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Everything posted by wilkie
  1. Keep fighting the good fight. We are NOT done
  2. I know I am full of shit but we gotta get behind the guys who are still standing and worry about the rest of this deal tomorrow
  3. I realize that I never got big bucks to play this game. But play I did.
  4. Most everyone on this board has played some level of football. Do what it takes. That is all we can do.
  5. Everybody bring your A game and do your best. Stop worrying about what you cannot control.
  6. Not tonight. Priority one is win this damn game
  7. Crying over spilt milk he is nothing. Win the fucking game right now. This is 22 man football not 1 man.
  8. Everybody SHUT Up. We gotta do what we gotta do.
  9. This is FOOTBALL. Gotta play with what we got. Stop trying to justify any of this. We got to go out and win this regardless.
  10. Thanks BS. Played a lot of football and my love affair with the CHIEFS goes back to 1965. The trick is not to get too high or too low. Try to look at it as it is and not how you wished it was or wasnt.
  11. Some of you....a few perhaps....may remember back last summer when a few of us lost souls posted a less than optimistic assessment of the Chiefs defense. This is not an I told you so post. The truth is that it takes time for a new defense to come together. These guys have not played defense together before last month. There are a number of wholesale working parts that have not meshed. Will they by mid season? I don't know. But quit being stupid. You can dream all the pipe dreams you want but for an eleven man defense to solidify is not something that happens overnight. This may not be the Chiefs year regardless of the rose colored glasses. But please...….be realistic. This team is still a work in progress and there will be bumps along the road. Disappointed? Of course we are. But we still lead the division and the AFC is so screwed up right now that no body (but New England) is in a dominant position.
  12. Suck it up boys. We have a game to play Thursday night. We play with players we got. Time to be a man. Stop reading all the hype and let's play football.
  13. Robinson was a big disappointment. He is okay as a #4 WR but he is lost as a #1. Hardeman has had possession problems throughout the first five games. He is fine when he is the #4 receiver but not good consistently on the outside.
  14. Best medicine for this team is to get Tyreek and Sammy back. Even the PATS cannot double team Hill, Watkins and Kelce
  15. I confess I have come doubts about Hardemans hands
  16. how important Tyreek Hill and Sammy Watkins are to this offense? Do you guys till want Robinson, Hardman and Pringle to be our starting wide receivers?? Time for a reality check.
  17. Aikman should shut up about toughness until he plays the t976 Steelers
  18. Not in the 60s and 70s. Those players were tough guys. Aikman benefited from rules changed in the 90s
  19. Tough guys in a tough time for NFL. Fair to equate with Aikman. No in the grasp. Bump and run was the order of the day. No roughing the QB.
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