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Everything posted by xen
  1. Details coming in and an interesting structure on the CJ rework. The new bonuses are being treated as option bonuses and 4 void years were added at the end. So since they're option bonuses added in season, they're all treated as NLTBE bonuses and put on subsequent voided cap years. If not earned they're refunded to the cap. If earned, cap hit can be spread out on the void years. If they tag or he hits FA they would accelerate into 2024 for the ones earned. Some of those bonuses he is unlikely to hit. Smart job by Chiefs brass.
  2. James was having issues with routes as well. I agree, they'll get it cleaned up. The WR room has talent but certainly did not show it in game 1.
  3. Now counts 27m on the cap this year and next. According to this board that means we can't sign any of the young players ever and must trade him immediately if he goes on Twitter. You're on notice Joe!
  4. lol is this real? He was tryna chase her down at her KC concert so possible i suppose. Maybe she's ust a big Catching Kelce fan. lol he is soooooooooo gonna end up a #1 song after they break up.
  5. Meh CJ is a lineman as well, and as I already stated, his position also tends to age well, plus you're an asshole and we keep you around. Try again.
  6. Good guards are much much much easier to find than game wrecking tackles and those guys are usually good through mid 30's too. Just sayin
  7. If we didn't want to extend CJ at 29 why are we reworking Thuney at age 30 again? Could also save quite a bit on the cap by cutting or trading thuney post 6/1 2024.
  8. We're just starting year 2 of his extension so it may be a minute. You think they'll pick up his roster bonus? Next year he drops from 134m dead cap hit to only 62m dead cap. In a few years he has a big 1 year cap hit jump to 62m so that may be the target year (2027). In the meantime he'll have to live on that t-mobile money.
  9. I still don't think we have any intentions to try and trade him. He has more value playing for us than he can bring in a trade.
  10. No worries. We'd have given you crap if you were right too. 😄
  11. No details but my guess from the report is most of it is NLTBE incentives as that's probably the only way to get it under the cap this year.
  12. It's business. Not sure how any of this is disrespectful.
  13. Both brothers put out pretty good breakdowns. I've not really seen Mitch homer out too much. Smart dude. Hell of a cook as well. Puts out some damn good recipes. I've not really watched the game after it ended so no idea if he's correct. I moved on to the Jags.
  14. Ironically we'd have won if he had sat the whole game. I mean the whole loss isn't on him but he directly led to -10 points on drops.
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