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Everything posted by xen
  1. They had Alex Smith. That was pre-MVPat so I'd say it was pretty successful considering we were not that far away from the pioli years.
  2. Sold that gin company for like 400m. Then bought a soccer team with Mac from its always Sunny. Nice work if you can get it.
  3. You must have been really disappointed in the outcome
  4. The 🌎: OMG Taylor Swift! Me: OMG Deadpool and Wolverine! lol I'm such the nerd
  5. I don't expect Mahomes will be making horrible decisions and unnecessarily throwing off his back foot all season. Some bad decisions by Pat leading to turnovers, a few bad penalties, and awful officiating on the horse collar and safety calls is how you turn a blowout into a close game.
  6. Complete overreaction. They're playing better than this time last year. How'd that go again? Taylor just needs to clean up the penalties. Other than that he's been very good in pass protection. Last year this was a loss. In fact we saw this game last year at Indy. And in 2021 with the Titans. And in 2020 with the Raiders And in 2019 with the Titans KC usually good for at least 1 October dud. KC always improves throughout the year. OLine jells. WR's need work but continue getting experience. It's like y'all have the memory of a goldfish.
  7. Cause she'll be in Kelce's suite so that won't help.
  8. Not my fault you've never read a book. You should move to Nebraska or Iowa. Fit right in.
  9. Can't we just all agree that both Iowa and Nebraska suck and that everyone that lives there or is from there or has visited there should be ashamed. There was that so hard?
  10. What you fail to realize is that Chris Collinsworth didnt talk about them in the season opener so it's fine.
  11. The league is ridiculous and Chris Collinsworth can get bent. Singling out one guy for something literally everyone does is just asinine. I also loved how in Week 2 Doug Peterson called him out on it in the press before the game to draw the leagues attention to it even though he literally did the same thing in Jacksonville for 5 years, including for Doug last year. These are from Seth. This week's games. https://mnchiefsfan.substack.com/p/jawaan-taylor-inequitable-rule-enforcement Article is unlocked if you want. Andy was hot about it. At least as hot as Andy gets in public. “Now that I have had a chance to look at it, I’d even double down more on what I said [Sunday evening],” said Reid. “I just think they’ve got an eye on him, and they better keep an eye on everybody else, too (chuckling), because it’s to the point of being ridiculous. They got their point proved now out there to the world, so let’s make sure we’re staying consistent.”
  12. lol glad you had a great time at your first game! Nothing like your first arrowhead experience. My first time was great except it was at festivus and I had to meet all these chuckleheads.
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