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Everything posted by xen
  1. For reference, Kelce had a 7% drop rate last year.
  2. I will say this for MVS, the drop rate narrative being thrown out by the blogs is based on 1 season, 2020, where his drop rate was 11% (7 drops out of 63 targets). The other 3 years his drop rate has been above average to great (0 drops in 2021 on 55 targets for example) So honestly while I am concerned it is not a huge concern. He may not have all world hands but he's at least average to really good over time, which is fine. There have been lots of truly great receivers with average drop rates. Hell Brandon Marshall had a great career with a shit ass drop rate.
  3. I'm with Fmbl. The drop rate is concerning to me. There is a bit of evidence that he can be more than what they had him doing in GB, which was mostly simplified deep routes.
  4. If it makes u feel better he also called mahomes a top 2 qb in the league "and he ain't number 2" in the latest podcast. Some people need to get a life if they actually gave a crap about what he said. I didn't see the problem with it. Mostly the same old "RAWR someone didn't suck my teams dick" bullshit from fans.
  5. Fun fact, he was originally drafted by the Canton Bulldogs in 1920
  6. Bell is the designated blocking tight end. Hard to get rid of him and they're high on Fortson and Grey. Sure will be a pretty rough decision. Nice problem to have
  7. Was just gonna say one of you fuckers that does social media get it out there
  8. I just drew a painting of the game on our cave wall and would stare at that. Same thing.
  9. I didn't give an opinion on why mahomes makes a particular decision as it is impossible to tell without being in the room. Personally i do not think it's an issue. Mahomes typically makes good decisions. Our problems last year were more related to lack of reliable options past Kelce and Hill.
  10. Reread my response: "If an RPO concept is run correctly"...
  11. If an RPO concept is run correctly the choice is made by the defender they're keying on nnot necessarily the QB. If they drop in coverage they can't fill rush lanes and vice versa. The QB just has to read this and the play proceeds accordingly.
  12. I would imagine all he wants for his birthday is a stack of pancakes
  13. People can donate any time they want. Most do it with the big drive every year. Well, I mean most don't donate at all they just freeload and bitch 🤣 but of the ones that do... Well kick the drive off soon once we get closer to the season.
  14. For those inquiring we'll raise funds for board costs close to preseason
  15. Again it's not really off field, I misspoke. It's NFL related vs non NFL related. Locker room is fair game for discussion. I agree on Owens btw. I think he should have been first ballot, just reporting what's out there.
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