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Everything posted by xen
  1. lol let's run you out there and see how you hold up.
  2. KC is just biding it's time until Richie Incognito becomes available.
  3. Honestly I think the new AP writers that started after Seth left are doing better than the old crew. Not having those stupid fake articles from Joel Thorman helps. That guy was awful. Seth is still the man, but I ain't paying for his analysis
  4. Absolutely true. Once he gets a real opportunity watch out though
  5. Chiefs have talent in the RB group, it's just buried on the 4th string.
  6. Sorry dude, I've never rage quit my team and then publicly and unironically said I was going to go be a fan of their division rival. Never even thought it. Cause it's not an option. Been a fan since the early 80's so I've had plenty of opportunity.
  7. Not really a fan of Clowney. Btw he hasn't done much either this season. It's almost like it takes guys an acclimation period to learn a new system. Weird, I know, right?
  8. Maybe you can be a Seattle fan too! It's not far from San Diego. Errrr sorry, I mean L.A. Not tryna disparage your team.
  9. What does that even mean and how are you even getting that sense. How would a team in week 4 be too focused on the playoffs? Not even sure how that would work. Nobody is gameplanning the Pats at this point except their next opponent and father time.
  10. Yes he's eligible now. He'll have to get in game shape though.
  11. See I thought nnadi needs some improvement. I watched him get entirely washed out of some run fits, but that was live. Haven't watched any film.
  12. If you read the gameday threads you'd think we're the worst team in the league. Remind me not to watch a game live with all y'all. 😎
  13. Hard to be in close games when we keep carpet-bombing defenses.
  14. Pff is not worthless. It's a tool like any other. As far as advanced stats go, I personally put more value into them than regular stats, but you don't need to be a rocket surgeon to know Mahomes is the best QB in the NFL right now and it's not particularly close. Don't really need a stat or grade to tell me that. Note, not most accomplished, but best.
  15. lol they didnt play in the same era as Aikman either.
  16. Wilkie in the 70's: "All this newfangled music sucks. In my day we did the Charleston with flappers and the ol' rootie tootie and we liked it!" That's a direct quote btw.
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