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Everything posted by xen
  1. What up bossman. This is what having the best QB in the league with a great team behind him feels like. Who knew?
  2. I do too but I can't deal with the timing between the radio and tv
  3. Gotcha. Yeah we all have guys that just grate our nerves
  4. Maybe well break Garoppolo in half again.
  5. Yeah this is pathetic. Either way, I've come to believe that Mahomes is better than Aaron Rodgers ever was.
  6. Except for Wilkie. But he's not a pussy for crying, he's a pussy for going to KU.
  7. The color guy's job is to bring some energy to the broadcast and explain why things are going well for whomever is doing well at the time. Not sure I see the problem. Romo is as good at explaining what's happening and things people would miss as anyone. Case in point when he called it at the point he knew Mahomes had figured out the Tit's defensive gameplan, right as the comeback started.
  8. Early lines... kc favored over san fran -2.5 to -3 range. KC would be favored over pack by -6.
  9. Packers sucking. Predictable. Would prefer Green Bay in the Superbowl, but not looking good. Idiots are giving it away now.
  10. Don't get me started on Fouts. He's not Booger level bad, but he sucks out loud.
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