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Everything posted by xen
  1. This will be an absolutely amazing WR draft class with both quality and depth. Not so sure anyone will overpay for FA receivers this offseason so may be able to pick up a vet for cheap. We need to look at taking a few rookie receivers.
  2. Yeah that is a legit defense. Gonna be hard to run on them without Pop playing.
  3. Amazing what can happen when you surround your QB with playmakers
  4. Viqueens gave that game away. Tush push only works for the Iggles
  5. Playing trash teams and a jags team in freefall. Not saying they won't play well. As you say he's surrounded by a strong team. But he's pretty mid.
  6. Don't blame Cali. Much like Taylor, he falls in love easily. 😁
  7. Yes Skyy was busy making the correct adjustment to the route. There are rules to even post snap adjustments. The biggest clue that it was Mahomes fault though was when Mahomes said he should have thrown the back shoulder. He wasn't covering for Skyy, he was being honest. Lots to criticize Skyy for. This ain't it.
  8. Ross 6 game suspension. 5 already served on the exempt list. Eligible to return to the team Monday after the Bills game.
  9. There's a lot of game film of him getting good separation. Must of watched the wrong 3 minute clip. He had 94 catches his last year in college. 8 were contested catches.
  10. You watch all the the western Michigan games do ya? That's a true fan right there.
  11. FAU had an 8.74 RAS score with elite explosion and COD testing. Skyy had elite speed and quickness scores and good explosion scores. A better assumption is FAU was playing slow in preseason cause he's still learning. He played on that 335 defense in college. Skyy is slow coming along cause he was a convert to the receiver position. Either way I don't think lack of athleticism explains their failure to make an impact so far.
  12. You both are off here. This particular int was on Mahomes not Skyy. This was obviously an RPO and Mahomes changed Skyy's route to beat the man coverage (cover 1 man defense). Rice ran the rub to free Skyy since with the RPO call he needs to get it out quickly. Once the defender doesn't bite on the rub and plays the deeper route Mahomes needs to hit Skyy on the back shoulder throw early as the defender wouldn't be able to get there. That is the post snap adjustment. Skyy slows his route because he can see the defender didn't bite amd you can see him start to turn for the back shoulder throw. Mahomes should have hit him then. People are misinterpreting Skyy's route as a double move but it's not. Instead he throws the pre snap adjustment route, ignoring that the defender didn't bite on the rub. Mahomes even said as much in his press conference that he should have thrown the back shoulder on Skyy. This play actually shows Skyy is starting to make better post snap route adjustments, which is what we've all been crying about. Mahomes just missed it.
  13. It's Andy. You know he's not gonna let him play by then. He'll take the full time.
  14. Limited participant. Looks like he's wearing a cast or something. Still on IR but obviously in his 3 week return period.
  15. Note to Football Gods: please forgive him. He is a Kansassan and knows not what he does.
  16. Note to the Football Gods: We heed your warnings and appropriate disciplinary action has been taken.
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