in unequivocal terms that everyone here understands...... FUCK THE RAIDERS
  8. I read all this stuff. Followed Kcsince 1965. So tell me....what is greater football than CHIEFS Oakland for division champs? Nothing I know of and when Raiders to go Las Vegas it won't be the same. Enjoy the last year of this great rivalry. And kick their ass. Nextweek is raider week.
  9. CHIEFS and Raiders for the division. Just like the old days. That was football
  10. We did NOT beat ourselves. They beat us. Saying you beat yourself is for pussies and you know that. They beat us. Simple as that. This kind of stuff happens all the time. That's why we follow football. If we won every game every week we wouldn't follow it. That is why it is called football.
  11. But that is where our energy needs to focus DMan. If we focus on one game at a time, this stuff will work itself out. Thankfully after San Diego we get a BYE week for people to start healing (particularly Fisher). But for now its Phillip Rivers and Melvin Gordon. And we can say a special prayer that Antonio Gates finally retired..
  12. We still play em ONE GAME AT A TIME Marty used to call it the 11:00 rule. Hope we learned something today but its almost time to worry about next Monday night in Mexico City. I apologize for the underline. My computer does this on its own from time to time. Remember: ONE GAME AT A TIME.
  13. Last week we won a game we should have lost. This week we lost a game we should have won. Some of it was execution. A lot of it was luck...good and bad. Overreaction is common in this fanbase. But a little reality is also necessary. The expression Any Given Sunday is pretty appropriate. Take a chill pill.
  14. That's how I held it and yes...I dropped the s hit out of it many times. Could I change? He'll no.
  15. We played two teams that year that could have gone to Superbowl...Jets and Raiders. Beat em both
  16. Lenny called his own plays. Garrett was better than McCoy. Otis T not as good as Tyreek. Livingston was our 3rd not 2nd QB as we lost Jackie Lee soon after Dawson went down. But oh my what an offensive line that was. And Mex is right about our defensive allstars. We need to win two of the next four then we get a BYE and hope Mahomes is ready. Going to be hard but can be done. No...We can win this game without P Hamper
  17. I am not negative Nancy. Sorry but keep our eyes on the prize. When we won superboel, Dawson out of even 7 games........History repeats itself itself. Defense really got to step it up. But...can be done. Excuse me...CAN Be DONe.
  18. Mahomes is not our entire team. Keep fighting.
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