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Everything posted by xen
  1. Just added gyphy app. We'll see how it goes. For the technologically impaired:
  2. The NFL can do whatever they want within the bounds of the CBA. Which is a lot.
  3. Looks like the software is still reindexing the old posts. I'll see what it looks like after it's done
  4. Don't feel special. I can't remember anybody's name.
  5. No idea havent looked at the settings yet.
  6. Depends. If the first gets dismissed they can't use it in the 2nd.
  7. From what I read most first offenses are pled down. Not to mention the cops had better hope they did everything exactly right and had probable cause to search or the prosecution won't be able to submit the gun as evidence, in which case it will be dismissed with no evidence. Even in California, if the barrel was sticking out of a bag, they have to show they knew it was an illegal gun vs a legal one to have probable cause for a search since it was a routine traffic stop.
  8. I'll fix the schemes when I get some time.
  9. Board is being updated. If you've had problems on mobile clear your cache and re log in after updates completed and see if that doesn't fix it.
  10. That roster would cause trouble though with an elite qb.
  11. What am I, his agent? Why does anyone need guns or security.
  12. He did say it was his security teams gun.
  13. Appreciate you all. Have received 7 donations so far. Some I'm not sure who from as I'm old and don't remember people's real names lol
  14. If the blueprint is having no oline and a distracted team and coach, I guess sure. Like any team key injuries can get us. There are also worry spots... D end, corner, 3rd WR. All in all I like where we are.
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