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Everything posted by xen
  1. Oh I thought he said long term. Immediately we need a MLB who can cover in the worst way, then offensive line. I'd still take DE or CB over all of them, even with the current roster. Can't have too many cover corners or pass rushers.
  2. It's a passing league ya'll. The correct answers are pass rusher and corner out of those options. They're the hardest to find. Now, if instead of Ray Lewis it was a Luke Kuechly type at MLB I'd put that right up there. A MLB who can defend the pass that well is a hell of a matchup weapon. After that, safety and the interior line positions listed. Then the rest. RB is dead last. Wait, what's after dead last? RB is that.
  3. Those guys didn't have a bunch of good vets in front of them either. All our RBs can play so I get giving him some time to acclimate. Yeah the coach was from Jenks too. Had to stop coaching last year due to ALS. Finally got him this year. Dude won 13 state championships at Jenks.
  4. Yeah because he's a rookie. That's the only reason as word is he's been absolutely tearing it up on the scout team to a near Mahomesian level. Fyi his HS head coach died this weekend too. Very well thought of coach in this area so he had to be devastated by that.
  5. All I know I'd 63 gets the award for best use of the phrase "hind tit" this year.
  6. That's simply not true. Most NFL guys are making minimum salary, which at its lowest is about 10 years worth of the median US salary. Not saying that's not a lot but hardly a lifetime of earnings. The median NFL salary is about 20 times the median US salary. And that's gross not net. They'll actually get, after taxes and agent's fees, about half that, so minimum on the lowest salary is about 5 years of median US salary. But yes, to your point, not bad if you can get it.
  7. The NFL announced today scheduling changes for Week 13 on Sunday, December 1. Oakland at Kansas City has moved from 1:00 PM ET on CBS to 4:25 PM ET on CBS. Cleveland at Pittsburgh has moved from 4:25 PM ET on CBS to 1:00 PM ET on CBS.
  8. Our offense is not why we lost y'all. Just a friendly reminder.
  9. Oh god I want that 2 minutes of my life back. I hesitate to call shit like that an article. It's a glorified board post. And not a good one.
  10. None of those teams were smashmouth, even if they ran it lots. Hell the iggles practically used Andy's playbook.
  11. Couldn't grab the vids but here's the article. I replaced the blank vids I could with tweets from Seth that had the same video. Also fwiw, Seth correctly points out on twitter that we iced the week 3 game with a similiar concept to the one that failed to ice this game (screen to rb) Here's the article though: Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid just couldn’t help himself. And really, why would there be any doubt? After all, Reid is known as one of the NFL’s most brilliant offensive minds over the past 20 years. He has been the type of innovator that other coaches imitate. The league has changed a great deal during his time as a head coach, yet Reid’s ability to design and call effective plays has remained a constant. So why wouldn’t he think that with the game on the line, his play-calling would give the Chiefs the best chance to win? It’s perfectly natural. But it was wrong nonetheless. The Chiefs suffered a tough loss to the Tennessee Titans on Sunday. A series of mistakes that can’t be blamed on coaching peppered the game. A fumble by running back Damien Williams was returned for a touchdown, drops by receivers Tyreek Hill and Sammy Watkins were game-altering, and missed tackles led to huge touchdowns. Reid didn’t help things with some unnecessarily conservative fourth-down decisions. All these mistakes brought the Chiefs to the most crucial down of the game. With 1:36 remaining in the game and the Chiefs leading, 32-27, they faced a 3rd-and-2 on the Titans’ 24-yard line. The Titans had burned two (of their three) timeouts, and a conversion here would end the game. With the game on the line, Reid did what he has done so often in his career: trusted himself. Reid dialed up a screen to backup tight end Blake Bell that relegated Hill, Travis Kelce, Demarcus Robinson (on the field instead of Watkins) and Williams to little more than glorified diversions. This play’s single design purpose is to fool the Titans into leaving Bell uncovered and create and easy throw/catch for the first down. Unfortunately for Reid and the Chiefs, the Titans weren’t fooled and Bell was well-covered (including by his own right tackle for a moment there). Mahomes tries to buy time to his right in the hopes that Bell will come uncovered as the linebacker moves to rush, but Titans defensive lineman DaQuan Jones smartly drifts back and cuts off the passing lane to compensate, leaving Mahomes nowhere to throw the ball. The idea behind this play is perfectly sound. Why not zig when the opponent expects you to zag? But the call here is inherently flawed in two ways. One is perhaps forgivable, the other less so. The first problem with this design is that it ignores the results of the previous play, not just in yardage gained but in the reaction of the Titans’ defense. Here, Williams runs for a relatively minimal gain before getting hit, but is able to churn his legs and keep moving forward. Center Austin Reiter and Bell provide an assist, and the play gains 5 yards against a team that knew the run was coming. Look at the faces and body language of the Titans’ defenders after the play. They’re beaten. While I tend to stay away from analysis of things that cannot be quantified, the lack of emotion following that play is indicative of a team that feels like they’d given it their best shot but were just stringing out the inevitable. Things like momentum aren’t visible in the aggregate, but during individual situations, the mindset of the opponent should at least be considered. The chances that the Chiefs could have forced their way forward for another 2 yards against a defense on its heels felt pretty good in the moment, and even better in hindsight. Reid choosing to go away from the run on the next play failed to account for that, and also led to a loss of multiple yards that could have, in theory, affected the ensuing field goal. However, that’s not the most egregious error Reid made with this call. The more unforgivable aspect is that it ignores a simple fact that Reid cannot seem to adjust to: reigning NFL MVP Patrick Mahomes is his quarterback. By calling this play, Reid effectively removed any options from Mahomes’ hands if the call failed. It’s the sort of call that coaches should make in crucial situations when their quarterback is flawed or more of a game manager than a creator. But that is not and has never been Mahomes, who is the best creator in the game. This play came on a 3rd-and-2 earlier in the game. Mahomes had no options open initially, but was able to keep the play alive until Robinson came back toward him and delivered an accurate pass under absurd circumstances. Because the play called for multiple live routes and genuine pass protection, Mahomes had time to survey the field and find someone who beat the coverage. This is in direct opposition to the screen, which resulted in immediate pressure by its design and didn’t allow him a chance to create. Mahomes provided Reid with multiple examples throughout the game of how third down was best placed in his hands, including one of the most spectacular plays of the year. On this 3rd-and-9, Mahomes again doesn’t have any viable options initially, and the Titans are able to get pressure along the edge. It’s worth noting that Mahomes altered the routes or protection prior to the snap after seeing the Titans were sending extra defenders. Mahomes climbs the pocket but sees that the Titans are leaving spies in place to pursue him if he moves outside the pocket. In the meantime, Mecole Hardman is facing man-to-man coverage in the middle of the field and is about to run a pivot route to bring himself to the outside. Mahomes knows where the route is going and sees Hardman’s defender has his back turned. He also knows that the Titans’ spy is lurking to knock down any throw in that lane. So he does the obvious thing (for him, at least) and jumps in the air as he throws to prevent a pass that can be knocked down at the line of scrimmage, placing the ball where he knows Hardman will be. That sort of creativity on the fly is exactly why Reid’s refusal to provide Mahomes an opportunity to create at the end of the game is such a glaring mistake. Mahomes was brilliant throughout the game on third and fourth down. On 14 pass attempts, Mahomes completed 10 passes for 176 yards and a touchdown on those downs, with 8 of those opportunities leading to conversions. Those numbers actually undersell how great Mahomes was in those situations, as drops by Hill and Watkins lost a minimum of 3 catches, 39 yards and a touchdown (as well as two other conversions). Even plays that weren’t conversions, like this Hill drop on 3rd-and-8 with 3:24 left in the fourth quarter, demonstrate how fantastic Mahomes was throughout the game in crucial moments. Here, Mahomes identified Hill as having single coverage down the field and put the ball in a great spot, trusting Hill to make a play. The coverage is excellent, but the ball has enough velocity to arrive before the defender can get his hands up. Hill can’t bring in an admittedly tough catch, but the point remains that Mahomes made an absolutely perfect throw and good decision when given multiple options prior to the snap. I could show play after play of Mahomes correctly reading the Titans’ coverage and making good throws on third down. Whether the Titans blitzed or dropped multiple men into coverage, whether they played man or zone … it didn’t matter. Mahomes repeatedly made the right choice on third down and diced up an overwhelmed defense. One thing the vast majority of those plays had in common was that they provided him multiple options after the snap. Yet with the game on the line, Reid left Mahomes with just one option. Reid has spent his career making talented but flawed quarterbacks look excellent and making subpar quarterbacks look capable. However, he has generally trusted himself over his quarterback in pivotal moments. It’s now forgotten, but Reid called a screen to Darrell Williams late in the fourth quarter against Baltimore in Week 3 as well. Reid’s call here led to the game ending in favor of the Chiefs, and likely reinforced his opinion that his methodology of winning with his mind rather than his quarterback’s talent is the correct one. Of course, the completely different contexts of the plays (different down and distance, different part of the field, different player) and the fact that the Titans had that call on film to prepare for should have given Reid pause. But it didn’t, and the Titans were ready for it. A lot of things went wrong in this game that Reid couldn’t control, and to blame the loss entirely on him or a single play call is foolish. But when a pattern emerges that’s problematic, ignoring one of the causes is the opposite of winning football. And the Chiefs have a pattern of struggling to finish close games. Reid and Mahomes have always had the potential to be a perfect marriage. The work Reid has done with Mahomes in coaching out some of his worst tendencies can’t be overstated, and Reid’s exceptional offensive design has provided Mahomes with open receivers on many of his dropbacks. But a perfect marriage is a two-way street, and right now Reid is the spouse who isn’t willing to change when it matters most. Reid must learn to trust Mahomes, along with his route combinations, in the biggest moments rather than only trusting his own play design. Reid has shown a willingness to grow and change his offense multiple times over the course of his career. Now he has a choice to make. He can either make the toughest change of his career and adjust to life with Mahomes in clutch moments, or his team can continue to live or die based on his ability to out-think the enemy. Down one path lies a likely Super Bowl, whether it’s this season or in the coming years. Down the other path is more frustrating endings in which the best player in football is rendered irrelevant when it counts. (Photo: Scott Winters/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)
  12. Funny you also don't see a lot of smashmouth teams in the superbowl lately.
  13. Yeah it may be time to turn over playcalling. It was early Dec of his 2nd year as coordinator that Nagy started calling plays.
  14. He has more play calling experience than Nagy and Pederson had when they started calling plays. Granted it was college but still.
  15. Meh Chargers are looking for fans. You can probably be the coach if you want. Reid's not going anywhere. The rest is smoke and bitchin.
  16. https://www.footballdb.com/stats/stats.html?mode=M
  17. Players were pissed and left as soon as they could. Carroll was hypercriticizing everyone but the QB. Not a good atmosphere. He still does it.
  18. Defense is a work in progress. We all knew this. Shouldn't really be a surprise that it's 2 steps forward and one step back.
  19. This is the dumbest thread I've ever read. Congratulations y'all.
  20. Did ya see Pete Carroll 4 years ago when he had a player revolt on the defense cause he was coddling the QB?
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