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Everything posted by xen
  1. I think the Fins may have enough weapons that teams won't be able to do that. I think. Kind of depends on how they plan to utilize them. If they play all that outside zone (remember their coach was a Shanahan guy, first the dad, whom i wont name here cause fuck that guy, and and then run game coordinator for the 9ers under kyle) then yeah the numbers won't be there.
  2. none of what he said is bad, just his perspective. He's probably right in that we did not gameplan enough in some games for him, and the Bmore game is a good example. That said he was worth what he was asking for without a doubt and he offered KC a discount. If you say you'll take 25-26 because KC is where you want to be, after the top of the market is set at 30, and you know you can reset the market again if you were in free agency, then that's about as much as you can expect from a player that is the most feared receiver in the game. That said it worked out for everyone. It was shocking at the time but Veach did the right thing by Tyreek and by KC in doing the trade. This does bring up the point that Kelce is now the most underpaid player in the NFL and is under contract for 4 more years. He does not seem to care about that based on his response to Kittle's comments, but it is a fact. I think at this point he has a great shot to end up being the best receiving tight end in NFL history.
  3. I think that's probably his contracts however since he spent the vast majority of his time on the practice squad and scout team he would not have actually received his contract salaries but rather the practice squad minimums.
  4. Hmmm, I always thought you had to do a job to retire from it. My bad.
  5. If only Spags had experience utilizing an undersized pass rush package to great effect and riding it to a superbowl. If he could manage to do that, it would be cool to name it after something fast like racecars. Daytona package? Or maybe the Indy 500 package? Meh, both are too specific. How about the Formula 1 package? Nah too European. Oh hey, the Nascar package. Sounds good. Ⓒ xen 2022.
  6. Tbh he would still be good in PPR. He should get a lot of high percentage catches with noodle arm throwing to him
  7. I do feel like an improved secondary will really help the rush. QBs were getting off passes way too quickly last year. You can see it in the stats as we had really good pressure rate but low sacks.
  8. I do agree we start slow. I expect the defense won't come around until mid-season. The offense hopefully earlier.
  9. 🤣 I can give you 30 million reasons why he won't end up giving a shit in the long run.
  10. Injuries can always decide a division. How many playoffs did Andy make with Alex Smith? We are young and deep. You're right in that we may not take the division but 7 teams make the playoffs. You saying we won't make top 7 in the conference? We'd have to be decimated by injury. Fyi mahomes has already has a baby and comes from parents with pro sports experience. I'm sure they figure out how to have a baby.
  11. You're completely ignoring the market. If you are young and considered top 10 at your position you're likely going to reset the market if you have any leverage at all (he is and he does) That did KC has an amazing cap and contract guy in Brandt Tillis.
  12. Foster had a discectomy for a bulging disc and romo had a slipped disc. Not the same thing. Ross will be the first to play in the nfl with congenital spinal fusion.
  13. That Rutgers team was total ass. He does need to learn patience behind the line but... seriously, total ass.
  14. Cmon baby boy. Daddy needs a new qb in 20 years
  15. You're right in that all in all we did not give up a ton for a LT. Depending on which chart you use it was anywhere from a late 1st to late 2nd total value. If we did go that route, a tag and trade next offseason would make more sense to me.
  16. Can we all though? Reread this thread and get back to me.
  17. As long as we're speculating though, I'd tap out around 23 per year unless he was ok with a lot of funny money on the backend (some guys are so who knows) as I think he has more trade value than the OBJ haters here do.
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