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Everything posted by xen
  1. Every time I see Shady run with the ball out in his hand I die a little inside.
  2. I wanted him in the draft last year but he predictably went too high.
  3. Heck if Shady wouldn't have fumbled, or maybe if Reid went for it on 4th and 3... you're right this was a hell of an effort against a great team and we were right in it til the end. With being so shorthanded, KC showed up to play big time. Like most NFL games, the team with the better QB won, but man did Moore ball out.
  4. He's going to end up kicking a girl in the ass outside his apartment because he flashes the peace sign? Isn't that a well reasoned take. (spoiler alert: it's not).
  5. Slight chance he's back next week for Minny, much better chance he's back for Tenn. Also here's more evidence that Patrick Mahomes is not human, but in fact our new Alien Overlord.
  6. He didn't invent it he's just the first who used it in a game. It's basically a basketball defensive technique. Bump and run was invented by a basketball player, KC Jones, who won multiple championships in college with Bill Russell at U of San Francisco. He was a late round pick in camp with the LA Rams in the 50s, came up with bump and run because that's how he was playing college basketball on defense. Jones taught it to the coach, Jack Faulkner, who a few years later taught it to Willie Brown at Denver, who took it to Oakland when he was traded there in 67, where it finally made it into a game. Ironically, KC Jones never played a game for the Rams and then went to play for the Celtics, and the rest is history.
  7. lol I always go for the aisle seat myself. Fuck the Middle of the Row!!! Have fun brah. Eat lots of bbq for us.
  8. I still think we need an upgrade at corner. This last Denver game we did not respect their passing game and that allowed Mathieu to play down low. He's had to play back far too often this year. Maybe with Mo back that's fixed but I doubt it.
  9. Not sure next year's 1st + a seven year old 1st from 2012 would do it, even with Fisher. Maybe give them our 1985 first round pick to sweeten the deal.
  10. I'd say he provides inconsistent pressure. He's better against the run but he's not in the same stratosphere as Chris Jones as far as pressuring the QB.
  11. Yeah I'm with Cali here. You can't blame the RPO calls. if Pat reads them right, and he usually does, then the defense is dictating run or pass, not the offense.
  12. I think for purposes of me making a joke on the internet, KT tape will suffice.
  13. Man I almost bought tix to this game just to see Mahomes vs Old Man Mahomes. Glad I didn't.
  14. Hate to say it but I don't like our chances this week against Old Man Mahomes and the Pack. I like us much better the other 3 weeks before the bye.
  15. What would the record be in the final 9 games if Andy had to start Shurmur the rest of the season? I think he could pull 4 wins to get to 9-7. Most of those would probably be division wins so I think we would still sneak into the playoffs. We'll be fine.
  16. Metcalf would not have been as effective with Mahomes. If all we needed were go routes, Metcalf is fine. But as soon as we go to Super Patty Scramble Mode you need guys with good COD and that is not Metcalf's forte. I mean he's downright bottom 10% in the NFL.
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