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WichitaZRide last won the day on September 6 2016

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  1. This comment makes absolutely no sense…. didn’t realize in America I wasn’t allowed to be upset by something…
  2. This is about the most disrespectful shit I’ve ever seen by a football player… and I can’t believe the Chiefs actually agreed to this crap… Just watch…. Dude gets a bump, incentives, and will end up making hella bank. I’m guessing there’s an agreement for no 2024 franchise tag and dude walks…. All this drama and the chiefs end up with a 3rd round comp when he leaves us next year…
  3. I know I’m late to the party…. But I think this all gets resolved one way or another today or tomorrow. My personal theory this whole time is that CJ is a veteran that didn’t wanna deal with training camp, and used his contract to get out of it. Now he needs a couple weeks to get in game shape and learn new plays, so it’s time. My gut tells me he’s just been “negotiating” as a stall tactic and now that it’s time to return, is gonna take what we offer is on the table at this point… Don’t get me wrong…. I love the guy and hope he figures out something with the Chiefs, let’s be honest…. Doesn’t CJ just seem to be the kind of dude that would value hanging out with his buddies and not going to hot, tough training camp practices more than the million or so he will lose in fines? Like the rest of you…. We shall see soon…
  4. I wanna start off my saying I have faith in Veach. That said, when the WR market is as thin as it his this off season, I can’t blame Veach for not doing more. You can’t make people appear out of nowhere. As it currently stands, this is what we are looking at for WRs WR1 - MVS WR2 - Toney (if he’s even healthy) WR3 - Moore WR4 - Ross I know we make comments that Pat can work with anyone, but this has me pretty scared. I’d argue that most teams in the league would have all these guys as WR3 or lower on their team…. I’m sure some would have MVS as WR2, but that’s it. It seems at this time that our only real options are ODB and Hopkins. Unfortunately, I think teams will overpay for ODB and will offer more in trade for d-hop. I can’t fault Veach for being disciplined and not overpaying for either of these guys. That doesn’t fix the problem though. My only thought is maybe some team out there is about to pull a Keyshawn/Steve Smith situation and Veach may have already talked to them about trading for the exiting player. I dunno guys…. I just don’t want the Chiefs to turn into a Green Bay situation where they don’t give him squat for receivers and expect him to carry the team.
  5. Steelers assistant head coach retiring after 27 seasons... Don't know if they will promote within or what, but feels like a perfect place for him...
  6. Was it funny? Hell yes! Was the timing off.... absolutely. I know its Valentines day and fitting for the day, but its just too soon. If he were to drop something like this a month or two from now it would be better received, but damn, two days after the SB things are still a bit raw. But....still funny, lol...
  7. yeah..... that masters degree in sports management is the ideal college path for a bimbo to take...
  8. I think it will depend on the off season. The Eagles have A LOT of work to do in the off season if they want to be contenders again. I can see the NFL actually using this to inflate ratings to a game that might not matter later in the season if things don't go the eagles way. I think it ends up being a rematch with the eagles. Just makes the most sense, to be honest...
  9. Maybe its just me..... I love the show, but does anyone else feel its a little too long? Like in the beginning it was right around an hour. Now for the last several episodes they are hitting 1:45-2:10. Maybe I just don't have the attention span for podcasts...lol
  10. I wonder how Damar Hamlin felt when he got the script for the 1/2 game?
  11. Am I the only person that thinks this is satire? Because I swear, the world is running with this as if it were true and legit. Lot gonna lie....kinda lost here...lol
  12. I mean... They are 3-0 against us i the last 13 or so months and just beat down the Bills in their own house in their own elements. Not to mention they know that Pat has a bad leg. If I was a Bengals fan I'd be talking mad smack too...
  13. Yeah..... what a grasp for straws. They act like their own team isn't refunding tickets for the Jacksonville/Cincinnati AFCCG that they were selling tickets for as well... Everyone wants to play the victim these days, lol
  14. Dude…. I don’t know what alcohol or drugs were involved with that post, but I seriously hope you get the help you need…
  15. All I know is that all this injury stuff probably really hurt his market value. Although he never really missed games, it sure felt like his entire career he's get hurt in ever single game in some way, shape or form. And now in his first season as a "featured" WR, he has been hurt all season long and continues to have multiple things going on.
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