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Everything posted by xen
  1. There's a few in the past that send a check. I can do that but warning, my address has changed. PM me if that is your preference. Prefer PayPal.
  2. Fyi we added a few mods: ATLchief azchief21 Reesebobby We gave them the banhammers with training wheels so if u accidentally get banned let one of the adults know. Fyi I am not one of the adults.
  3. I think we're all a little excitatory him 😃
  4. Are you just talking about Wilson's nickel snaps? I think all those go to Gay. Base Bolton? - Hitch - Gay Nickel Hitch - Gay Dime ? Preferably Gay but who knows if he's ready for that. May be team dependent.
  5. I think Bolton gets the Sam snaps as few as they are. Gay at Will. Hitch at mike for 1 more year. Is Gay ready to take dime LB snaps is the big question. I think he plays nickel with hitch for sure.
  6. He makes some good points. I didn't really watch AZ last year other than a game or two so no idea if his tank is empty or not.
  7. Ankle spurs suck. So do heel spurs. I can't imagine playing football with that. You can get em ground off surgically though.
  8. I think I agree with this. Red.
  9. Agree he's acted like an idiot at times. You probably would be too if you were raised homeless on the street by a crackhead mom. I still don't think the last two are even constitutional laws, although if it helps ya the 9th Circuit Court agrees with you that those laws are totally constitutional. I know how much you love the 9th circuit. 😃
  10. I was responding to the thought that he shouldn't be able to play in the NFL again.
  11. I honestly could care less what the team name is. As long as they win, they can call em anything and I'd be like, "Yeah, go KC Vagina Clowns, beat them Raiders"!
  12. Sure. If they repeatedly do it. Did Hunt have issues other than the big one?
  13. For having a gun??? I mean yeah it was dumb but only considering where he was. In my state thats not even a citation. Hell they might give you a ticket here if you DON'T have a gun in your car.
  14. They wanted to start with guys who were likely starters or getting significant reps the first year of the summit. Meant to only have 20 or so guys but it blew up quickly. Per Kittle when they asked him why Tebow wasn't invited.
  15. If Clark had 15 sacks last year none of u would give a shit. Hell there are 2A absolutists in this thread. Reminder Clark has 8 sacks in the last 2 postseasons. Chris Jones has 0, though he does get good pressure.
  16. Typically any player that is cut, the guaranteed money accelerates into the cap. If done after June 1 the hit can be spread over 2 years. Whether additional relief can be had depends on any offset language in the specific contract. KC would have to show the player violated that portion of the contract and the union almost always files a grievance even then, which may take a few years in arbitration, and usually results in some sort of compromise. This is different than the league process. In that, he has violated league conduct policy which specifically mentions illegal possession of a firearm or weapon. Even with 2 violations that likely would only result in counseling and suspensions from the league since it wasn't a violent crime. Possibly he would be placed on the commissioners exempt list. For Clark, his 2021 salary fully guaranteed in March. Future guarantees may be able to be recovered though since there is an out built into the contract after this year.
  17. Exactly. A Lamborghini? He should have gone with the Ferrari like pat.
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