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arrowhead last won the day on September 21 2023

arrowhead had the most liked content!

About arrowhead

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  1. Had the Burnt Ends for lunch. 5 out of 10. Difficult to impress me when I've enjoyed Burnt Ends prepared by the best BBQ cooks in the world.
  2. Maybe we're undervaluing JuJu. If Pat threw it to him, he'd catch it. I think the Chiefs lead the league in dropped passes. Scramble drill? Moore? Anyone? MH and Toney are nothing more than gadget guys. With all that twitch/speed, they should be taking the top off. DCs should have to game plan for that. MVS will have a good game and then disappear for weeks. Watson will make a tremendous catch and then drop an easy one. I agree, Rice is gonna be the #1 guy, if he isn't already. Andy and Nagy don't seem to have complete trust in him just yet. Kelce, Gray, Rice, Watson, Pop. Let's roll.
  3. You should go back and look again. Boners were everywhere. Knows the playbook, but he can't get on the field. Why is that? He is still the same gadget only guy he was before he left. MH and Toney are interchangeable, which is not a good thing. Neither should be on the roster next year. Lots of speed, but no targets or playing time.
  4. Tonight, we dined on the Brisket Burnt Ends with Mac & Cheese. Didn't really work for us. I'll give a 4.5 out of 10.
  5. If the Jets win tonight they push the Bengals out of the current playoff standings.
  6. Rice is the only keeper in that group. Still waiting on MH to fix the WR group.
  7. 60 offensive snaps. Moore-15 Hardman-13 Toney-7 I know it varies by game, but that isn't encouraging for these 3.
  8. We should have a forum of "When Arrowhead was right, When Arrowhead was wrong." "When Xen was right, When Xen was wrong." At the conclusion of the regular season. Loser buys Q39.
  9. It's gonna come down to who is healthy at the end, as it always does.
  10. The Chiefs need the #1 seed. If that happens, I see Chiefs/Ravens in the CG. If they don't, I have no idea.
  11. I like it. What anyone else thinks doesn't matter.
  12. We had the BBQ Baked Beans with Burnt Ends and I made some corn bread. The box said 2 portions, that's a stretch. I see a big bowl of ice cream in my near future. The taste and texture were good. 7.5 out of 10. We'll have it again.
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