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Everything posted by xen
  1. I think Veach probably trusts his ability to find low cost corners at thus point. And he should. His track record is amazeballs at that position.
  2. I am just talking about guys we have a legitimate shot at. I don't expect Burks or London to be there at the bottom of the first. Yes I like him better than the others in round 2. I think we need a significant investment at receiver and I think a guy like Olave will contribute much faster. Not sure about his speed but he's got all the rest and I love a good technician at receiver. Great route runners with some athleticism typically have a lower bust percentage
  3. I think we may end up with Olave at the end of the first, as I think he may drop after having a bit of a down year. An outside technician like that is just what the doctor ordered. Not sure if we'd have to trade up for him or not. He may test himself higher but looks to be another good receiver crop this year. I wanted Olave to come out last year and not sure going back to school helped him.
  4. BTW @mex absolutely do agree that the perception of his play has been greatly colored by the expectations based on past performance of this offense. I am most definitely not arguing that they are playing up to that level. I also think Andy could stop being so cute down in the red zone.
  5. Got a chance to rewatch and Bolton getting 99% of the snaps is a game changer. Those snaps went to you know who in past games. Either Spags is starting to trust him in coverage based on practice snaps or he was looking to see if he could trust him in coverage. Either way, his tape held up. He missed a few but was otherwise really good in man and zone. And the Chargers targeted him quite a few times.
  6. Sorry gonna disagree. NFL gamepass has coach's tape and what I've seen is a guy who is learning to take what the defenses give him. He has progressed during this season from doing that as a last resort to recognizing what the D is trying to do earlier in the snap and feeding his guys while they still have time to make a play. Outside of the games I mentioned where his play was actually poor, when you start breaking down the drives in each game and realize how many drives were stopped by our own players through drops and turnovers you start to understand that he really has not been playing poorly (overall, he has his poor moments) at all. It is almost impossible to tell how well an individual is playing by watching the only the live broadcast. I would also argue with the assertion some have made here that the pass protection has been poor. I think some saw the early season struggles and maybe are just assuming that has continued, but it really hasn't and got cleaned up quite a while ago, outside some struggles at RT (looking at you Wylie). It's the same assertion people are still making that OBJ is struggling in pass pro when the reality is he has continually improved there throughout this season and actually has been doing very well vs some strong pass rushers. That is not to say we don't have issues, we do. Where Patrick still struggles some is escaping a pocket when he doesn't need to and he also still sometimes takes longer drops than necessary, which always hurts your Oline. But he has also cleaned that up to some extent and has been doing better with it. That is also not to say that Patrick has not had struggles this year. He obviously has. But it's not to the extent people think. I said it when we had a losing record and I'll say it again. Turnovers and drops have hurt us more than anything. The perception of this whole season looks different without those, and we saw them again this week.
  7. BTW haven't seen anything on it so forgive me if I missed it (didn't read the game thread), but I thought it was hilarious and awesome that Andy had Ingram go out for the OT coin toss. What a great pickup he has been and awesome reminder for Chargers fans, one man's trash is another's treasure.
  8. My bad, I thought we could have conversations on the forum instead of a series of hot takes.
  9. He did not play like garbage. He had 2 drives where he made key mistakes. The int and the throw in the dirt at the goal line that both put us in a hole. Other than that we had one 3 and out drive and the drive that ended in a fumble. You have an interesting perspective on playing like garbage. Some of you are very stark in your opinions, it's either all world or total garbage, with no nuance or room in between.
  10. Outside of the Giants and Tits games, where, you know, he actually played the first 2 bad games of his career (most especially vs the Tits), he has not been playing poorly. The game film does not back your assertion sir. There is a massive difference between not playing to the all world level he set previously and playing poorly.
  11. Out. He wasn't put on the active roster for the game so he's out.
  12. Meh he's been killing it since he got healthy. The money is a sunk cost. He dominated a very good raider left tackle in Kolton Miller.
  13. Clark the Shark has been killing it and earning checks. Really would need him to step up big if CJ is out.
  14. Nnadi will just play obvious runs snaps as usual. Ingram was playing inside quite a bit and Jones took a lot of snaps at end against Raiders. If CJ is out I would bet Reed gets lot of those snaps and Ingram stays outside with Wharton rotating inside. Sure would have been nice to have Khalen available
  15. Unless the light comes on for Gordon in this offense I'm not convinced we'll see the O fully back this year. It was a good sign though that we made attempts to get Gordon involved yesterday. To me that means Andy thinks he's getting close.
  16. I mean it would be nice. Easier to find a big safety than an HB type.
  17. Well the Sam plays roughly 20% of the time, when we're in base. Sorensen plays a much different role in big nickel. Your Sam is playing some zone but plays down low and is there to mostly help stop the run or rush. Wilson did not have much juice as a pass rusher. Nobody says you can't find an upgrade, but Sam's don't tend to get drafted that high or command that much money in today's market where teams are in nickel or dime 80% of the time.
  18. If I'm looking for another LB, probably need to find a true Sam for Spags, thumper + part time pass rusher plus some coverage ability. No need to draft high for that though. Day 3 pick or low level FA probably fine there.
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