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Everything posted by xen
  1. Just saying we all want to see the details.
  2. Yes you're very special. Calm your tits there bruh.
  3. https://www.nfl.com/news/chiefs-patrick-mahomes-agree-to-10-year-contract-extension
  4. Cowboys glorify gun violence Vikings, raiders and Buccaneers glorify murder and thievery, and probably raping and pillaging. Steelers and packers remind people that capitalist pig dogs stole their future. Saints evokes religion, nuff said And the Browns are the worst of all. Pretty easy if you try. Next on the list any team names with animals. Gotta appease the animal rights folks. So no more ravens either. The team glorifies violence against animals.
  5. I would bet not. Can't wait to see the details.
  6. It's not comparable at all to other jobs. Not even to entertainers since they're unlikely to get injured on the job. Yet people always insist on making that comparison every time a contract dispute comes up. The nfl is a violent sport with short careers and a lot of money at stake. I don't blame players for trying to get what they can get. The vast majority never put themselves in a position to get a contract like Jones would command on the open market. And while 1 year 16 mil sounds great to us average Joe's, consider that whatever he signs for he'll get about half after uncle sam and his agents, and he has to weigh that against the possibility of serious injury. So 8 mil really vs the possibility of 100 mil + (or I guess to be fair, half that, so say 50).
  7. Ok so would you be happy if you were one of the best at your job but not only does your work pay you less than others but keeps you from shopping your services to another company so you can make more?
  8. Seattle thought they'd get a 3rd for Clowney this year. How'd that work out again?
  9. Just a little fuel for the fire. The aggressiveness index sorts out situations where most head coaches have historically gone for it on fourth down. This gives a clearer picture of which coaches are more aggressive. Warning, read the methodology first. https://www.footballoutsiders.com/stat-analysis/2020/aggressiveness-index-2019 This really shows how historically aggressive Harbaugh was this year. Nobody in nfl history has come close. Ironically the 4 guys that were most aggressive in 2019 were all from Andy's coaching tree, yet Andy ranks pretty low. Both superbowl coaches this year ranked in the bottom 10. Interesting.
  10. Good point. Point deducted for using logic in an arguement.
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